Innovation-integration activity
Gulistan State University
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Information about innovation-integration activities of the University

Innovation-integrated activity of the university

Information of innovation-integrated activity of the university.

In order to further develop and strengthen the integration of science, education and production, 18 innovation groups were established at the university, and cooperation agreements were signed with 52 organizations, enterprises and institutions of the republic.

An action plan has been developed for the timely implementation of the obligations stipulated in the agreement and the implementation of innovative cooperation at the university in 2017. In accordance with this plan, in order to organize the activities of innovation groups at the university, develop and approve an action plan, create innovation groups at the university departments together with the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan and relevant ministries and higher educational and research institutions, expand integration with research institutes within the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, increase the efficiency of using the potential of academic researchers in the training of highly qualified specialists, professional development, ensuring their participation in the educational process, wide involvement of talented young people in research and innovation activities, conducting research work together with scientists of the branch research institutes of agriculture of Uzbekistan, specialists of organizations and enterprises with the wide involvement of doctoral students, masters and gifted bachelor students, carrying out research work together with scientists of the National Research University of the Republic of Uzbekistan on solving topical issues of the national economy, developing, participation in practical and innovative projects, creation of joint educational programs and literature, their improvement and management of students’ activity, organization and participation in various video conferences and conferences.

            In accordance with the plan, appropriate measures were taken to exchange experience, educational and scientific-pedagogical practices of professors, doctoral students, masters and students who are part of the innovation groups established at the departments with partner enterprises, as well as to study and solve the problems of industrial enterprises. In particular, members of the innovation group at the Department of “Soil science” together with the specialists of the Department of agriculture and water resources of Sirdarya region gave their feedback and recommendations to farmers in order to prepare the land for spring planting, the organization of desalination in farms of Bayaut and Gulistan districts of Syrdarya region. This innovative group has published guidelines for improving land reclamation and desalination.

Associate Professor of the Department “Processing of agricultural products’ O. Rahmatov together with members of the innovative team prepared the project “Equipment for processing dried grapes”, and today the regional Department of Agriculture and Water Management together with the Association of Farmers of the region are taking measures to launch this line.

           Members of the innovation group at the Department of “Ecology and Geography” together with the State Committee for Nature Protection of the Syrdarya region and city of Gulistan signed an agreement on the “Development of the plant cadastre of the Syrdarya region”, work was carried out in the amount of 15 million soums and the project was completed.

            Members of the innovation groups of the departments “Russian language and literature”, “Uzbek language and literature”, “Pedagogy and Psychology”, “History”, “Economics’ together with the Department of Public Education of Syrdarya region, the Department of Secondary Vocational Education of Syrdarya region conducted scientific and methodological work to improve educational work, introduce new modern forms and principles. Members of the innovation group has established cooperation with the teachers of related departments in secondary schools and professional colleges, academic lyceums region in the preparation of teaching materials, manuals and instructions for subjects, the conduct of pre-diploma practice masters, bachelors in these educational institutions, the publication of joint articles, lectures, and other events by mutual agreement.

          Members of the innovation group established at the departments of “Mathematics”, “Information Technology”, together with the Department of Public Education of Syrdarya region, the Department of Secondary Vocational Education of Syrdarya region organized a 3-month training of young people in computer literacy courses. Here the young people of the region learn information technologies, strengthen their knowledge and receive certificates. In addition, 10 masters of the innovation group (specialty Information Technologies in education) have completed pre-graduate practice and writing master's theses in these educational institutions. Also, the members of the innovation group on a contractual basis prepare program information for secondary special educational institutions, create educational and educational literature on the subjects.

            Members of innovation teams at the departments of “Biology”, “Chemistry”, “Soil science”, “Ecology and geography” of the faculty of Natural Sciences, 3 PhD, 4 independent applicant’s work on doctoral dissertation, 12 master’s degrees, more than 20 talented students engaged in research work in the laboratories of the research center “innovative cooperation in education, science and production” on the fauna and flora of the area, agriculture. Doctors of science, professors of leading universities, research institutes and centers of the republic take part in the work of these innovative groups.

            Based on the results of scientific research and the needs of enterprises of economic sectors operating in Syrdarya region, as well as in the republic, in innovative developments, the university departments prepared information about developments, models of proposed products, samples of finished products and banners presented in 2017 for participation in the “initiative” review competition, industrial fair and cooperative exchange trading, scientific and practical conferences and seminars “X innovative ideas, technologies and projects” and were awarded valuable prizes, certificates of honor and diplomas.

            The development of science and technology dictates the need for the formation of a high-level information and telecommunications system based on computer technologies in the modern system of continuing education. Since textbooks, teaching aids, visual aids, and lesson technologies created in connection with educational technologies must be constantly updated. Otherwise, based on the requirements of the national program, there is a specific problem associated with the material costs and time for training competitive personnel. However, with the creation of a system based on computer technology, positive results can be achieved in a relatively short time.

It is noted that the organization of a cooperative network based on computer technologies is important in this regard.

The development created by the university scientists to create a unified corporate network of schools, academic lyceums, colleges, and higher educational institutions, based on the requirements of the system of continuing education and existing regional problems, will not only improve the quality of education, but also prevent excessive spending of hundreds of millions of money per year in the region. In accordance with this, based on the results of the conducted research, a development was created to improve and effectively use management and information resources to unite educational institutions of higher educational institutions-partners into a single corporate network.

On the basis of the development in order to fully meet the information needs of students of secondary schools, academic lyceums, professional colleges, the development of educational and informative information resources in the national segment of the Internet, and ensuring efficient use of existing information and educational resources in the educational institutions for the public and students, distance courses in educational institutions., such measures as the organization of distance learning and video conferences on subjects among educational institutions, wide promotion among the youth of educational institutions of the region of the work carried out by the regional organization “Union of Youth”, the implementation of work on the education of the youth of the region in the spirit of the national idea will be provided. To this end, the university takes measures to implement the following tasks:

* creation of a single information and resource center of regional significance on the basis of the university;

* creation of a cooperative network between the university, academic lyceum, college, secondary school;

* determining the movement of cross-industry information exchange;

* professional development of management personnel from corporate networks and information resources;

* implementation of a management and information exchange system based on the established corporate network;

* establishing free access to the created information resource center

13677 | 2018-01-09 13:45


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