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On February 21, 2022, Gulistan State University hosted a legal-preventive event on "Punishment for crime is inevitable, enlightenment against ignorance." The event was chaired by the head of the Department of Youth Affairs, Spirituality and Enlightenment Sh. Abdurasulov. Professor of GulSU R.Mahmudov, head of Gulistan city branch of the Republican Center for Spirituality and Enlightenment I.Norbekov, representative of Gulistan city khokimiyat D.Bobobekov, inspector of prophylaxis of Syrdarya region A.Usmanov spoke at the event. most of the young people who became participants in the crime they encountered on the day said that they did not have an opinion, that there was an ideological gap in their minds, and that their spiritual thinking skills were weak.
In order to fight against ignorance with enlightenment, one must have a mature spirituality. Everyone should strive for it with high goals in life. This requires effort from a young age. All conditions have been created in our country for the education of young people. An educated person will never deviate from the right path. They wished our young people to become the necessary people for the country in the future and to make a worthy contribution to the development of the country.
At the end of the event, students discussed and discussed the issue, and their opinions were heard.
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