Total number of students
Full-time education
Full-time education
Master's degree
1. |
On measures to regulate the provision of educational loans for training young people in the field of information technology at training courses of non-governmental educational organizations of the Republic |
27.02.2023 ¹ 79-é |
2. |
On additional measures to improve the procedure for certification of teaching staff of educational organizations |
23.03.2023 ¹ 120-é |
3. |
On measures to organize the activities of the Institute of Macroeconomic and Territorial Studies under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Higher School of Business and Entrepreneurship |
13.04.2023 ¹ 153-é |
4. |
Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated May 2, 2023 “On measures to improve the system of material and social support for students of state higher educational institutions, foreign and non-governmental educational organizations in the republic” |
02.05.2023 ¹ 181-é |
5. |
Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated May 19, 2023 “On measures to organize preparatory training courses “Heirs of Mirzo Ulugbek” |
19.05.2023 ¹ 206-é |
6. |
On measures to establish standards for the duration of annual extended work leave for teaching staff |
26.06.2023 ¹ 263-é |
1. |
About the organization of winter holidays for students and students of higher, secondary specialized and vocational educational institutions |
¹ 560 03.10.2022 |
2. |
On measures to introduce distance learning in higher education institutions |
¹ 559 03.10.2022 |
3. |
On measures to regulate the provision of educational loans for women on a fee-and-contract basis in organizations of higher, secondary specialized and vocational education |
¹ 457 18.08.2022 |
4. |
On measures to strengthen the economic and analytical activities of the University of World Economy and Diplomacy |
¹ 453 17.08.2022 |
5. |
On measures for the payment of fee-and-contract funds to women studying at State higher educational institutions at the Master's level |
¹ 447 15.08.2022 |
6. |
On approval of the Procedure for financing personnel training from the State budget of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the basis of a state order (state grant) in state higher educational institutions that have been granted financial independence |
¹ 419 01.08.2022 |
7. |
On measures for the organization of correspondence and evening education in secondary and secondary specialized vocational educational institutions |
¹ 411 28.07.2022 |
8. |
On Amendments to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers dated November 19, 2020 No. 734 "On approval of the State sample of documents on primary, secondary and secondary specialized vocational education" |
¹ 408 27.07.2022 |
9. |
On approval of the Administrative Regulations for the provision of public services for the issuance of duplicate documents on higher, secondary specialized and vocational education |
¹ 395 21.07.2022 |
10. |
On amendments and additions to some resolutions of the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan (Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated February 16, 2022 No. PP-129 "on the organization of the military Music Academic Lyceum of the National Guard of the Republic of Uzbekistan" and Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated March 2, 2022 No. PP-150 "On the organization of the military patriotic movement children and adolescents "support of the Motherland") (paragraphs 1, 2 of the appendix) |
¹ 359 04.07.2022 |
11. |
On approval of the Procedure for admission to state higher educational institutions of women with at least five years of work experience in their specialty |
¹ 322 09.06.2022 |
12. |
On amendments and additions to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers dated December 26, 2019 No. 1037 "on measures to establish the Republican Council of Higher Education" |
¹ 319 08.06.2022 |
13. |
On approval of the Regulations on the procedure for granting state grants to talented students of the New Uzbekistan University and on the procedure for granting subsidies to foreign educational organizations of higher education and their branches, as well as non-governmental educational organizations on a fee-and-contract basis to graduates of presidential schools |
¹ 300 02.06.2022 |
14. |
On measures to create a digital university "IT-Park University" |
¹ 297 01.06.2022 |
15. |
On the introduction of a system of continuous professional development of the management and teaching staff of academic lyceums |
¹ 296 01.06.2022 |
16. |
About the organization of the activities of the Pharmaceutical Technical University in the Innovative scientific and production pharmaceutical cluster "Tashkent Pharma Park" |
¹ 263 17.05.2022 |
17. |
On approval of the Regulations on the procedure for allocating subsidies from the state budget of the Republic of Uzbekistan for the construction of student dormitories on the terms of public-private partnership |
¹ 239 06.05.2022 |
18. |
On additional measures to improve the study of foreign languages |
¹ 34 19.01.2022 |
19. |
On amendments to some resolutions of the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan in connection with the optimization of established benefits for admission to higher educational institutions in the fields of culture, art and sports (paragraphs 1, 2 of the appendix) |
