Combating the spread of drugs among young people
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Combating the spread of drugs among young people

The Palace of Culture of Gulistan State University hosted an event on "Combating the spread of drugs among young people." The event was opened by the Vice-Rector for Youth Affairs and Spiritual and Enlightenment Affairs F. Niyazov. He briefly spoke about the main purpose of the event. Mansur Boyeshanov, the head of the Syrdarya Regional Department of Internal Affairs, the Syrdarya Regional Department of Internal Affairs, Bekzod Turdimurodov, the operative representative of the Syrdarya Regional Department of Internal Affairs, and Alibek Khakimov, the doctor of the Syrdarya Regional Narcology Dispensary, spoke at the event. The main purpose of the study is to promote a healthy lifestyle among the population, especially among young people, to draw public attention to the problems associated with drug trafficking, to raise awareness about the negative consequences of drug abuse among the population, especially among young people. leading to the commission of serious and very serious crimes, the destruction of the gene pool of families and nations, the exposure to drugs, more and more young people who are out of the control of their parents and society, and as a result commit various crimes in the heart that the fight against addiction should make us all think equally They stressed that every citizen of our country should consider this issue as his duty to the Motherland, as well as to his family and children.

 The students were then shown a video on the road to death, highlighting the negative effects of drugs and drug abuse.

          Experts answered the questions of students on the issues of the agenda in detail.

6809 | 2021-10-21 15:50

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