Today, Gulistan State University's International Relations Department has established partnerships with IWMI, ICARDA and JIRCAS.
In particular, the university ERASMUSMUNDUS "Timur: (Obuchenie licenses via mobilnost k Evropeyskomu Union of the Republic of Uzbekistan)" and "ERASMUS: (Rene Development magisterskoy Program PO vozobnovlyaemym istochnikam Energy and Sustainable okrujayushchey reliable)" projects, working with the countries of the European Union in the framework of higher education increases.
Faculty of Natural Sciences, the term "soil" teacher Rakhmonov honored 14.11.2016-14.01.2017bo'lgan the Czech Republic in Prague (Czech University of Life Sciences at the University of Natural Sciences (CULS)) The European Union's Erasmus Mundus program as part of the project TIMUR skills and experience.
Faculty of Natural Sciences senior scientist at the Department of Biology "," 3-stage researcher of the Institute of senior Ablakulova Nadira Abduvoxobovna the European Union's Erasmus Mundus program at the expense of the project TIMUR December 1, 2016 to June 1, 2017, for a term of 6 months at the University of Agriculture in Nitra, Slovakia, Slovakia She has graduated from the department of professional development and scientific research.
Economics Professor Ahmad Mamatov Lomonosov Moscow State University on March 30-31, 2017, "Povorot mirovoi istorii. Novaya strategy Rossii ", which took place at the International Forum of Economists.
Dean of the Faculty of Natural Sciences Habibjon to the Botanical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Azerbaijan "Medicinal plant cultivation and processing", April 5-15, 2017, to attend a training seminar.
On May 3 of this year, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Federal Republic of Germany to the Republic of Naynxart Hoefer-Wissing 25th anniversary of the Uzbek-German relations, cooperation in Gulistan State University on the topic. In the small meeting hall of the Rector there was a meeting with the Rector, Vice Rectors, Deans, Professors and Students. At the meeting, the Ambassador was introduced to the organizational and educational system of the university, the activities of the university, the possibilities of cooperation with foreign universities, particularly Germany's leading universities.
From 2016 (15.10.2016-14.10.2019) Gulen State University Erasmus (Tempus) Program 574055-EPP-1-2016-1-IT-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP "RENES: Renewable Energy Sources and Sustainable Environment is continuing his scientific work as a partner in the Master of Business Administration program.
Head of International Relations Azamat Shaimkulov and Associate Professor of Physics Shavki Niyazov at the plenary meeting, organized within the framework of the next project "RENES: Development of Master Program in Renewable Energy Sources and Sustainable Environment" between 29.05.2017 and 02.06.2017 have come to attend.
Djanibekova Nodira Abdusalomovna, Senior Lecturer, Department of "National Idea, Bases of Spirituality and Legal Education", from September 10-12, 2017 in Almaty, Kazakhstan, hosted a roundtable titled "Role of Molodyx Leader and Craftsman Central Asian", held in Central Asian Regional Environmental Center (MOMEM). Participating in the 8th Session.
Rakhimov Bakhtiyor Hudoyberdievich, the head of the department "Russian language and literature", participates at the XV international scientific-practical conference on "Obrazovanie cherez vsyu jizn: nepreryvnoe obrazovanie v interesax masterovchi razvitiya" held on 25-28 September, 2017 in Yaroslavl state pedagogical university arrived.
Yadgor Normatov, a graduate of the Faculty of Natural Sciences, left for Beijing on September 27 to complete his internship and research at Beijing Agricultural University for 10 months.
Bobur Sherquziev, a 3rd year student of English Language and Literature, Faculty of Philology, attended the 19th World Youth and Students Festival, which was held on 14.10.2017 - 22.10.2017 at the main mediator of the Olympic Park in Sochi, Russia.
On November 1, 2014 Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Bangladesh to Uzbekistan Mosud Mannan visited Gulistan State University. Manouchehr Mannan also touched upon the achievements and experience of agriculture in Bangladesh as well as the possibilities of bilateral cooperation.
Head of International Relations Department Azamat Shaimkulov and Associate Professor of Physics Shavki Niyazov participated in the 3rd Plenary Session, organized within the framework of the project from 28.11.2017 to 02.12.2017 "RENES: Development of Master Program in Renewable Energy Sources and Sustainable Environment" they came.
On December 14, US Specialist for Water Infrastructure, Dzhonah Sheen, and Biryukova Ekaterina, an employee of the US Embassy in Tashkent, visited Gulistan State University. John Sheen gave a presentation in California on how to use water recycling and water recycling in the United States.
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