Department of General Medical Sciences
Gulistan State University
Phone (0367) 225-40-42
Fax (0367) 225-42-75
Bizning shior: Universitet obro'si har bir professor o'qituvchi, xodim va talabaning or-nomusi, iftixori va vijdon ishidir.           Asosiy maqsadimiz: Eng yetuk universitetlar qatoridan joy olish!           Ilm bir shu'la, dilga tushgan on Shunda bilursankim, ilm bepoyon...
Department of General Medical Sciences


Head of the department : Abduraxmanov Qarshi Xolxodjayevich

Candidate of medical sciences, associate professor

Reception days: Tuesday - Wednesday (14:00-16:00)

Russian languages

(+998) 99-494-29-61

1989-1990 yy. - Toshkent shahar Bolalar klinik shifoxonasi intern shifokori
1990-1995 yy. - Toshkent Pediatriya Meditsina Instituti patologik fiziologiya kafedrasi assistenti
1995-1998 yy. - Toshkent Pediatriya Meditsina Instituti klinik allergologiya kafedrasi assistenti
1998-2000 yy. - Toshkent Pediatriya Meditsina Instituti pediatriya kafedrasi assistenti
2000-2003 yy. - Toshkent Pediatriya Meditsina Instituti patologik fiziologiya kafedrasi dotsenti
2003-2005 yy. - Chirchiq shahar markaziy shifoxonasi ona va bola muhofazasi bo’yicha bosh shifokor o’rinbosari
2005-2016 yy. - Chirchiq shahar Salomatlik markazi bosh shifokori
2016-2017 yy. - Respublika Salomatlik va tibbiy statistika instituti uslubchi-shifokori,sanminimum o’quv kursi mudiri
2017-2018 yy. - Toshkent Vrachlar malakasini oshirish instituti ma’naviyat targ’ibot markazi uslubchisi
2018-2019 yy. - Toshkent viloyati qon quyish stantsiyasi uslubchi shifokori
2019-2019 yy. - O’zbekiston davlat jismoniy tarbiya va sport universiteti sport tibbiyoti va bioximiya kafedrasi mudiri
2019-2021 yy. - O’zbekiston davlat jismoniy tarbiya va sport universiteti sport tibbiyoti va bioximiya kafedrasi dotsenti
2021 y. – x.v. - Guliston Davlat Universiteti umumiy tibbiy fanlar kafedrasi mudiri
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“Department of "General Medical Sciences".
For the 2021-2022 academic year, medical faculties were created at Gulistan State University based on existing needs.
The Department of General Medical Sciences at the faculty began its activities in September 2021.
Currently, the department has 1 Doctor of Science, 4 Candidates of Science, 1 senior lecturer, and 14 teachers.

Educational directions, specializations and specializations prepared at the department:
Starting from the 2021-2020 academic year, bachelors will study in the areas 60910200-Medical Affairs and 60910300-Pediatrics.

Scientific directions of the department:
Features of spread of allergic diseases, clinical and immunological symptoms among residents of Syrdarya region

Circles at the department:
A scientific-practical club named "ATLANT" operates under the department. Head of the circle: Fayziyev Olim Ayubovich.

Scientific cooperation
It has established good cooperation with a number of prestigious higher educational institutions of the republic:
Tashkent Medical Academy, Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute, Uzbekistan State University of Physical Education and Sports.

Subjects taught at the department:
For bachelor education courses:
1. Human anatomy
2. Medical biology and general genetics
3. Latin language and medical terminology
4. Medical and biological physics
5. Histology,cytology, embryology
6. Physiology
7. Microbiology, virology, immunology.
8. Biochemistry
9. Bioethics
10. Anatomy
11. Clinical anatomy (operative surgery and topographical anatomy)
12. Pathological anatomy
13. Pathological physiology
14. Pharmacology
15. Internal medicine propidevtics
16. Propidevtics of children's diseases
17. Hygiene. Medical ecology
18. General surgery
19. Normal physiology
20. Entry into the medical profession
21. Clinical laboratory diagnostics
22. Internal diseases
23. Pediatrics
24. Rehabilitation, sports medicine
25. Dermatovenerology and pediatric dermatovenerology
26. Epidemiology, military epidemiology
27. Hematology
28. Medical genetics
29. Medical psychology
Extracurricular courses are for undergraduate students
30. Basics of medical knowledge

Abdurakhmanov Karshi Kholhodjaevich (head of the department, candidate of medical sciences. associate professor (PhD))
Khudaykulov Shukhrat Khudaykulovich (senior teacher)
Fayziyev Olim Ayubovich (teacher)
Mukhammedova Farogat Ramatillayevna (teacher)
Khaknazarov Shahrukh Farhadovich (teacher)
Nabiyev Ulugbek Nematovich (teacher)
Nazarkulova Shokhsanam Ulugbekovna (teacher)
Karimova Shaira Bakhodirovna (teacher)
Hasanova Gulhayo Saypidinovna (teacher)
Mamatkulov Jalaliddin Ghulamovich (teacher)
Yusufov Norbek Islambekovich (teacher)
Berdaliyeva Umida Abdujalilovna (teacher)
Shukurov Batir Bahadirovna (teacher)


1792 | 2023-04-02 16:12


QABUL-2024 o'qishni ko'chirsh


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2024-2025 o'quv yilida o'tkaziladigan ijodiy (kasbiy) imtihon manzillari geolakatsiyasi

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