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Master's degree
Respected journalists, employees of the media, bloggers! I sincerely congratulate you all on the holiday of June 27-day of the press and media workers. Journalism, operating in the media is one of the hard work. Hundreds of talented and talented journalists, such as SA'dulla Bagiyev, Saminjon Sultanov, Hakimjon Halilov, turgun Jamolov, Mukhtorali Nasirov, Khaligul Sagizov, Ibrahim Normatov, Kabir Shukurov, Bahadir Muhammediev, Umarali Alikulov, photomukhbirs, operators worked in the region of sirdarya. These days, too, hundreds of self-sacrificing creators operate in the Press, Television and radio. It takes a lot of time to bring all their names and surnames. It is very honorable to operate in the press, in the mass media. I sincerely congratulate you all on the holiday of the press and media day, which is a professional holiday. I wish you good luck in the development of spirituality of our people by writing educational, meaningful and meaningful articles and preparing animations. Blessed be our professional holiday!
27 iyun – Matbuot va ommaviy axborot vositalari xodimlari bukitan!Hurmatli jurnalistlar, ommaviy axborot vositalari xodimlari, Blogerlar! Barchangizni 27 iyun – matbuot va ommaviy axborot vositalari xodimlari bukitan bayrami bilan chin qalbimdan tabriklayman. Jurnalistlik, ommaviy axborot vositalarida faoliyat ko'rsatish og'ir ishlardan biri. Sirdaryo viloyatida Sa'dulla Boqiev, Saminjon Sultonov, Hakimjon Halilov, turg'un Jamolov, Muxtorali Nosirov, Xoliqul Sagizov, Ibrohim Normatov, Kabir Shukurov, Bahodir Muhammadiev, Umarali Aliqulov kabi yuzlab iqtidorli, iste'dodli jurnalistlar, fotomuxbirlar, operatorlar faoliyat ko'rsatganlar. Ayni kunlarda ham matbuotda, televidenie va radioda yuzlab fidoyi ijodkorlar faoliyat ko'rsatmoqdalar. Ularning barchalarini ism worker-familiyalarini keltirish ko'p vaqtni oladi. Matbuotda, ommaviy axborot vositalarida faoliyat ko'rsatish juda sharaflidir. Barchangizni kasb bayrami bo'lgan matbuot va ommaviy axborot vositalari bukitan bayrami bilan samimiy qutlayman. O'qimishli, ma'noli, mazmunli maqolalar yozib ko'rsatuvlar tayyorlab xalqimiz ma'naviyatini o'stirishlaringizda omad tilayman. Kasb bayramimiz muborak bo'lsin!
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EntranceA set of subjects for which a test is taken in accordance with the directions of undergraduate education