Jami talabalar soni
Kunduzgi ta'lim
Sirtqi ta'lim
Kechki ta'lim
Xorijiy talabalar
According to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated September 9, 2021 "On measures to increase the level of student housing in higher education institutions of the Republic" No 563, located in Yangiyer, Shodlik On the territory of the Faculty of Pedagogy in 2022 on the basis of public-private partnership is planned to build a dormitory for 400 students.
In view of the above, this decision:
Paragraph 1 (a): Financing of student housing projects on terms that are freely negotiable by the business entity at its own expense;
Paragraph 1 (c): Financing of student housing projects on the terms set by the business entity at its own expense.
Item 3: Based on the order of the higher education institution and the initiative of the business entity, we invite entrepreneurs and business people to implement this project based on the requirements, such as the organization of student housing on the land owned by the entrepreneur.
Contact phone: 67-225-35-24
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