Total number of students
Full-time education
Full-time education
Evening education
Master's degree
Foreign students
Head of the department: Boymatov Nuriddinjon Mirzakulovich
Phone: 998941616168
E-mail: nuriddinjon.boymatov.83@mail.ru
Reception days: Wednesday, Friday
The main scientific theme of the department: Techniques of effective realization of pupils' comprehension of practical sciences
History of the department
In 2001, practical sciences were established in connection with transition to chair system. From January 2, 2004, this department was organized under the name of "Technical Labor". Since September 2012, the name of the department has been renamed the Department of Applied Sciences.
The department "Applied Science and Out-of-School Education" has been operating since 2015. The department was organized by the order of the Rector of the Syrdarya Regional Department of "Technical Labor". The department of "Technical work" was headed by E. Turganov, K. Hudoyberdiev in 2001-2006.
In 2011 the chair was headed by I. Rakhimov. Then E. Saidov, docent B.Orazov and A.A.Berikboev have been leading. Nowadays N.M..Boymatov is the leader.
Nowadays, leaders and employees of Information Resource Centers (library), heads of Barkamol Avlod Children's Center, MTM music directors, as well as trainers of MTM music forms a new relationship in the educational process based on modern requirements. Developing knowledge, skills and abilities both in theoretical and practical way, through increased knowledge and experience, acquaintance with advanced experiences, and creativity.
In 2018 the department has 2652 hours of study time and 4 professors-teachers work. Senior lecturer Berikbayev Alisher Alikulovich, teachers Z. Kholov, N.Ismonov, senior teacher Boymatov Nuriddinjon Mirzakulovich. Yusupova teaches the audience the secrets of professionalism.
The main research subject of the department is "Technology of effective realization of pupils' comprehension in teaching of practical sciences." Nowadays A.Berikbaev, Z. Kholov N.Yusupova are researchers of the department.
A clear indication of the fact that the education system of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the State Program "Strategy of Actions" for 2017-2021 from 7 February 2017 is being considered at the state policy level. From this point of view, today's specialist should be equipped with modern and information technology. Members of the department are deeply aware of this, and they are working hard with their efforts.
The department operates under the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Laws "On Education" and "National Program of Personnel Training", as well as decrees and orders of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Ministry of Public Education and the Regional Center for retraining and improvement of professional skill of public education personnel.
There are a senior teacher and 4 teachers of the department. Among them there are 7 sportsmen of Kurash sports category, Z. Kholov and Taekwondo sports master N.Yusupova.
In particular, about 20 scientific and methodical articles and abstracts were published at the international and national levels of the head of the department N.M.Boymatov. In 2017, the author has published the textbooks on "Technology education and folk craftsmanship and home schooling" and "Organization of student training and course and graduation qualification work."
The department is as follows:
1. Fine Art and Drawing
2. Technology
3. Music and singing teachers
4. Physical education
5. The extracurricular theory of the theory of lectures, practical lessons, pedagogical and information technology classes.
Professors and teachers of the department, each of them defining the vacancies in the subjects of the disciplines, prepare textbooks, educational-methodical complexes, lecture texts, methodological recommendations, methodical demonstration materials and establish continuous methodical service.
The head of the department is working on scientific research on the subject "Teaching of labor education with physics interdisciplinary communication" by N.Boymatov. He has participated in more than 20 scientific papers in foreign and national publications.
A senior teacher A.Berikbaev is working on scientific research on "Development of compository knowledge of future fine art teachers." He has participated in scientific work in more than 25 scientific articles in foreign and national publications.
Teacher A. Normurodov's sixth grade manual, "Pedagogical conditions of teaching in music education", "Music questions test questions", "Role of music in the formation of national culture of the pupil", "Pedagogical bases for the formation of national musical culture in pupils" has been released.
Teacher N. Yusupova is a senior research fellow at the Gulistan State University, under the leadership of docent M.G. Bayarbekov, she is conducting research on the topic "nauchno - pedagogicheskie osnovy sovershenstvovanie trenirovochnogo protsessa na nachalnom etap podgotovki yuniks taekvondistov (WTF)". Besides, N. Yusupova has published several articles and theses in the international and national scale.
Contracts are signed with the schools of "Yangi mahallalar mahallasi" and general secondary schools of Gulistan city of general secondary school ¹ 1 in Syrdarya region.
Monthly report event of MOC listeners
Listeners are engaged in mobile applications
Qualified labor protection processes
Physical Education Lesson Processes
Art exhibition of Fine Arts and Drawing
Future prospects of professor-teachers of the department are higher. To further strengthen the material and technical base of educational institutions in the future and to contribute to the education of teachers and upbringing the harmoniously developed generation at the level of "State Education Standards" for secondary schools in the region.
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EntranceA set of subjects for which a test is taken in accordance with the directions of undergraduate education