Total number of students
Full-time education
Full-time education
Master's degree
List of decrees and decisions of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan concerning the higher education system |
1. |
About the measures to establish the International Institute of Food Technology and Engineering |
¹ PQ-22 26.01.2023 |
2. |
On approval of the national education program in the field of human rights in the Republic of Uzbekistan |
¹ PQ-46 07.02.2023 |
3. |
About the state program for the implementation of the development strategy of New Uzbekistan for the years 2022-2026 in the "year of attention to people and quality education" |
¹ PF-27 28.02.2023 |
4. |
On approval of the international agreement |
¹ PQ–90 10.03.2023 y. |
5. |
On the measures to expand scientific approaches in the implementation of economic reforms and to further improve the system of training management personnel |
¹ PQ-108 04.04.2023 |
6. |
On measures to accelerate the comprehensive development of the educational system by increasing the quality of scientific-methodical and research works |
¹ PQ-128 20.04.2023 |
7. |
On additional measures to support youth employment and provide them with permanent employment |
¹ PF-61 26.04.2023 |
8. |
About making changes and additions to some documents of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as considering some of them as having lost their validity |
¹ PF-107 03.07.2023 |
9. |
On the measures of effective organization of state management in the field of higher education, science and innovation within the framework of administrative reforms |
¹ PQ-200 03.07.2023 |
Decrees of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan |
1. |
On measures to implement administrative reforms of New Uzbekistan |
¹ PF–269 21.12.2022 y. |
2. |
About making changes to some documents of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as considering some of them as having lost their validity |
¹ PF–214 31.08.2022 y. |
3. |
On approval of the national program for the development of public education in 2022-2026 (paragraphs four and five of Clause 6) |
¹ PF–134 11.05.2022 y. |
4. |
On amendments and additions to some documents of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as on considering some of them as invalid |
¹ PF–94 31.03.2022 y. |
5. |
On the development strategy of New Uzbekistan for 2022-2026 |
¹ PF–60 28.01.2022 y. |
Decisions of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan |
1. |
On the measures to effectively organize the activities of the republic's executive authorities within the framework of the administrative reforms of the new Uzbekistan |
¹ PQ–447 12/21/2022 y. |
2. |
About establishment of Namangan Textile Industry Institute |
¹ PQ–386 05.10.2022 y. |
3. |
On measures to reduce the share of informal employment and shape the balance of labor resources based on modern approaches (paragraph 9) |
¹ PQ–366 08/30/2022 y. |
4. |
On additional measures for further popularization and development of chess (clause 6) |
¹ PQ–347 05.08.2022 y. |
5. |
On measures to systematically reform the activities of the University of World Economy and Diplomacy |
¹ PQ–330 07/23/2022 y. |
6. |
On measures to support women's education in higher, secondary special and professional educational organizations |
¹ PQ–323 07/18/2022 y. |
7. |
On the measures to establish an education-production cluster in the oil and gas sector |
¹ PQ–309 07.07.2022 y. |
8. |
On measures to support the mass media and develop the field of journalism (Clause 6, Appendix 2) |
¹ PQ–294 06/27/2022 y. |
9. |
On additional measures to improve the activities of Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizomi |
¹ PQ–290 06/21/2022 y. |
10. |
On measures to increase the quality of pedagogical education and further develop the activities of higher educational institutions training pedagogic personnel |
¹ PQ–289 06/21/2022 y. |
eleven. |
On measures for the further development of the sport of judo (paragraphs 3, 9) |
¹ PQ–286 06/20/2022 y. |
12. |
On measures to improve the management system of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education |
¹ PQ–284 06.16.2022 y. |
13. |
On the organization of admission processes to state higher education institutions |
¹ PQ–279 06/15/2022 y. |
14. |
On the establishment of the Namangan State Institute of Foreign Languages named after Ishaq Khan Ibrat |
¹ PQ–275 06/09/2022 y. |
15. |
On the establishment of the Andijan State Institute of Foreign Languages |
¹ PQ–265 05/31/2022 y. |
16. |
It is correct to make additions and amendments to the decision PQ-42 of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated December 10, 2021 "On measures to fundamentally improve the preparation of the engineering personnel system for economic sectors based on innovation and digitization" about |
