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On December 23, 2021, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh.M. Mirziyoev signed the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Establishing the Day of Entrepreneurs". According to this law, August 20 was designated as Entrepreneurs' Day.
On July 25-26 of this year, meetings were held with the participation of entrepreneurs in the districts of Gulistan, Mirzaabad, Boyovut, Yangier and Gulistan, by the judicial panel of the Syrdarya regional court on economic affairs and the inter-district economic court of Gulistan. .
The meeting was conducted freely, and the management of the Syrdarya Regional Court ensured that the rights and legal interests of entrepreneurs were protected through the courts, and the implementation of entrepreneurial activities in legislation in the consideration of disputes between business entities and state bodies, including law enforcement and supervisory bodies, as well as banks. interpretation of all irremediable conflicts and ambiguities arising in connection with the business entity in favor of the business entity, explanations on guaranteeing the right to appeal to the court against illegal decisions of state bodies, citizens' self-government bodies, other organizations, illegal actions (inaction) of their officials given
In particular, the chief accountant of the joint venture "Sarbonteks" limited liability company S. Kulmonov, who participated in the meeting, filed a claim with the economic court, the claim was partially satisfied based on the court's decision, today the court's decision has entered into legal force, and the defendant owes the debt. explained that the writ of execution for the recovery of the amount has been submitted to the compulsory enforcement bureau for execution, but the execution of the court's decision is currently not being executed within the specified period, and asked for practical help in solving this problem.
The Chairman of the Syrdarya Regional Court, A. Khudoyberdiev, sent the applicant the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Execution of Court Documents and Documents of Other Bodies"
According to Article 30 of the executive document, explanations were given about the terms and procedure of compulsory enforcement actions, this appeal was taken under control, the situation of non-enforcement of the court document was analyzed, and it was decided to submit this appeal to the regional office of the Bureau of Compulsory Enforcement in order to ensure that it is resolved in a short period of time.
Also, during these meetings, a total of 7 business entities' appeals were resolved by providing legal explanations on the spot, while 3 appeals were accepted for separate study.
N. Abdullaev
Gulistan inter-district
Judge of the Economic Court
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