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Master's degree
🌱 Gulistan State University continues the “Shock 40 Day” events of the national project “Green Space”.
🌴The staff of Gulistan State University aims to continue to actively participate in such good deeds as landscaping, protecting trees and shrubs, expanding green spaces. In October-November 2022, it is planned to plant more than 13,000 seedlings, of which 12,000 will be decorative and 1,000 fruit seedlings . To date, 2995 seedlings and cuttings have been planted.
🌿In the national project, poplar seedlings, orchards, quince, as well as poplar and cypress cuttings are planted by the teaching staff, workers and students of the university on the territory of the university in the cities of Gulistan and Yangiyer, Boyovut, Akoltin and Gulistan district.
☘️Boarding events will continue at our university.
🌴Gulsiton davlat universiteti jamoasi tomonidan “Yashil makon” umummilliy dasturi doirasida “Dolzarb 40 kunlik” ko‘chat ekish mavsumida universitet hududlariga 2022-yilning oktabr-noyabr oylarida jami 13.000 donadan ziyod ko‘chatlar ekish rejalashtirilgan bo‘lib, shundan 12.000 donasi manzaralari va 1.000 donasi mevali ko‘chatlarni tashkil etadi. Shu bugunga qadar 2995 dona ko‘chatlar va qalamchalar ekildi. Mazkur umummilliy loyiha ijrosini ta’minlash maqsadida, Farg‘ona viloyatidan 6000 dona terak va 1000 dona behi, Jizzax viloyatidan esa 1000 dona sada navlari bo‘yicha maxsus yetishtirilgan daraxt ko‘chatlarini ta’minlash bo‘yicha shartnoma tuzilgan.
🌿Umummilliy loyihada universitet professor-oʻqituvchilari, ishchi-xodimlari va talaba-yoshlari tomonidan Terak, Sada, Behi ko‘chatlari, shuningdek, terak va jiyda qalamchalari universitetning Guliston va Yangiyer shahrlaridagi, Boyovut, Oqoltin va Guliston tumanlaridagi hududlari boʻylab ekilmoqda.
☘️Universitetimizda koʻchat ekish tadbirlari davom etadi.
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