The diplomacy meeting for listers
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The diplomacy meeting for listers

Press release meeting on the list of drug training courses of the criminal procedure, practical psychologists and defectology (logopedia) transportation program

At present, the Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan ¹ 3261 "On measures to radically improve the system of pre-school education" on September 9, 2017, in the country, in order to implement the tasks set out in the video-conference meeting held on December 19, 2017 under the leadership of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Ministry of National Education, Preschool Education Officers, Practitioner Psychologists, Defecto The trainees of the vocational retraining courses log (logopedics) successfully complete the 4-month study process and get their diplomas today.

On July 5, 2018, a ceremony of handing over diplomas to the trainees of the Center for Civil Service Affairs in the city of Gulistan was held for the participants of the Professional Retraining Courses in the directions of MTM, Practical Psychologists and Defectology (Logopedics).

The Regional Center's courtyard is decorated festively. Participants of the event: guests, professors, teachers, and listeners in all directions.

At first the State Anthem of the Republic of Uzbekistan was sounded.

Then the rector of the Gulistan State University Muhsin Tojievich Hodjiev was given the title to open the solemn ceremony.

M.T. Hodjiev said in his speech: "Today, we sincerely congratulate our participants on the professional retraining courses. Wished success in his pedagogical work.

To congratulate graduates, Shamobiddin Mukhitdinovich Turdimetov, Director of the Regional Center for Retraining and Advanced Training of Public Education Officers, was invited to the event.

Sh.M.Turdimetov in his speech said: - Educators of preschool educational institutions, practicing psychologists, defectologists (logopedists) have congratulated their listeners with this happy day and wished them success in their responsible future activities.

During the event, A.Turdiboev, the Head of the Syrdarya Regional Department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Uzbekistan received congratulations.

A.Turdiboev congratulated the graduates on this happy day and wished them success in their professional activities and informed them about their future tasks.

To congratulate the graduates on this joyful day, the 19th Graders of the city of Gulistan arrived. The dances "Andijancha" and "Romashka" were performed with their participation.

Then the prominent poet Alisher Nur was given the floor. Alisher Nur, in his speech, wished good luck to the graduates, read poems from his creations and won the applause.

During the event, Begmamatova Madina, a graduate of vocational retraining, was mentioned. M.Begmamatova expressed her gratitude to the graduates and wished them good luck.

Personally, the Rector of the PDU and the Director of the Regional Center were awarded with honorary titles for their active participation in the training and qualification practice. The audience was given a solemn diploma

Representatives from the republican and regional TV and radio companies sealed all the processes in the video.

The event was tidy and interesting.


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Gulistan State University Gulistan State University

19116 | 2018-07-12 18:26

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