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Gulistan State University Bulletin
Scientific Journal of the University Bulletin (Bulletin of GulSU) was re-registered by the Syrdarya Regional Press and Information Department on 21.01.2007 with the Decision No. 10-022.
Bulletin of the University Bulletin (Bulletin of the GulSU) is intended for professors and teachers of higher and secondary special educational institutions, senior researchers, independent researchers, masters and bachelors, as well as specialists in various fields of national economy. .
Bulletin of the University Bulletin (Bulletin of the GulSU) Published by the Resolution of the Presidium of the Ministry of Communications of the Republic of Uzbekistan ¹ 201/3 of December 30, 2013 Scientific Articles on the Scientific Results of the Dissertation Works of Candidate of Science in Biological Sciences to be included in the list of republican scientific journals.
Founder: Gulistan State University
Editor-in-chief: prof. M.T.Hodjiyev
Deputy Editor-in-Chief: prof. H.K.Karshibayev
Responsible secretary: p.f.n., docent. D.E.Toshtemirov
Editorial Board:
Agzamov Abdulla - academician of Uz.FA, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences (MITI);
Saidov Amin Safarboyevich - Cand.Tech.Sci., Prof. (Uz.FA, FTI)
Abdukodirov Muhiddin - Ph.D., prof. (TUIT)
Pazilov Abduvayeit - bfd, prof. (GulDU)
Kushev Habibjon Hojiboboyevich - candidate of economic sciences, prof. (GulDU)
Urazboyev Ismatilla - b.f.d. (GulDU)
Sukhorukov A. - PhD, prof. (MDU, Russia)
Tojiyev Yormat - Ph.D., Professor (UTvaAU)
Rakhimov Bakhtiyor Hudoyberdiyevich - Ph.D. (GulDU)
Jo'rayev Risbay Haydarovich - Academician of Uz.FA, Ph.D., professor (UzPIFITI);
Tojiyev Mamarajab - p.f.d., prof. (OOPCOM)
Nishanova Zamira Taskaraevna - Ph.D., prof. (TDPU)
Muslimov Narzulla Alihanovich - pf.f.d., prof. (TDPU)
Parpiyev Azimjon Parpievich - Ph.D., prof. (TTESI)
Majidov Kakhramon Khalimovich - Ph.D., prof. (Bu.MTI)
Nuriyev Karim Katibovich - Ph.D. (GulDU)
Gurvantayev Rakhmantoy - Ph.D. (GulDU)
Babayev Tuygun Mirzakhmedovich - candidate of technical sciences, prof. (NUU)
Davlatov Rasuljon Mamatkulovich - candidate of technical sciences (GulDU)
Iskhakov Mirsodiq - Ph.D., prof. (TDSHI)
Mamatov Akhmadjon - Ph.D., prof. (GulDU)
Sulaymonov Amaliddin Nurboyevich - candidate of technical sciences, docent. (GulDU)
Mahmudov Ravshanbek Jalilovich - Ph.D., Associate Professor (GulDU)
Editorial address:
Guliston city, 4th floor, 120100,
Gulistan State University, Main Building,
4th floor, room 423.
Phone: +998672253801, +998612254275
Fax: +998672254275
Web site: www.guldu.uz
e-mail: guldu-vestnik@inbox.uz
© University "Universitet", 2022
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