¹ PQ–245 05/17/2022 y. |
17. |
On additional measures for the development of public education |
¹ PQ–241 11.05.2022 y. |
18. |
On measures to establish the International Agricultural University |
¹ PQ–237 07.05.2022 y. |
19. |
On measures to increase the quality of education in specialized boarding schools for blind and visually impaired children and to further improve their activities (paragraph 3, sub-paragraph "g") |
¹ PQ–209 04/18/2022 y. |
20. |
On measures to further improve the mechanisms of social partnership and public control (Appendix, item 2) |
¹ PQ–208 04/15/2022 y. |
21. |
On measures to bring youth involvement in mass sports in the neighborhoods to a new level (paragraph 12) |
¹ PQ–201 04/11/2022 y. |
22. |
On the establishment of the Samarkand State Medical University and further improvement of the personnel training system in the field |
¹ PQ–188 01.04.2022 y. |
23. |
On the fundamental improvement of the personnel training system in the field of veterinary medicine and animal husbandry |
¹ PQ–187 03/31/2022 y. |
24. |
On the establishment of the Navoi State University of Mining and Technologies |
¹ PQ–186 03/31/2022 y. |
25. |
On the measures to turn the intellectual game "Zakovat" into a mass-educational movement among the population and the development of other intellectual games |
¹ PQ–96 01/21/2022 y. |
26. |
On measures to fundamentally improve the system of working with youth in neighborhoods (item 10, item 5 of Appendix 3) |
¹ PQ–92 01/19/2022 y. |
27. |
On additional measures to further improve the activities of Samarkand State University |
¹ PQ–82 01/13/2022 y. |
Orders of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan |
1. |
About the parameters of the state order for admission to public higher education institutions for the 2022/2023 academic year |
¹ F–60 15.06.2022 y. |
1. |
On the measures of radical improvement of the system of engineering personnel training for economic sectors based on innovation and digitization |
10.12.2021 and PQ-42-son |
2. |
On measures to attract qualified specialists to budget organizations in remote areas |
01/11/2021 and PQ-4940-son |
3. |
On the organization of the branch of the Russian National Research Medical University named after NIPirogov in Tashkent |
01.07.2021 and PQ-5169-son |
4. |
On measures to provide financial independence to state higher education institutions |
12.24.2021 and PQ-61-son |
5. |
On additional measures to ensure academic and organizational-management independence of state higher education institutions |
12.24.2021 and PQ-60-son |
1. |
On making partial changes to the structure of the central apparatus of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan |
02/10/2020 and PQ-4593-son |
2. |
On the establishment of the Karakalpakstan Medical Institute |
02/14/2020 and PQ-4598-son |
3. |
On measures to further develop the field of pedagogical education |
02/27/2020 and PQ-4623-son |
4. |
On the measures to fundamentally improve the personnel training system and increase the scientific potential in the field of oriental studies |
04/16/2020 and PQ-4680-son |
5. |
On measures to expand and further improve the system of highly qualified personnel training in Surkhandarya region |
04/17/2020 and PQ-4681-son |
6. |
On the measures of fundamental improvement of personnel training system in the field of transport |
04.05.2020 and PQ-4703-son |
7. |
On making partial changes to the structure of the central apparatus of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan |
02/10/2020 and PQ-4593-son |
8. |
On setting non-overtime days and moving weekends during the celebration of official dates in 2021 |
03.12.2020 and PF-6122-son |
9. |
On the system of selecting talented young people and measures to improve the activities of academic lyceums |
03.12.2020 and PQ-4910-son |
10. |
On the establishment of the Fergana Public Health Medical Institute |
03.12.2020 and PQ-4911-son |
1. |
On making changes and additions to some documents of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as considering some of them as having lost their validity |
01/10/2019 and. PF-5620-son |
2. |
On additional measures to improve the educational quality control system |
01/16/2019 and. PQ-4119-son |
3. |
On measures to increase the effectiveness of basic and applied research, training of personnel in the field of political sciences |
29.01.2019y. PQ-4139-son |
4. |
On the establishment of the Tashkent branch of the Federal State Autonomous Higher Educational Institution "Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation" |
11.02.2019y. PQ-4171-son |
