Total number of students
Full-time education
Full-time education
Evening education
Master's degree
Foreign students
The head of the department is Uralov Azamat Begnarovich
Position: Head of the department
Education: Higher. Gulistan State University
Uzbek philology
Foreign Language: Russian
Phone: (0 367) 227 08 26
E-mail: yupiter.85@umail.uz
Reception days: Everyday
Information about the department "Methods of teaching languages"
History of the department:
The chair of "Methods of teaching languages" was established in accordance with the Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan № PP-3289 dated September 26, 2017. Until that time he worked as the "Language and Literature" cabinet, "Language and Literature" department and "Language and Literature Education" department. In the past, he was led by G.Khansaitova, A.Kochmarik, L.Khodjaeva, R.Shernazarova, T.Ivanova, M.Yuldasheva, U.Begmatova, A.Uralov, J. Abdullaev. Especially R.Shernazarova's services were in the development of the department. Currently, the department is headed by A.Uralov. There are 6.5 staff units in the department.
In accordance with the Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan № PP-3289 of September 26, 2017, it is called "Methods of teaching languages". The main purpose of the department:
"Improving teacher qualifications by introducing progressive pedagogical technology into the upgrading system".
The department works in three disciplines. These are: native language and literature, Russian language and literature, English. There are 10 professors and teachers in the department, 3 assistant professors and 7 senior teachers.
Nowadays, the department has the following professors: U.Olejaboyev, O.Fayzullaeva, T.Ivanova, senior teachers A.Uralov, R.Shernazarova, M. Akhmedova, O.Ochilova, M.Musurmankulova, D.Hujamberdieva, K.Ortikov and D.Nasreddinov they are doing. Associate professors U.Olejaboyev, O.Fayzullaeva, senior teacher D. Nasriddinov were involved in the work on the part of GDU. The scientific potential is 30%.
Subjects of the department are organized on the basis of state requirements. In addition, the Complex has developed a set of activities for all directions and categories, work programs, presentations and various didactic products, and are being used effectively in the educational process.
Professors and teachers of the department are working on their own, actively participate in scientific journals in foreign and republican journals, scientific conferences and conferences.
For the past three years, teachers of the department published 1 monograph, more than 10 methodical manuals and more than 15 recommendations.
Including: Senior teachers of the department Ahmedova and M. The Yuldoshevs prepared and published practical manual for the Russian language teaching manual in 2017 and the 4th grade Russian language science textbook.
Including: 10 scientific articles in magazines recognized by OAK by A. Uralov, about 100 articles and theses in different conferences;
senior teacher R. 4 articles in the magazines recognized by OAK by Shernazarova, more than 60 articles and abstracts in different conferences;
senior teacher M. Ahmedova has 2 articles in the magazines recognized by the OAK, more than 30 articles and abstracts in different conferences;
senior teacher O. Ochilova has published 4 articles in the magazines recognized by the OAK and more than 30 articles and abstracts in different conferences.
Besides, faculty members of the department have achieved a number of achievements.
Senior teacher of the chair O. Ochilova has been trained at the Center for Information Technology Development and Implementation at NOIDA in New Delhi, India. Conducted seminars and roundtables for professorial-teaching staff of the Institute and courses of improvement of professional skill and practical application of obtained knowledge and skills.
Members of the department are regularly acquainted with the Decrees, decrees and resolutions of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, decisions of the Cabinet of Ministers and are sent to the trainees of the advanced training courses. Prior to the nationwide holidays, they are actively involved in spiritual and educational activities in the region and in the center.
On January 19, 2017, R.Shernazarova conducted a methodological event on "Advanced pedagogical ideas for crafts schools" at NOC's language and literature. She participated in a seminar-training on "Mother tongue and literature subjects on complex subjects and recommendation of optimal variants from Regional Science Skills School" in Syrdarya District School # 7, Syrdarya district, at the school "Mahorat maktabi" District 8 took part in regional training seminars on "Organization of experimental testing of DTS and curriculum projects aimed at developing competencies among pupils" shared their opinions and proposals on popularization, introduction in practice.
Up to date, the teachers of the department of mathematics and mathematics R.Shernazarova and A.Uralovs have been widely distributed in various forms at the regional level:
1. Ghaznaeva Dilfuza, (Syrdarya district, 4-school) Practical seminar, creative meeting at MOC, a lesson in unfamiliar classrooms.
2. Solieva Sh (Syrdarya city, 7- school) practical seminar, master class.
3. Inatova Nigora, (Syrdarya, 7- school) Creative meeting, master class in MOK.
4. Laminova Hanifa, (27 school in Guliston district) Practical seminar, methodical manual.
5. Muzaffarova Oygul, 5-school of Gulistan district, methodical recommendation.
6. Umaralieva Nargiza, a master class in the city of Gulistan.
7. Bektemirova Jamila, (Gulistan City 11 school) practical seminar, roundtable
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