¹ 20 12.01.2022 |
20. |
On approval of the Regulations on the procedure for admission to an interview of graduates who have successfully graduated from technical schools for bachelor's degree courses in higher educational institutions |
11.01.2022 ¹ 17-é |
1. |
On measures to further improve the activities of the Kokand State Pedagogical Institute |
14.04.2021 ¹ 212-é |
2. |
On measures to further improve the activities of the Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute of the Tashkent region |
14.04.2021 ¹ 213-é |
3. |
About admission to the branch of the National Research Nuclear University "MIPT" in Tashkent for the 2021-2022 academic year |
01.07.2021 y. ¹ 413-é |
4. |
On measures to organize the Chirchik branch of the Tashkent Regional College of Service and Maintenance at the Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute |
29.07.2021 y. ¹ 472-son |
5. |
On measures to increase the level of student enrollment in dormitories in higher educational institutions of the Republic |
09.09.2021 y. ¹ 563-é |
1. |
On measures to establish the amount of scholarships paid to students of higher educational institutions and to improve the procedure for the appointment and payment of scholarships |
31.01.2020 ¹ 59-é |
2. |
On the appointment of Y.K. Absoatova as Deputy Minister of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan for Information Technology and Youth |
08.02.2020 ¹ 68-é |
3. |
On additional measures to organize the activities of the Center for Research on the Development of Higher Education and the Introduction of Advanced Technologies under the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan |
10.02.2020 ¹ 75-é |
4. |
On the appointment of rectors of higher educational institutions |
14.02.2020 ¹ 82-é |
5. |
On amendments and additions to some resolutions of the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan aimed at organizing appropriate incentives for physical education teachers, further development of physical culture and sports in higher educational institutions |
20.02.2020 ¹ 106-é |
6. |
On measures to further improve the activities of the Tashkent State University of Uzbek Language and Literature named after Alisher Navoi |
03.03.2020 ¹ 117-é |
7. |
On additional measures to organize the activities of the branch of the National Research University of MEI in Tashkent |
04.03.2020 ¹ 121-é |
8. |
On amendments to some resolutions of the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan (Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated December 10, 2019 No. UP-591 “On the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan”) |
16.04.2020 ¹ 234-é |
9. |
About the creation of the University TEAM |
18.04.2020 ¹ 241-é |
10. |
J.T. Mirzamakhmudov in Tashkent On the assignment of the duties of Executive Director of the branch of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education ”D.I. Mendeleev Russian University of Chemical Technology" |
26.04.2020 ¹ 258-é |
11. |
On the establishment of the British University of Management in Tashkent |
08.05.2020 ¹ 272-é |
12. |
On amendments and additions to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of August 16, 2001 No. 343 "On approval of State educational standards of higher education" |
¹ 476-é |
13. |
On amendments and additions to the resolution”On approval of the Regulations on the procedure for passing introductory and qualification practice, as well as internships by students of law educational institutions (except military, special higher educational institutions)" |
¹ 476-é |
14. |
On the approval of the national program for the development and support of reading culture for 2020-2025 |
¹ 781-é |
15. |
On measures to further develop the field of open data in the Republic of Uzbekistan |
¹ 808-é |
16. |
On measures to further develop the institution of the family and prepare young people for family life |
¹ 820-é |
17. |
On strengthening the material and technical base of the Depov Institute of Entrepreneurship and Pedagogy of the Samarkand State University |
¹ 823-é |
18. |
On measures to improve the system related to the organization of the educational process in higher education institutions |
¹ 824-é |
19. |
On approval of the Regulation on the procedure for encouraging persons who reported Corruption Offenses or otherwise contributed to the fight against corruption |
¹ 829-é |
Online application system for admission to the master's degree of higher education institutions
EntranceInformation system for accounting of services provided to students on a contractual basis
EntranceUnified electronic system of coordination of postgraduate education
EntranceGetting a contract for a second specialty
EntranceApplication for accommodation in a student dormitory (for 1st year students)
EntranceList of interactive services
EntranceIT Park-the locomotive of the IT sphere of Uzbekistan
EntranceSend an appeal
EntranceMaster the professions of the future!
EntranceList of benefits granted to higher education institutions to access undergraduate education links
EntranceA set of subjects for which a test is taken in accordance with the directions of undergraduate education