5. |
On amendments and additions to the decision of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PQ-3755 dated May 30, 2018 "On measures to create a modern system of selective selection of promising management personnel" |
02/20/2019 and PQ-4200-son |
6. |
On making changes and additions to some documents of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as considering some of them as having lost their validity |
22.02.2019y. PF-5668-son |
7. |
About the establishment of the center for the implementation of educational programs of Webster University in Tashkent |
03/20/2019 and PQ-4245-son |
8. |
On the measures to fundamentally improve the state management system in the field of veterinary medicine and animal husbandry |
28.03.2019y. PF-5696-son |
9. |
About establishment of Sharda University in Uzbekistan |
04/10/2019 and, PQ-4278-son |
10. |
On the establishment of a branch of the federal state budget higher education institution "Russian State University of Physical Education, Sports, Youth and Tourism" in Samarkand |
8.05.2019 and PQ-4311-son |
eleven. |
On additional measures to improve the system of admission to higher education institutions through tests |
05/14/2019 and PQ-4319-son |
12. |
On making changes and additions to some documents of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as considering some of them as having lost their validity |
05/30/2019 and PF-5733-son |
13. |
On the establishment of a branch of the Federal State Budget Higher Education Institution "MEI" National Research University in Tashkent |
04.06.2019 and PQ-4350-son |
14. |
On the establishment of a branch of the Federal state budget higher education institution "Russian University of Chemistry and Technology named after DI Mendeleev" in Tashkent |
06/07/2019 and PQ-4352-son |
15. |
On measures to fundamentally improve the system of training qualified personnel in high demand at the National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek in 2019-2023 and to develop scientific potential |
06/17/2019 and PQ-4358-son |
16. |
On making changes and additions to some documents of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as considering some of them as having lost their validity |
07/05/2019 PF-5759-son |
17. |
On the management reform measures in the field of higher and secondary special education |
07/11/2019 and PF-5763-son |
18. |
On measures to introduce new management principles into the system of higher and secondary special education |
07/11/2019 and PF-4391-son |
19. |
About measures to further improve the activities of Tashkent State Agrarian University |
08/19/2019 and PQ-4421-son |
20. |
On additional measures to further improve the professional education system |
05.09.2019 and PF-5812-son |
21. |
On approval of the concept of development of the higher education system of the Republic of Uzbekistan until 2030 |
08.10.2019 PF-5847-son |
22. |
On the establishment of the Belarus-Uzbekistan joint interdisciplinary practical technical qualification institute in Tashkent |
11/20/2019 and PQ-4524-son |
23. |
On measures to support research activities of the Institute of Nuclear Physics |
11.21.2019 and PQ-4526-son |
24. |
About the measures to further improve the activity of the Uzbekistan-Japan Youth Innovation Center at the Tashkent State Technical University named after Islam Karimov |
13.12.2019 and PQ-4550-son |
1. |
On measures to fundamentally improve the system of general secondary, secondary special and vocational education |
01/25/2018 and. PF-5313-son |
2. |
On the measures to improve the system of remuneration for the work of the employees of higher education and research institutions of the Republic |
04/05/2018 and. PQ-3655-son |
3. |
On the measures to fundamentally improve the system of training higher educated personnel at the Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers |
05/08/2018 and. PQ-3702-son |
4. |
About establishment of Samarkand Institute of Veterinary Medicine |
05/08/2018 and. PQ-3703-son |
5. |
About the measures to fundamentally improve the system of training higher educated personnel at the Tashkent State Agrarian University |
05/08/2018 and. PQ-3704-son |
6. |
On the establishment of the branch of the federal state autonomous higher educational institution "National University of Technological Research "MISiS" in Olmalik |
05/11/2018 and. PQ-3714-son |
7. |
On the establishment of the University of Journalism and Mass Communications of Uzbekistan |
05/24/2018 and. PQ-3737-son |
8. |
About admission to higher education institutions of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the 2018/2019 academic year |
04.06.2018 and. PQ-3769-son |
9. |
