
Total number of students
Full-time education
Full-time education
Evening education
Master's degree
Foreign students
Head of the department - Berdalieva Gulasal Abdukunduzovna
Position: Head of the department.
Education: Higher. Gulistan State University.
Preschool Pedagogy and Psychology.
Foreign Language: Russian
Phone: (0 367) 227 08 30
E-mail: berdaliyev72@gmail.com
Reception days: Every day i
Department of "Pre-school, elementary and special education methods"
From August 26, 2010 the department began its activity as "Pre-school, primary education". From January 4, 2018, it was organized under the name of "Pre-school, elementary and special education methods". At the department advanced training courses for preschool and primary education.
Pre-school, elementary and special education methods Teaching staff of the department organizes and conducts classes on the educational modules, which are included into the "Specialist Science" block of the elementary school teachers, teachers of pre-school educational institutions.
From January 2018, the department has 9 professors and teachers (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor P. Kholmatov, Ph.D., Associate Professor A.Jonibekov, Senior Lecturers B.Ataeva, M.Kulakhmetova, Sh.Boychaeva, U.Tollibayeva, I .Yusupova and teacher N.Mamatkulova).
At present, the department is headed by G.Berdalieva.
The scientific potential of the department is 24%.
Teachers of the department published 1 textbook, 16 methodical recommendations, 78 scientific and methodical articles for 2015-2017.
The main goal of the department is to improve the professional and pedagogical skills of teachers of elementary education in the system of public education and on the subject of MSM instructional subjects and their up-to-date pedagogical and information and communication technologies, as well as the professional knowledge, skills and abilities of interactive teaching methods providing them with state educational standards and normative-legal documents.
Teachers of the department have published a number of scientific and methodological and methodological articles on the theme "Improving the teaching and methodological skills of teachers of pedagogy on the basis of modern requirements".
Cooperation institutions of the department "Methods of preschool, primary and special education":
There are 2 directions in the department. Teachers of preschool and primary school have been trained 144 hours.
Each month, the group of primary education is divided into 75 groups, with 3 groups of 630 students per year.
Up to 50 tutorials will be trained in pre-school educational establishments, with 2 groups of 25 students per year and 400 listeners.
The main subjects taught at the department are:
Modern approaches and innovations in primary education.
2. Methods of teaching elementary education
3. Modern Approaches to Preschool Education
4. Technology of employment
5. Selected topics
Малака ошириш курс тингловчиларига методик ёрдам сифатида методик қўлланма, тавсия, кўрсатма, дарс ишланмалари ва дарс тақдимотлари яратиб келишмоқда. Жумладан, кафедранинг катта ўқитувчилари Б.Атаева томонидан “Математикадан назорат иши”, “Атрофимиздаги олам 1-синф учун дарс ишланмалари ва дарс тақдимотлари”, М.Кулахметова томонидан “3-синф ўқиш фанидан дарс ишланмалари тўплами”, “Бола шахсига йўналтирилган талим – давр талаби” номли ўқув қўлланмаси, У.Толлибаева томонидан “Боланинг оилада соғлом тарбияси шаклланишида ижтимоий-психологик муҳитнинг аҳамияти” мавзусидаги услубий қўлланмаси ва И.Юсупова томонидан “Мактабгача ёшдаги болалар ривожланишига қўйиладиган “Давлат талаблари” ва “Болажон таянч дастури” асосида тестлар тўплами” тайёрланган.
Ушбу тайёрланган ўқув ва услубий қўлланмалар, тест тўпламлари марказнинг Ахборот Ресурс Марказига топширилган. Бу методик материаллардан МОК тингловчиларининг мунтазам фойдаланишига имкон яратилган.
“Мактабгача, бошланғич ва махсус таълим методикалари” кафедрасининг профессор-ўқитувчиларини устувор вазифалари илмий-методик, маънавий-маърифий фаолияти натижасида илм-фанининг энг кейинги ютуқларини ўрганиш, малака ошириш жараёни учун ўқув дастурлари, методик тавсияномалар, маърузалар тўплами ишлаб чиқиш малака ошириш ва қайта тайёрлаш курслари учун юқори илмий савияда ташкил этиш ва ўтказиш, таълим тарбиянинг долзарб муаммолари бўйича тарғибот ишларини олиб бориш ва уларнинг натижаларини амалиётга тадбиқ этишга қаратилган.
Кафедра профессор-ўқитувчилари халқаро, республика ва вилоят миқёсидаги илмий, илмий-амалий конференсия ва анжуманларда педагогик ва инновацион технологиялардан амалий фойдаланиш, таълим самарадорлигини оширишда педагогик ва ахборот технологиялари каби мавзуларда фаол иштирок этиб келмоқда.
Педагогикага оид долзарб мавзуларда телевидение, радио ва матбуотда чиқишлар қилинмоқда.
Малака ошириш курслари ўқув жараёнини оптимал умумлашишини таъминлаш учун семинар-тренинг, давра суҳбатлари ва маънавий-марифий тадбирлар уюштириш бугунги кун таълим жараёнининг долзарб муаммоларини ҳал этишга йўналтирилган.
Online application system for admission to the master's degree of higher education institutions
EntranceInformation system for accounting of services provided to students on a contractual basis
EntranceUnified electronic system of coordination of postgraduate education
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EntranceA set of subjects for which a test is taken in accordance with the directions of undergraduate education