To the attention of the authors
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Bizning shior: Universitet obro'si har bir professor o'qituvchi, xodim va talabaning or-nomusi, iftixori va vijdon ishidir.           Asosiy maqsadimiz: Eng yetuk universitetlar qatoridan joy olish!           Ilm bir shu'la, dilga tushgan on Shunda bilursankim, ilm bepoyon...


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Gulistan State University Scientific Index

To the attention of the authors

"Bulletin of Gulistan State University" (University Bulletin)

To the attention of authors of scientific journals!


1. Scientific journal "Bulletin of GulSU" publishes scientific articles on the following areas in Uzbek, English and Russian languages: Physics, Mathematics and Information Technology; Biology and Ecology; Philology; Pedagogy and education; Agricultural, chemical and production technologies; Socio-economic and political sciences.

2. The main requirements for published articles: the relevance and scientific novelty of the case; The size of the article: Up to 7-8 pages in the case of publications, drawings and tables; annotations (5-7 lines) and keywords (5-8) are available in Uzbek, English and Russian.

3. The article provides a description of the UDC, the name of the author, F.I.O., the author, e-mail author, accessory, research object and methods used, results obtained and their analysis, summary, list of publications (see example). It is recommended that you refer to the articles published in the next 10-15 years.

4. Text: Microsoft Word; Times New Roman 12 font, title in capital letters, interval 1.5; 1 cm in width, top and bottom 2 cm, left 3 cm, right 1.5 cm.


UDC 581.14: 582.79



X. Sultanova *, I. Karimova **

* Gulistan State University, ** Samarkand Agricultural Institute

E-mail: Sultona_15 @


Introduction. The urgency of the problem is ... The purpose of our study ... to identify (develop, recommend, approve, evaluate, locate, ...). Research Objects and Methods Used .... Results and their analysis .... Conclusions.

5. References to references, tables and drawings are presented in round brackets (Table 1), (Fig. 2). The tables and figures should be given after the text. Their total number should not exceed 3.

6. The list of references is alphabetically based on the current rules (see example).

Books: Author, title, city, publisher, year and page. Sample: Ivanov I.I. Lekarstvennoye sredstva. - M.: Meditsina, 1997. - 328 h

Articles: Author, article name GG 'Journal name, year, No., pages. Example: Karimova S.K. Ecology nektorog rasteniy zonoG'G 'Uzb. biol. Journals, No. 2, pp. 10-18.

Abstracts: Author (s): Autorep. dis ... d-ra biol. nauk City, year, pages. Example: Hodjaev D.X. Vliyanie microelementov na urojaynost xlopchatnika: Avtoref. diss ... d-ra biol. nauk Moscow, 1995. - 35 s.

Theses: Author, name GG 'Collection name, city, year and page. Example: Karshibaev X.K. Bioecologicheskie issledovaniya vidov yantaka GG 'Materialo' Respub. nauch conf. "Kormovo'ya rasteniya Uzbekistana". - Gulistan, 2006. - p. 15-17.

7. The editorial recommends that the International System (SI) use the International Code of Conduct for Biological Objects in the Physical Dimensioning. The numbers after the end are separated by dots (0.2).

8. The editorial office receives paper and electronic versions of the article. The paper version of the article must have the authors' signature. A handwritten letter of the organization, which has been executed on the manuscript, an approved expertise report, and reviews are attached.

9. Theses and lectures of the conference are not published in the magazine. The author is personally responsible for the accuracy or reliability of the published material.

10. The editorial may include some minor changes to the article. The articles that do not meet the above requirements are not reviewed by the editors and returned to the author.

Address: Republic of Uzbekistan, 120100, Gulistan, 4th Block, Gulistan State University, Main Building, 4th Floor, Room 412.

Web site:,



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