Planning and Finance Department
Phone (0367) 225-40-42
Fax (0367) 225-42-75
Bizning shior: Universitet obro'si har bir professor o'qituvchi, xodim va talabaning or-nomusi, iftixori va vijdon ishidir.           Asosiy maqsadimiz: Eng yetuk universitetlar qatoridan joy olish!           Ilm bir shu'la, dilga tushgan on Shunda bilursankim, ilm bepoyon...


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Gulistan State University Scientific Index

Planning and Finance Department

Head of the Department of planning and finance : Qodirova Dilafruz Olimovna

Reception days: Tuesday, Friday



2000-2004 yy. – Student of Karshi State University
2004-2005 yy. – Assistant economist at Hovos don joint-stock company
2012-2014 yy. -Gulistan State University Academic Lyceum and Vocational Colleges the designer of the department in this regard
2014-2015 yy. - 1st category economist of the department of planning and finance of Gulistan State University
2015-2019 yy. - Head of the Planning and Finance Department of Gulistan State University
2019-2021 yy. -Gulistan State University Council Secretary.
2021 y. - x.v. -Head of the Planning and Finance Department of Gulistan State University.

Head Expert: Xodjanazarov Erkinjon Mirsaidovich




2011-2012 yy.- Gulistan District Finance Department, XTMMB preschool education and after school accountant of the financial accounting operations sector
2012-2014 yy.- Chief Economist at Budget Department of Gulistan District
2014-2015 yy.- Deputy Chief Accountant, Budget Accounting and Reporting Sector, Finance Department, Gulistan District
2015-2016 yy. - The Chief Economist of the Health Care Institutions Financing Sector of Gulistan District Finance Department
2016-2017 yy Chief economist for the analysis of revenue forecasting and budget receipts of the Gulistan District Finance Department
2017-2018 yy.- Chief expert on economy and entrepreneurship issues of Gulistan district administration
2018-2019 yy.- Gulistan district administration, investments, innovations, private assistance to enterprises, free economic and small industrial zones and tourism chief specialist in development issues
2019-2020 yy.- Bureau of Compulsory Enforcement, Gulistan District Department. Debt collection before branch inspector
2020 y. – x.v. - General Directorate of Economic Development and Poverty Reduction of Syrdarya region Formation of investment programs, analysis and infrastructure chief specialist of the development department

About the department

Plan – about finance department In the conditions of the transition to the market economy, financing of educational institutions, including bringing the teaching process in higher educational institutions to the level of modern requirements, i.e., improving social protection in them, expanding the material and technical base, the appropriate contribution of Planning and Finance Departments are adding. The department of planning and finance is a separate department of the university, directly subordinate to the rector and operated by the head of the department, a 1st-class economist. In its activity, the department works based on the laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan, government decisions and orders, orders and normative documents of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education, internal rules and regulations of the university. The Department of Planning and Finance is considered the main department that plans and finances the economy of the university, participates in the preparation of annual income and expenditure estimates and the preparation of the staff table.
After all, the main goal of our department's operation is to provide social protection of our university community as much as possible, to provide the necessary educational equipment and technologies for the educational process at a high level, and to improve the living conditions of young people living in student houses. aimed at developing plans and financing the implementation of these activities. Also, improving the economic situation of our university, ensuring effective spending of funds, implementing expenses based on established plans, and avoiding excessive expenses are the main criteria of the department's activity.
It consists in improving the activities of the planning and finance department, drawing up budget and extra-budgetary funds income and expenditure estimates, conducting economic analysis, monitoring the correct maintenance of the table of model states, and regular financing of the university's activities.

- Collecting and analyzing the necessary information for the preparation of all financial estimates of the HEI;
- Analysis of budget and extra-budgetary funds by items in the cost estimate;
- To control the correct use of the funds specified in the estimate for their purposes, and to avoid inappropriate or excessive spending.
- Timely formalization of rent and utility payment contracts with tenants for renting vacant spaces in the university territory and buildings;
- Control over timely payment of rent and utility bills by tenants;
- To prepare and submit information about vacant spaces and tenants in the university premises and buildings to the rental center by the 10th of the following month every quarter;
- Submit information on vacant positions at the university to the Personnel Department of the university by the 30th of every month;
- Monitor the number of employees by recording hiring and firing orders in a timely manner;
- To submit a report on the arrival and departure (rate) of employees and professors to the Accounting Department of the university by the 10th of the following month every quarter;
- Preparation and submission of the 1-T (labor) form of quarterly and annual reports to the city statistics department;
- Preparation and submission of the 1-UP form of the report on management personnel to the city statistics department by the 3rd day of the following month every quarter;
- Preparation and submission of the 1-NX form of the report to the city statistics department by December 15 of the year;
- Monitoring of the calculation and timely payment of utility bills of the residents of the university's hostel for young researchers No. 19;
- Collecting information on timely payment of land and property tax obligations of university employees and professors;
- Accept the written signs for the employees working in all departments and deaneries of the university by the 30th of every month and submit it to the Accounting Department of the university;
- To temporarily fulfill the duties of an employee who is absent for valid reasons;
- Performing various other tasks related to the department's activities.
- Preparation of scheduled reports;
-Preparation of budget and extra-budgetary funds cost estimate project;
- Analysis of budget and extra-budgetary funds by items in the cost estimate;
- To submit a report on the arrival and departure (rate) of employees and professors to the Accounting Department of the university by the 10th of the following month every quarter;
- Preparation and submission of the 1-T (labor) form of quarterly and annual reports to the city statistics department;
- Preparation and submission of the 1-UP form of the report on management personnel to the city statistics department by the 3rd day of the following month every quarter;
- Preparation and submission of the 1-NX form of the report to the city statistics department by December 15 of the year;
- Monitoring of the calculation and timely payment of utility bills of the residents of the university's hostel for young researchers No. 19;
- Collecting information on timely payment of land and property tax obligations of university employees and professors;
- Accept the written signs for the employees working in all departments and deaneries of the university by the 30th of every month and submit it to the Accounting Department of the university;
- To temporarily fulfill the duties of an employee who is absent for valid reasons;
- Performing various other tasks related to the department's activities.
- Preparation of scheduled reports;
-Preparation of budget and extra-budgetary funds cost estimate project;
- Analysis of budget and extra-budgetary funds by items in the cost estimate;
- Systematically carry out measures to provide financial support to students who are orphans, orphans, disabled, socially needy and children of families on the list of "iron" register, outside of the existing budget, at Gulistan State University;
- "Procedure of additional payment to employees with academic degrees engaged in scientific, scientific-pedagogical and labor activities in state organizations in the field of science and education" of December 24, 2019 of the
Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan allocation and control of funds in accordance with the estimate.

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