On additional measures to improve the quality of education in higher education institutions and ensure their active participation in comprehensive reforms implemented in the country |
06/05/2018 and. PQ-3775-son |
10. |
On measures to improve the activities of the Research Institute of Irrigation and Water Problems and to strengthen the material and technical base of the Tashkent Institute of Architecture and Construction |
06/20/2018 and. PQ-3789-son |
eleven. |
On measures to fundamentally improve the activities of the University of World Economy and Diplomacy |
06/21/2018 and. PQ-3795-son |
12. |
On the establishment of the International University of Tourism "Silk Road". |
06/28/2018 and. PQ-3815-son |
13. |
About the establishment of Puchon University in Tashkent |
07/02/2018 and. PQ-3821-son |
14. |
On the establishment of a branch of the federal state autonomous higher educational institution "MMFI" National Research Nuclear University in Tashkent and organization of its activities |
07/20/2018 and. PQ-3875-son |
15. |
On measures to further increase the amount of wages of science and higher education employees, to support the implementation of scientific and scientific-technical activity results by the state |
20.07.2018y PQ-3876-son |
16. |
About the establishment of Adju University in Tashkent |
11/30/2018 and. PQ-4041-son |
1. |
On the establishment of the Faculty of "Taekwondo and Sports Activities" within the National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek |
11/16/2017 and. PQ-3390-son |
2. |
About the measures to establish an educational and practical textile technology park at the Tashkent Textile and Light Industry Institute with the help of the Government of the Republic of Korea |
02/07/2017 and. PQ-2759-son |
3. |
On further improvement of the post-graduate education system |
02/16/2017 and. PF-4958-son |
4. |
On measures to further improve the activities of secondary special and vocational education institutions |
03/14/2017 and. PQ-2829-son |
5. |
On measures for further development of the higher education system |
04/20/2017 and. PQ-2909-son |
6. |
On the measures to fundamentally improve and improve the effectiveness of the personnel training system at the Tashkent State Law University |
04/28/2017 and. PQ-2932-son |
7. |
About admission to secondary special and vocational educational institutions of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the 2017/2018 academic year |
02.05.2017 and. PQ-2941-son |
8. |
About admission to higher education institutions of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the 2017/2018 academic year |
05.05.2017 and. PQ-2955-son |
9. |
About measures to organize the activities of the Termiz branch of Tashkent State Technical University named after Islam Karimov |
06/29/2017 and. PQ-3101-son |
10. |
On measures to further expand the participation of economic sectors and sectors in improving the quality of training of highly educated specialists |
07/27/2017 and. PQ-3151-son |
eleven. |
On the establishment of special part-time departments in the field of pedagogy in higher education institutions |
08/09/2017 and. PQ-3183-son |
12. |
On measures to further improve the system of training of pedagogic personnel, retraining of public education workers and their qualification improvement |
09/26/2017 and. PQ-3289-son |
13. |
On further improvement of the system of target training of candidates for admission to higher education institutions |
09/26/2017 and. PQ-3290-son |
14. |
On the improvement of the procedure for conducting entrance tests for bachelor's degrees of higher educational institutions of the Republic |
11/16/2017 and. PQ-3389-son |
1. |
Amendments and additions to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PF-4732 of June 12, 2015 "On measures to retrain and improve the qualifications of managers and pedagogues of higher educational institutions" about |
11/30/2016 and. PF-4860-son |
Online application system for admission to the master's degree of higher education institutions
EntranceInformation system for accounting of services provided to students on a contractual basis
EntranceUnified electronic system of coordination of postgraduate education
EntranceGetting a contract for a second specialty
EntranceApplication for accommodation in a student dormitory (for 1st year students)
EntranceList of interactive services
EntranceIT Park-the locomotive of the IT sphere of Uzbekistan
EntranceSend an appeal
EntranceMaster the professions of the future!
EntranceList of benefits granted to higher education institutions to access undergraduate education links
EntranceA set of subjects for which a test is taken in accordance with the directions of undergraduate education