Good news: student of Gulistan State University Natalya Semyonova won a gold medal at the Grand Prix in Dubai
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Good news: student of Gulistan State University Natalya Semyonova won a gold medal at the Grand Prix in Dubai

On February 12, members of the national team of Uzbekistan in Paralympic athletics won 9 medals at the Grand Prix held in Dubai, UAE. More than half of them, that is, 5 gold, one silver and 3 bronze medals.

It is noteworthy that our compatriot Natalya Semyonova (javelin throw F55), a student of group 88-20s of the Faculty of Physical Education of Gulistan State University, won a gold medal in the class of javelin throw F55.

Of these Paralympians, only Khusniddin Norbekov was licensed to participate in the Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games. The rest of our athletes have dramatically increased their chances of getting a license instead of yesterday's victories and have added significant rating points to their points.

To date, at the Dubai Grand Prix, members of the Uzbekistan national team in Paralympic Athletics have won 9 gold, 3 silver and 4 bronze medals, a total of 16 medals.

Also, this student athlete has a chance to get a license for the Tokyo 2020 Olympics.

9255 | 2021-02-16 11:29

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