Department of Regional Coordination of Distance Learning
Gulistan State University
Phone (0367) 225-40-42
Fax (0367) 225-42-75
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Gulistan State University Scientific Index

Department of Regional Coordination of Distance Learning

Head of department - Musurmankulov Farkhod Uralovich

Education: Higher. Gulistan State University.


Foreign Language: Russian

Phone: (0 367) 227 78 12


Reception days: Everyday


Regional coordination office for remote training at the Regional Center for Retraining and Retraining of Teachers at Gulistan State University

Based on the Memorandum signed between the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Asian Development Bank on 4 February 2002, the Regional Coordination Center for Distance Education has been functioning at the institute since 2005 based on the ADB-UZB-1961 "Education Sector Development" Program and the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated 19.02.2003 showing that.

The Center operates in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Education", "National Program for Personnel Training", Decrees and Orders of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers, Interdepartmental Coordination Council and regulations, has contributed to the implementation of the order.

At present there are 4 specialists in distance coordination department. (Head of the center, 1 course coordinator, 1 admin, 1 methodologist).

Farhad Musurmankulov - Head of the Center. He graduated from Gulistan State University with a degree in History. Since 2018 he has been working as a head of the Center.

Mavlyuda Shirinbayeva - Course Coordinator - Higher education, Engineer Scientist and Informatics Teacher on Electronic Computing Machines at Tashkent Polytechnic Institute.

Doniyor Baymurodov is a graduate of Gulistan State University on informatics. He has been working in this position since January 2018.

Murod Otakhanov - methodologist - graduated from secondary special, physical training in Gulistan Pedagogical College. He has been working in this position since 2016.


In December 2000, the Ministry of Public Education established 85 distance learning centers within the framework of the Memorandum of Understanding on the Stabilization of the Educational Sector Development Program between the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Asian Development Bank (ADB). These are the Center for Distance Learning in the National Institute for Retraining and Advanced Training of Teachers in the name of A.Avloniy, the Regional Coordination Center for Distance Learning within the National Center for Retraining and Advanced Training of Teachers of Public Education (NRMC)


In this course, the system assignments, occupations and test assignments for the 144-hour curriculum will be taught during three months without dismissal.

It is essentially formed within the context of the traditional upgrading course.

At the same time, the distance learning course materials differ from the traditional course, with their design, presentation and tracking tools, and the distribution of the module through the Internet. This course is aimed at improving the teaching methods of highly qualified teachers with the use of modern methods of teaching and the use of information and communication technologies by distance learning.

This course consists of 3 blocks.


Students of the distance learning course begin the educational process with the SOCIAL FILMS BLOCK.

This block consists of 4 discs,

    Fundamentals of National Idea and Spirituality
    It is a topical issue.

Next block

As part of the FAMILY BLANK, this block contains 3 science conscious,

    Pedagogical issues;
    Psychology Issues;

are engaged in science.

Our last block

BLOCK OF SPECIAL FANS BLOCK, which consists of 4 sections.

    Theory and teaching methods;
    Pedagogical technologies in teaching science;
    Information Technology in Teaching Science;
    Foreign Language;

In this section

1. Teach science to use modern pedagogical technologies, methods and means of teaching that are effective in teaching.

2. Possess the peculiarity of the technology of course planning, information on the use of personality-focused learning technologies in organizing and conducting lessons.

3. Develops your skills in evaluating the importance of knowing the principles and ways of implementing various forms of modern methods and pedagogical technologies, and the effective use of modern pedagogical technologies and methods.

Enriching the content of the course materials depends on your active participation in your learning activities. You can leave questions or questions that are encountered during the learning process, and leave feedback on the course forum.

In the case of availability of computer and technical equipment at general secondary schools, through distance learning, teachers are aimed at working with the Internet, independently performing tasks such as searching, searching, storing, selecting information on

The course participants were supervised by the Central Institute of Retraining and Advanced Training of Public Education Officer A.Avloniy. The list of challenges and difficulties encountered during their assignments and tests after their entry into and with their passwords and logins are also available on the site. Every 2 weeks, KS (contact session - practical and laboratory work), TOMK (network training) and ON (intermediate supervision).

Tests carried out by teachers during the distance training are evolved through an automatic assessment system and evaluated by the technicians. Distance learning is focused on teachers' independent thinking.

During the training sessions with the teachers participating in the course, the teacher provides a good opportunity for the independent study of teachers, especially in remote areas, through distance learning. A teacher who is doing a distance learning allows the teacher to overestimate the amount of time and time he or she wants, regardless of his / her pedagogical work, on a voluntary basis connected to the Internet.

Distance learning facilitates the development and enhancement of the trainees' ability to:

- The specialist will be able to improve his / her professional skills through a computer and will connect with other students through communication technologies;

- Work with different groups of learners;

- The trainees will have the opportunity to implement their own reading and schedules;

- Continuously expanding the scope of the training;

- At the same time, it is possible to have distance learning and pedagogical activity together.

Today, the full implementation of such public education tasks, achieving practical results, the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated February 7, 2017 N UP-4947 "On Strategy for Action for Further Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan" and the Decree of the Ministry of Public Education on February 9, 2017 40 according to the "Strategy of Action on five priority directions of development of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2017-2021" at the Institute in 2017 - 2021 it is envisaged to set up special training courses with the trainees to improve their skills in order to ensure the implementation of the priorities.

Problems: Along with the advantages of remote training courses, the fact that the electricity supply from the remote areas is constantly erased and the inadequacy of the Internet services at a satisfactory level creates significant difficulties in conducting the courses.

Gulistan State University

12257 | 2018-02-10 09:54

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