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Amir Temur - the great statesman, the famous commander, Sohibhiron
"A knowledgeable person of Amir Temur", dated 682nd anniversary,
quiz questions.
1. Who was his last enemy on the battlefield of Amir Temur?
a) Sultan Bayazid b) Black Yusuf c) Iskender Sheikh
2. Ibn Khaldun writes that Amir Temur, on the other hand, whether the king is his relative?
a) Buxtannasr b) Manuchehrc) Xusrav
3. According to the Arabs, Temur Amir madrasah Imam Jamoluddin Ahmad al-Khorezmiy teaches the Temurian prince?
a) Muhammad Sultan b) Pirmukhammed Mizro c) Ibrahim Sultan
4. What is the meaning of the term "ukulka" of the Timurid era?
a) Rule b) Prize money c) Prize money
5. Who wrote Amir Temur as a shepherd when he was young?
a) Ibn Khaldun b) Ibn Arabshah c) Keyboard
6. Which European writer portrayed Amir Temur as the ideal ruler?
a) K. Marlo b) N. Machiavelli c) J. Boden
7. This English historian writes in his works that he is surprised that Amir Temur goes back to the Asian ruler. Who is he?
a) P.Brachcholi b) M. Sharmua c) E.Gibbon
8. In whose work is it stated that in Samarkand on the orders of Amir Temur 20 days?
a) Shamiy b) Klavikon c) Ibn Arabshah
9. What architectural monument, built by Amir Temur, was blown up by the representation of Russia in the beginning of the 20th century?
a) Ruhobod b) Mausoleum of Mist c) Mausoleum of Khoja Ahmad
10. The author of the book "Muizzul-ansob" describes in which area the work of Amir Temur is studied?
a) history of statehood; b) history of history; c) the history of military operations;
11. According to historical information, Amir Temur sent nine ambassadors to the country from 1389 to 1398?
a) Minsk state b) Ottoman state c) Egyptian state
12. What is connected with the work of Amir Temur: "Carbos was clothed in cloth because of her great character. His clothes were pressed against his forehead and torn to his forehead,
a) Amir O'joytu b) Amir Hussein c) Amir Musa
13. In the life of Sahibkiran, which the prince of Temrarzade turned to the enemy?
a) Sultan Hussein b) Khalil Sultan c) Muhammad Mirzo
14. How did Amir Temur know himself as an interpreter of the Islamic religion?
a) ninth b) seventh c) eighth
15. It is well known that Amir Temur appointed 12 emirs from forty tribes. Who is the commander responsible for the battles?
(a) Sori Boug (b) Ambassador Bahadir (c) Cunakhon
16. In what historical game Amir Temur was stabbed and poisoned with a toothpick during his campaigns of 1395 against Tormyshana?
a) Rules of Temur; b) the Temurm; c) Zafarnoma
17. In what year did Amir Temur first use the seven armies in his military campaign?
(a) 1395 (b) 1402 (c) 1391
18. Which of the most famous gardens of the temple of Amahan was built in the form of a large butala?
a) Gods of Chinor b) Gods of Navda c) God'i Davlatavod
19. "A blue glass on the shoulders is sewn on two shoulders and sleeves. His head on his head is decorated with large pearls. " What is the reward of Claudius in Spain?
a) Sultan Muhammad b) Pirmuhammad Mirzo c) Ibrahim Mirzo
20. Clavijo writes, at what point in Samarkand he saw an oak golden tree?
a) I am my prince b) I am the base of Saraymulkhanas c)
21. What Amir Temur was captured by only 40 soldiers?
a) Balks b) Termez c) Karshi
22. Who was the most famous astrologer in the palace of Amir Temur?
a) Mevlana Ahmad b) Tojiddin as-Salman c) Mavlono Mansour al-Ghani
23. What prince was born when his son Jahangir Mirzo died in 1376?
a) Pirmuhammad Mirzo b) Muhammad Sultan c) Shohrukh Mirzo
24. In 1381 Amir Temur took Khurasan from the clan?
a) Kurds b) Muzaffaris c) Complaints
25. By what time Amir Temur takes on the task of stopping, and in what area can he control?
a) Reproduction b) Signoq c) Taraz
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