Extramural (specially extramural) department
Gulistan State University
Phone (0367) 225-40-42
Fax (0367) 225-42-75
Bizning shior: Universitet obro'si har bir professor o'qituvchi, xodim va talabaning or-nomusi, iftixori va vijdon ishidir.           Asosiy maqsadimiz: Eng yetuk universitetlar qatoridan joy olish!           Ilm bir shu'la, dilga tushgan on Shunda bilursankim, ilm bepoyon...
Internal studies (specially extramural) department

Head of the correspondence department of Gulistan State University: Latipov Muratali Mannobovich

Reception days: : Tuesday, Thursday 10.00-15.00

Russian language



1989-1990 - Member of the construction team of the Buvaida settlement.
1990-1992 - In military service.
1992-1993 - Member of the construction team of the Buwayda settlement.
1993-1998 - student of Gulistan State University.
1998-2001 – specialist of the spiritual faculty of Gulistan State University.
2001-2004 – Department of Uzbek linguistics at Gulistan State University. graduate student
2004-2007 – Department of Uzbek linguistics at Gulistan State University. teacher
2007-2017 – Deputy Rector of Gulistan State University.
2017. - Head of the correspondence department of Gulistan State University

Correspondence department of Gulistan State University designer: Mamaraimov Murodjon Rustam's son 

Russian language



2016-2017 - Gulistansky Gosudarstvennyy University, department of archives and copying operator mnojitelnyx machine
2017-2018 year. - Nachalnik premnoy komissii Gulistanskogo staterstvennogo university
2018-2019 year. - Kurer kafedry archivov i archivov Gulistanskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta
2019-2019 year. - Department of technical use and economics of Gulistan state university Vladelets passport
2019-2021 year. - Archives of Gulistan State University
2021. - x.v. - Designer of the kindergarten department of Gulistan State University

Correspondence department of Gulistan State University designer: Êorimov Kabildjon Komiljon's son

Russian, English

+998 95 888 23 97

2021 - page - Designer of the correspondence department of Gulistan State University

Correspondence department of Gulistan State University designer: Bekkuziev Davud Makhmud's son

Russian English

: +998 99 989 47 47

2023 03 State Institution "Syr Darya Technical College of Architecture and Construction" plumber plumber
2018 2022 student of Gulistan State University
September 11, 2023 - Designer of the correspondence department of Gulistan State University.

Correspondence department of Gulistan State University engineer: Abdurazzakova Diyora Komiljon's girl

Russian English

+998 94 872 03 45

2022 - page - Engineer of the correspondence department of Gulistan State University

Correspondence department of Gulistan State University engineer: Usmonov Makhmudjon Abdulla's son

Russian English

2018-2022 – student of Gulistan State University.
In 2021-2022 - geography teacher at school 39 in Boyovut district, Syrdarya region.
2023 - designer of the correspondence department of Gulistan State University.

Gulistan State University with regulatory documents on subjects taught externally, provision, accessibility of educational literature and improving the quality of education about business information

“Special correspondence in the field of pedagogy in higher educational institutions” of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan decision PQ-3183 dated August 9, 2017 “On the creation of departments” at Gulistan State University A special correspondence department has been opened. Correspondence department of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated November 21, 2017 “In a higher educational institution approval of regulations on the organization of correspondence (special correspondence) and evening (shift) training No. 930 and order of the Minister of Higher and Secondary Special Education No. 868 of November 28, 2017. works.

2850 | 2021-02-24 16:58


QABUL-2024 o'qishni ko'chirsh


Xorijiy fuqarolarga qabul 2024

Abituriyentning ijodiy (kasbiy) imtihon axborot varaqasi
Xorijda o'qiydigan talabalarning o'qishni ko'chirish axborot varaqasi

2024-2025 o'quv yilida o'tkaziladigan ijodiy (kasbiy) imtihon manzillari geolakatsiyasi

The contingent of students


Total number of students


Full-time education


Correspondence education


Evening education




Foreign students

Useful resources

Our partners

Useful links for students

Admission for Master's degree

Online application system for admission to the master's degree of higher education institutions


"Billing system for accounting of services rendered to students on a contractual basis"

Information system for accounting of services provided to students on a contractual basis



Unified electronic system of coordination of postgraduate education


Getting a contract

Getting a contract for a second specialty


Submission of an application for accommodation in a student dormitory

Application for accommodation in a student dormitory (for 1st year students)


Interactive public services for students

List of interactive services


Useful links for the Applicant

IT park

IT Park-the locomotive of the IT sphere of Uzbekistan


Address to the rector of Gulistan State University

Send an appeal


IT Professions

Master the professions of the future!



List of benefits granted to higher education institutions to access undergraduate education links


Science complex

A set of subjects for which a test is taken in accordance with the directions of undergraduate education

