Women's Council
Phone (0367) 225-40-42
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Bizning shior: Universitet obro'si har bir professor o'qituvchi, xodim va talabaning or-nomusi, iftixori va vijdon ishidir.           Asosiy maqsadimiz: Eng yetuk universitetlar qatoridan joy olish!           Ilm bir shu'la, dilga tushgan on Shunda bilursankim, ilm bepoyon...


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Women's Council


The Chairman of the Women's Council of Gulistan state University: Sultanova Nigorakhon Muhammadkadirovna

Doctor of Philosophy in Biological Sciences (PhD)

Reception days: Monday, Wednesday, Friday (10:00-15:00)

Russian language

(+998) 97-224-48-58


Ñóëòàíîâà Íèãîðàõàí Ìóõàìàäêîäèðîâíà – ðîäèëàñü 22 îêòÿáðÿ 1979 ãîäà â Ôóðêàòñêîì ðàéîíå Ôåðãàíñêîé îáëàñòè. Óçáåêñêàÿ íàöèîíàëüíîñòü, âûñøåå îáðàçîâàíèå.
Sultonova Nigoraxon Muxammadkodirovna 1996 yil Toshkent shahridagi S.H.Sirojiddinov nomli akademik litseyni tugatgan.
1997-2001 yillarda O‘zbekiston Milliy universiteti “Biologiya va tuproqshunoslik” fakultetini biologiya yo‘nalishi bakalavri, 2001-2003 yillarda O‘zbekiston Milliy universitetining “O‘simliklar fiziologiyasi va biokimyosi” mutaxassisligida magistratura bosqichini tamomlagan.
Sultonova Nigoraxon Muxammadkodirovna 2002-2003 yy. - S.H.Sirojiddinov nomli akademik litsey o‘qituvchisi.
2003-2004 yy. - “Yangi yuqori texnologiyalar” taraqqiyot markazi mutaxassisi.
2004-2005 yy. - Y.Oxunboboev nomli Respublika tibbiyot kolleji o‘qituvchisi.
2005-2007 yy. - Guliston davlat universiteti “Umumiy biologiya” kafedrasi o'quvchisi.
2007-2008 yy. - Guliston davlat universiteti “Umumiy biologiya” kafedrasi katta laboranti.
2008-2009 yy. - Guliston davlat universiteti “Umumiy biologiya” kafedrasi o‘qituvchisi.
2009-2011 yy. - Guliston davlat universiteti “Umumiy biologiya” kafedrasi kabinet mudiri.
2011-2016 yy. - Guliston davlat universiteti “Jismoniy madaniyat nazariyasi va metodikasi” kafedrasi o‘qituvchisi.
2016-2019 yy. - Guliston davlat universiteti “Biologiya” kafedrasi o‘qituvchisi.
2020 yildan hozirgi kungacha Guliston davlat universiteti “Biologiya” kafedrasi tayanch doktoranti sifatida ilmiy-tadqiqot ishlarini olib bordi.
N.Sultonova 2019 yil “Erasmus plyus” dasturi g‘olibi sifatida Germaniyaning Gyottingen universitetida, Oziq-ovqat havfsizligi laboratoriyasida uch oy davomida stajirovkada bo‘lib kelgan.
2022 yil sentyabrda Buxoro davlat universiteti huzuridagi ilmiy darajalar beruvchi PhD.03/30.12.2019.B.72.02 raqamli Ilmiy kengashda 03.00.07–O‘simliklar fiziologiyasi va biokimyosi ixtisosligida biologiya fanlari bo‘yicha falsafa doktori (PhD) ilmiy darajasini olish uchun “Kartoshkaning fiziologik-biokimyoviy hususiyatlari hamda tuganagining sifat ko‘rsatkichlarida fosfor va kaliyning ahamiyati” mavzusidagi doktorlik dissertatsiyasini himoya qilgan.
Sultonova Nigoraxon Muxammadkodirovna Ilmiy-tadqiqot ishlari bilan bir qatorda 2019 yildan beri universitet Xotin-qizlar masalahat kengashi raisi sifatida faoliyat olib bormoqda. Faoliyati davomida juda ko‘plab tadbirlar, loyihalarga bosh bo‘lgan va xotin-qizlarni jamiyatdagi mavqeini oshirish borasidagi rivojiga salmoqli hissasini qo‘shib kelmoqda.
Bugungi kunga qadar ilmiy faoliyati davomida ilmiy yo‘nalishiga doir 30 ga yaqin umume’tirof etilgan indeksatsiyalangan ma’lumotlar bazalari jurnallarida, xorijiy ilmiy jurnallarda, OAK tasarrufiga kiritilgan ilmiy jurnallarda doimiy ravishda ilmiy maqolalarni chop ettirgan. Xalqaro va Respublika miqyosida o‘tkazilgan ilmiy – amaliy anjumanlarda o‘zining ilmiy maqolalari bilan ishtirok etib ma’ruzalar qilgan.
2018 yil, 2020 yil hamda 2021 yillarda 8-mart “Xotin-qizlar kuni” munosabati bilan fidokorona mehnatlari uchun Oliy va o‘rta maxsus ta’lim vazirligining “Faxriy Yorlig‘i” bilan taqdirlangan.
Ish faoliyati davomida shogirdlari bir nechta nufuzli xalqaro va respublika miqyosida tashkil etilgan ko‘rik-tanlovlarda ishtirok etib yuqori o‘rinlarni egallab kelmoqdalar.
N.M.Sultonova dunyoqarashi keng, innovatsion g‘oyalar targ‘ibotchisi sifatida talabalar va professor-o‘qituvchilarga ilmiy faoliyat olib borishlarida, yangi loyihalar yaratishda o‘z yordamini, maslahatlarini berib kelmoqda.
Respublikada tashkil etilgan “Hududning 100 nafar ixtirochi ayoli” tanlovi g‘olibi, bir necha xalqaro konferentsiyalar ishtirokchisi.
2022 yilda respublika miqyosida o‘tkazilgan “Hududning eng yaxshi innovatsion loyihasi” tanlovida ishtirok etib o‘z yo‘nalishi bo‘yicha g‘olib bo‘lib diplom bilan taqdirlangan.

