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It Is Known That The President Of The Republic Of Uzbekistan Sh.M.In order to ensure the implementation of the tasks set at the video-projector meeting of Mirziyoyev dedicated to “discussion of the priority tasks in the higher education system”on June 16, 2021, 2021, in preparation for the new 2021-2022 academic year, in order to ensure the implementation of the decree of the rector of the University dated June 18, 25-13, 2021,
According to the measures taken to throw the monthly, the socio-economic faculty has organized training courses in order to apply the module system to the educational process, to perfect the HEMIS program and to create skills for Foreign Studies. The training is held every day and is rich in questions and answers.
Система онлайн-заявок на поступление в магистратуру высших учебных заведений
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