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Information on training sessions on short-term professional development courses for teaching staff and pedagogical staff of the academic lyceum of Gulistan State University.
On January 8-10, 2018, a short-term professional development seminar for senior and academic staff of the Gulistan State University academic lyceum was held. At the same time, the lecturers of the Department of Physics M.Isroilov and G.Samatov made a lecture on the theme "Legal-regulatory bases of the organization of educational process". Associate Professor of Biology L. Botirova spoke on the theme "The role of educational technologies in teaching science." Also, H. Karshiboev, Professor of the Department of Ecology and Geography, delivered a lecture on the theme "Application of information and communication technologies in educational process".
The seminar was interesting. The head of the department "English language and literature" H.Urazboev informed about the theme "Organization of joined teaching technologies in small groups", Associate Professor of "Uzbek language and literature" O.Fayzullaeva, "The role of educational technologies in teaching social sciences". Senior teacher of "Pedagogics and Psychology" Y. Nurumbekova held an unusual lecture on "Advanced Educational Technologies and Pedagogical Skills".
The workshop was full of interesting and live presentations. Teachers of the academic lyceum who attended the seminar were provided with electronic versions of teaching materials, presentations and distribution materials.
All work on the implementation of the seminar was supervised by F.Niyazov, vice-rector on work with AL and KHK, and B.Abdullayev, Deputy Director of academic lyceum.
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