Main tasks and functions of the Council
* Coordinates efforts to ensure the effective implementation of State policies to support women, protect their rights and legitimate interests, and increase their role and participation in the socio-political life of the country;
* strengthening the role of women in the labor market, in the sphere of state and public administration, assistance in organizing targeted work on their social and legal support and systematic monitoring of their views;
* Timely identification of problems, drawing up address lists of needy and vulnerable women, including women with disabilities, providing them with social, legal, psychological and financial assistance, assistance in providing rehabilitation centers;
* Helps to prepare young people for family life, teach them the legal and psychological basics of resolving family conflicts, develop proposals for strengthening the family, preventing early marriages and divorces, and implementing appropriate measures;
* Exercises public control over the implementation of legislation on guarantees, equal rights and opportunities for women and men and develops relevant proposals;
* Monitors the implementation of legislation on the protection of women from harassment and violence, submits recommendations to the Ministry on the identification of victims of violence, their rehabilitation, and the protection of their rights;
* Participates in the development and implementation of regional programs to protect women from harassment and violence;
* Preparing students for family life, directing young families to social activities, promoting the life and lifestyle of exemplary women engaged in socially useful work;
* On the observance of the principles of legality, social justice, transparency in the selection of candidates for participation in various Olympiads and sports competitions among women, the State Prize named after Zulfiya and the badge "Mytabar ael" exercises effective public control;
* Ensures and directly participates in the implementation of the implementation of documents, standards and requirements for the protection of women's rights in national and international law;
* Makes proposals for the nomination of women employees who work effectively in the system for state awards.

Responsibilities of the Council
* The Council performs the following duties in accordance with the tasks assigned to it:
* to carry out its activities in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan and this Regulation;
* Compliance with the requirements of the Law on Public Supervision;
* do not insult the honor and dignity of citizens, do not interfere in their private lives;
* The Council may have other duties provided for by law.

The Council’s Rights
The Council has the following rights:
* actively participate in the social life of society and the state; make a worthy contribution to the strengthening of harmony and well-being of the family, the protection of motherhood and childhood, as well as the education of a healthy and harmoniously developed generation, educating them in the spirit of patriotism. Make proposals to the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education on awarding women with the "Mutabar Ael" badge for exemplary work to improve the spiritual and moral environment and promote national values;
* submit proposals to the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education on issues within the competence of the Council;
* implementation of public control over the implementation of legislation on benefits for women, especially those in need and in difficult social situations, including women with disabilities;
* organizing and conducting various competitions and sports competitions among women in an educational institution in order to increase the effectiveness of the tasks assigned to it;
* familiarization with the housing and living conditions of women in educational institutions, especially those in need and in difficult social situations, including women with disabilities, with their consent;
* cooperate with the media to cover issues discussed at meetings of the Board of Directors;
* organize seminars, round tables and other events to fulfill the tasks set, if necessary, invite officials of state bodies and public organizations, as well as public activists.

Head of the Psychology Center – Khamrakulova Kamola Gayratovna.

Information about the chairs of Women's Council according to faculties:

Chair of the Women's Council in Faculty of Philology – Khakimova Shohista Raimovna
Chair of the Women's Council in Faculty of Natural Sciences – Ergasheva Farogat Sheralievna
Chair of the Women's Council in Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences – Temirova Nilufar Erkinovna
Chair of the Women's Council in Faculty of Pedagogy – Fayzieva Shoira Ayubovna
Chair of the Women's Council in Faculty of Physical Culture – Khabibova Komilla Bazarbaevna
Chair of the Women's Council in Faculty of Physics and Mathematics – Sultanova Barno
Chair of the Women's Council in Faculty of Arts – Yakubova Nafisa Odilzhonovna
Chair of the Women's Council in Faculty of Production Technology – Sherkulova Nargiza

Photos from the activities of the University Women's Advisory Council

18117 | 2017-12-29 13:57

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