Department of Commercialization of Scientific and Innovative Works
Gulistan State University
Phone (0367) 225-40-42
Fax (0367) 225-42-75
Bizning shior: Universitet obro'si har bir professor o'qituvchi, xodim va talabaning or-nomusi, iftixori va vijdon ishidir.           Asosiy maqsadimiz: Eng yetuk universitetlar qatoridan joy olish!           Ilm bir shu'la, dilga tushgan on Shunda bilursankim, ilm bepoyon...


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Gulistan State University Scientific Index

Department of commercialization of scientific and innovative works


Head of the Department of Commercialization
of Scientific and Innovative Works
: Rakhmankulov Akmal Oblakul ugli

Visiting days: Daily (9:00-17:00)

Russian language

(67) 225-38-01, Fax: (67) 225-42-75

2015-2019 - Student of Tashkent State Institute of Textile and Light Industry
2019-2021 - Student of Tashkent Institute of Textile and Light Industry (master's degree)
2020-2021 - Administrator of information computing network at Vocational School No. 2 of Boyovut District
2021-2022 - Engineer of the Department of Scientific Research, Innovation and Scientific and Pedagogical Personnel Training of Gulistan State University
2022 - 2023 - The head of the Department of Commercialization of Scientific and Innovative Works
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Main goals and directions of the Department of commercialization of scientific and innovative works:

1. Commercialization Department is established for the purpose of commercialization of scientific and innovative developments, as well as results of scientific research activities, the rights of which belong to the higher education institution.
2. The main activities of the commercialization department are as follows:
- systematic analysis of the market and study of the demand for innovative products (works, services), payback periods, profitability of the commercialization of innovative products, and assessment of related risks.
- selection of promising projects for development, which have high commercial potential and are ready for implementation;
- attracting investors, partners and other interested parties to the implementation of innovative projects;
- mutual cooperation with institutions of continuous education system (industrial enterprises) in order to introduce new technologies and produce innovative products.

The main tasks of the department of commercialization of scientific and innovative works:

- higher education institution professors-teachers, educational assistants and production workers, doctoral students, students, as well as specialists of other organizations financed from budget and extra-budgetary sources in the established order, higher education institution involvement in services provided by;
- preparing and ensuring the conclusion of contracts with the authors of intellectual property objects provided for by the current legislation, control over their implementation;
- evaluation and analysis of scientific research activities results and innovative projects, scientific-technical, scientific-methodical and innovative potential, analysis to identify increasingly important and competitive developments;
- providing support to scientific teams of higher educational institutions in creating and popularizing competitive scientific and technical products, including by establishing economic facilities for the purpose of practical application of the results of intellectual activity;
- transfer of technologies, preparation of business plans of innovative projects, assessment of competitive advantages and risks, legal protection of resulsts of scientific research activities, provision of consulting services in search of potential investors;
- prepares and supervises sections of contracts, contracts, joint activities, international scientific and technical cooperation, and other agreements related to intellectual property issues concluded by the higher education institution;
- To identify cases of improper (unintended) use of intellectual property objects of GulSU and to submit proposals to the management to take measures aimed at preventing such violations and compensating for the damage caused, taking necessary measures to prevent such violations;
- help to protect the intellectual property rights of the higher education institution, as well as the property and personal non-property rights of their authors,
- employees of the higher education institution - to provide advice and information support to the authors of intellectual property objects in the implementation of property and personal non-property rights that belong to them and are provided for in the current legislation.
- organization of training of employees of higher educational institutions in the field of intellectual property;
- coordinates the work on normative, methodical and patent information of the information-resource center of the higher education institution in its field of activity;
- preparation of proposals for the budget project of GulSU on the departments of research and patent-licensing activities, innovative entrepreneurship and technology transfer support;
- development of documents regulating issues related to the creation, protection and use of intellectual property objects of the higher education institution.
- The commercialization department may perform work and provide services on the orders of external organizations and individuals in its field of activity, taking into account the mandatory priority of the implementation of the tasks provided for in clause 7.

Excerpts from the department's activities

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