Topical issues of education of youth
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Topical issues of education of youth

Topical issues of youth education
Gulistan state University April 3, 2018 Syrdarya region, the main Imam-believe xatibi Hoji Usmonov, preventive inspector.Usmonov was conducted with teachers and students related to education.

At the meeting, the rector of the University, Professor. M. T. Xodjiev, Vice-rector for spiritual and educational work, candidate of pedagogical Sciences, associate Professor R. Mahmudov, Syrdarya, preventive inspector chief Imam of xatibi region M. Usmonov.Usmonov took part 512 students and teachers.

Speakers, delivered a speech at the event, students on the issues of education, morality and culture, and dress, today some young people in different clothes, which is typical for national mintalitetimizga to go to a public place to walk, talk, and culturally, as using the phone to watch a girl open a towel or wearing tight pants for walking “mass culture”oylanib about who is left by itself, it caused unpleasant situations, and our loved ones what they think about open dialogue with youth was conducted and put.

In addition, young people today are between offenders and crime, drug addiction, bezorilik, drink alcohol related driving crime prevention, religious extremism and terrorism, illegal migration, and also drew attention to the negative consequences has already been about the population of the region today, especially among young people, there are various disorders and their prevention is carried out on the factors that are produced by them that they talked about a wide range of measures.

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Gulistan State UniversityGulistan State University

13971 | 2018-04-09 10:45

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