Information Resource Center
Gulistan State University
Phone (0367) 225-40-42
Fax (0367) 225-42-75
Bizning shior: Universitet obro'si har bir professor o'qituvchi, xodim va talabaning or-nomusi, iftixori va vijdon ishidir.           Asosiy maqsadimiz: Eng yetuk universitetlar qatoridan joy olish!           Ilm bir shu'la, dilga tushgan on Shunda bilursankim, ilm bepoyon...


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Full-time education


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Master's degree


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Gulistan State University Scientific Index

Information Resource Center

Head of the center - Buranova Khabiba Nishanboyevna

Education: Higher. Tashkent State Institute of Culture

Librarianship and Bibliography.

Foreign Language: Russian

Phone: (99897) 247 20 55


Reception days: Everyday

Information resource center

IRC is a structural subdivision of the Regional Center of Retraining and Retraining of Public Education under the Gulistan State University. IRC will serve as a scientific, educational and methodological center to provide the necessary information to faculty members, regional faculty staff, staff, teachers and methodologists, listeners, employees of preschool educational institutions, and library readers.

There are 2 staff units in the IRC:

1st class librarian

2nd class librarian

IRC consists of 4 sections:

1. Educational room

2. Abonoment department

3. Electronic library

4. Fund


IRC Department of Internet Resources (20-30 people a day) serves the readers.

In section Abonoment: on the basis of orders readers' demands are studied and provided; - exhibitions on various topics, special dates; monitor the use of the subscription section of the audience. Annually, the IRC subscribes to more than 14 local publications. IRC is connected to the Internet. This will give the reader information faster.

All readers can use the IRC's reading room for 52 seats.
The Reading room has a unique opportunity to get acquainted with unique and unique publications, collective encyclopaedias, dictionaries, periodicals and lists of periodicals. The reading room serves about 5,000 readers a year. In the reading room new exhibitions are regularly organized. In the reading room, thematic corners are arranged, and relevant information and publications are available.
In IRC Reading Room, IRC staff and department and MOC lecturers will hold various methodological events dedicated to important and memorable dates.


The electronic library has 10 computers, all connected to the Internet. The Electronic Library has access to the internet and electronic resources for all readers of the IRC.

The Electronic Library has electronic versions of President's reports, electronic versions of all textbooks, electronic versions of lecture texts and other electronic resources developed by professors and lecturers at the University of Central Asia.

IRC has the following special address:

www. The site is updated according to the library.

The site is organized in the Republic

Collaboration with Information Resource Centers and Regional CRDC Ecological Monitoring Center;

Methodical assistance is provided to the teaching staff and course trainees via the site by the ICSU CIBC IRC under the Office of Public Prosecutor.

Projects of "Modern Lessons" and "Pedagogical Skills" are being implemented;

Employees and staff of the Information Resource Center regularly organize various forums on various topics through the Internet education portal.


The IRC fund consists of 8833 educational, scientific, pedagogical, literary and other types of literature in Uzbek, in the siblings and foreign languages. Scientific books and textbooks are published in alphabetical order by fibers.

The content of the fund is constantly updated and enriched according to the reader's requirements and needs.

Gulistan State UniversityGulistan State University


Gulistan State UniversityGulistan State University

9065 | 2018-02-10 09:44



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Useful resources

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