The republican scientific-practical conference on the theme "The influence of Tora Suleiman's spiritual heritage on the formation of creators of new Uzbekistan" has started its work
Gulistan State University
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The republican scientific-practical conference on the theme "The influence of Tora Suleiman's spiritual heritage on the formation of creators of new Uzbekistan" has started its work

  On May 23, 2024, the opening ceremony of the Republican scientific-practical conference on the theme "The influence of Tora Suleiman's spiritual heritage on the formation of creators of new Uzbekistan" was held in the Palace of Culture of Gulistan State University.

 The event was opened by the rector of the university, professor Khodzhiyev Mukhsin Tadzhievich.

 The event was attended by the governor of Syrdarya region, member of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan Makhmudaliyev Akmaljon Azimjonovich, official of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation Kadirova Fazilat Shukurovna, rector of Balikesir University of the Republic of Turkey Yucel Ogurlu, doctor of political sciences, professor Narzulla Jorayev, Doctor of Philology Azizbek Turdiyev spoke.

 The speakers emphasized the importance of studying Tora Suleiman's work, promoting it, using the poet's scientific heritage in educating our children, studying the work of the famous poet Tora Suleiman, understanding the expression of the national spirit underlying his poems, and researching the ideological goals of the nationalistic tones embedded in the content of his lines. expressed their opinion that it is considered one of the urgent issues.

 The scientific-practical conference continues its work at the branches.

730 | 2024-05-23 16:15

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