Faculty of Production Technology
Gulistan State University
Phone (0367) 225-40-42
Fax (0367) 225-42-75
Bizning shior: Universitet obro'si har bir professor o'qituvchi, xodim va talabaning or-nomusi, iftixori va vijdon ishidir.           Asosiy maqsadimiz: Eng yetuk universitetlar qatoridan joy olish!           Ilm bir shu'la, dilga tushgan on Shunda bilursankim, ilm bepoyon...
Faculty of production technologies


Dean of the Faculty of Production : Sattarov Karim Karshiyevich

Doctor of technical sciences (DSC)

Reception days:every day 10.00-17.00 (except Saturday)

Russian, English languages

(+998) 99-460-35-22


Work experience: 34 years Teaching activity: 12 years
Sattarov Karim Karshievich was born on January 15, 1965 in the city of Gulistan. In 1972-1982 he studied at the secondary school No. 6 of Gafur Gulam in Gulistan.
In 1982-1983, he was a student at the Bukhara Technological Institute of Food and Light Industry.
In 1983-1985 he served in the Soviet Army.
In 1985-1989 he was a student of the Bukhara Technological Institute of Food and Light Industry.
In 1989-1990, the technologist of the change of the Gulistan city bakery.
In 1990-1993, postgraduate student of the All-Union Research Institute of Lubricating Oils (Leningrad) received the degree of Candidate of Sciences in 1993.
1993 Bukhara Technological Institute of Food and Light Industry as an assistant of the Department of Storage and Primary Processing of Agricultural Products.
From 1994 to 2018, he held the positions of technologist, chief technologist, deputy Chief Engineer, chief Engineer and chairman of the Management Board of the enterprise at grain processing enterprises of the Syrdarya and Jizzakh regions.
In 2018-2019, he was a doctoral student at the Bukhara Institute of Engineering and Technology.
2019 Since June 1, Head of the Department of Food Technologies of Gulistan State University.
In 2023 he received the degree of Doctor of Sciences.
Since August 30, 2023, he has held the position of Director of the Institute of Production Technologies of Gulistan State University.
1.Ñàòòàðîâ Ê.Ê .Investigation of the phase composition and structure of stationary catalysts to increase safety of agrarian-and-food production.(Scopus)AGRITECH-VIII 2023 E3S Web of Conferences 390, 02029 (2023) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202339002029.E3S Web of Conferences.https://conf.domnit.ru/ru/materialy/agritech-8-2023/
2.Tukhtamisheva G. K., Ñàòòàðîâ Ê.Ê , NuriddinovB. R.Post-Harvest Processing of Wheat Grain. (Scopus)IP Conference Proceedings 2789, 030009 (2023) https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0145663 RESEARCH ARTICLE | JUNE 23 2023https://pubs.aip.org/aip/acp/article-abstract/2789/1/030009/2899966/Post-harvest-processing-of-wheat-grain?redirectedFrom=fulltext
3.Ñàòòàðîâ Ê.Ê . Hydrogenation technology and chemistry of cottonseed oil and fats.(Scopus)SABRAO Journal of Breeding and Genetics 55 (3) 965-971, 2023 http://doi.org/10.54910/sabrao2023.55.3.30 http://sabraojournal.org/ https://sabraojournal.org/sabrao-journal-of-breeding-and-genetics-volume-55-number-3-june-2023/
4.Sobol.O,Ñàòòàðîâ Ê.Ê ,Butrun-Boka. N.Peculiarities of using life quality assessment tools for geriatric horses.(Scopus)Scientific Horizons. Vol.26,No 1. 2023 file:///C:/Users/AVT/Downloads/Scientific%20Horizons_2023_Vol.%2026,%20No.%201.pdf%20(2)-121-128.pdf
5. K.K.Sattarov, K.X.Majidov. Technology of stage-by-stage hydrogenation of vegetable oils // Monografiya. -Toshkent, Fan ziyosi, 2021. -183 ñ.
6.Sattorov.K.K, K.X.Majidov. Technology of stage-by-stage hydrogenation of vegetable oils // Monografiya. -Germaniya, LAMBERT,AcademikPublishing. 2021. -223ñ.
7. K.X.Majidov. Sattorov.K.K. and others. Fundamentals of food technology. Textbook.Gulistan. Publishing house «Tax Print».2021.256.ï..
8. To'xtamishev.G.Q, Sattorov.K.K Fundamentals of food technology. Textbook. Gulistan. Ziya Publishing House. 2022.148..b.
9. Sattorov.K.K, To'xtamishev.G.Q. Storage of grain and grain products technologysi.O'quv qo'llanma. Guliston.Ziyo nashr-matbaa publishing house.2022.120.b
10. To'xtamishev.G.Q, Majidov.N.Q, Improvement technologies for processing local varieties of wheat grain using microwave radiation. Monografiya. Guliston. tax publishing house.2023.117.b.
11.Sattorov.K.K, Quziboyev.O.K., Uzaydullayev.A.O ,To'xtamishev.G.Q Raw materials for the food industry Textbook.Guliston. Publishing house «Tax Print».2023.268.á.
Teaching staff of the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology training and advanced training in the network center (Food technologies (product by type), (2023)
Cereal production technology
Compound feed production technology
Confectionery technology
Biochemistry of cereals and grain products
Biochemistry of bakery products

Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs: Eshuvvatov Abruy Kozimovich

Education: Doctor of Philosophy of Biological Sciences, PhD acting.

Russian language

+998(97) 340-25-71


Work experience: 24 years
Teaching activity: 20 years.

Abruy Kozimovich Eshkuvvatov was born on December 31, 1976 in the Pastdagom district of the Samarkand region.
In 1982-1992 he studied at secondary school No. 17 of the Pastdagam district of the Samarkand region.
From 1992 to 1994, he was a student at the Yangier Academic Lyceum under Gulistan State University.
Student of Gulistan State University from 1994 to 1999.
Senior laboratory assistant of the Department of General Biology 2003- 2004 .
Head of the Laboratory of the Department of General Biology in 2004-2009.
Lecturer at the Department of General Biology of Gulistan State University 2009-2012
Methodologist of the Institute of Retraining and Advanced Training of teachers of the Syrdarya region in 2012-2014.
2014-2017 Senior Researcher at the Faculty of Biology of Gulistan State University.
Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Biology, Gulistan State University, 2017-2020.
In 2020, he received the degree of Doctor of Biological Sciences.
In 2020-2022, he holds the position of Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs of the Faculty of Natural Sciences of Gulistan State University.
From 2023, he is the deputy dean for educational affairs of the Faculty of Production Technologies of Gulistan State University.
Higher education, science and innovation of the Republic of Uzbekistan Network (regional) at the Main Scientific and Methodological Center of the Ministry trained at the center (Tashkent 2019)
Histology and embryology
Age physiology and hygiene

Dean for Youth Affairs and Spiritual Educational Work Deputy: Suvonqulov Xusan Toirovich

Higher education

Russian language

+998(98) 560-03-73


Labor activity: 13
Teaching activity: 11

Suvonkulov Husan Toirovich was born on November 13, 1987 in the city of Gulistan.
1993-2002 Gulistan. He studied at Lomonosov Secondary School No. 14.
In 2002-2005 graduated from Samarkand City Socio-economic College.
2006-2010 student of Gulistan State University.
2010-2012. Master's student of the Samarkand State University and at the same time a lecturer in law at the Samarkand College of Economics.
2012-2017 teacher of the department "National idea, spirituality, fundamentals and legal education" of Gulistan State University.
2017-2019. the chief specialist of the Gulistan City People's Reception of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2019-2021 worked in the MMIBDO of school No. 5 of Mirzaabad district of the Syrdarya region
In 2021-2023, he was a lecturer at the Department of "National idea, fundamentals of Spirituality and legal education" of Gulistan State University.
From June 2023 to the present, he holds the position of Deputy Director of the Institute of Production Technologies of Gulistan State University on "Youth issues, spiritual and educational work".
Higher education, science and innovation of the Republic of Uzbekistan Main scientific and methodological center under the Ministry of Philosophy of Samarkand State university (Samarkand 2023)
Religious Studies


1883 | 2023-03-31 16:28



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