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Total number of students


Full-time education


Full-time education


Master's degree

Gulistan State University Scientific Index


General accountant: Ibodullaev Nodir

Academic degree: Highly educated


2017-2021 - Student of Tashkent State Agrarian University 2021-2023 - Master's student of the Tashkent branch of the Samarkand Institute of Veterinary Medicine 2020-2024 - Accountant, Accounting Department, Gulistan State University 2024 - h.v. - Chief Accountant, Gulistan State University

 Head of the Department for Coordination of work, providing students with housing: Djumukov Aktam Kurbanbaevich

Russian, English


1985-1986 - Revenue Inspector of the financial department of the Boyovutsky district 1986-1987 - Economist of the finance department of the Boyovutsky district 1987-1988 - Secretary of the Village Council named after K.Marx 1988-1989 - Deputy head of the Finance Department, head of the Revenue department 1989-1992 - Chief Accountant of the Boyovutsky district financial department 1992-2001 - Inspector for supervision of the 1st category of the Department of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan for Syrdarya region 2001-2007 - Chief Controller of the Department for Monitoring compliance with budgetary discipline of the Control and Audit Department of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the Syrdarya region. 2007-2008 - Leading Specialist of the Department of Consolidated Analysis and Regulation of financial reserves of the Department of Gas Production in the Syrdarya region. 2008-2009 - Head of the Group for registration of financial obligations and payments of the Gasification Department for the Baimutsky district 2009-2010. - Deputy Head of the Gasification Department for the Baimut district, Head of the Department for Registration of legal obligations and Price Monitoring 2010-2012. - Deputy Head of the Gasification Department of Gulistan. Head of the Department for Registration of Legal Obligations and Price Monitoring 2012-2014 - Deputy Head of the Gasification Department for the city of Shirin. Head of the Department of Registration of Legal obligations and Price Monitoring. 2014-2018 - Head of the group for making payments and registering legal financial obligations of military organizations and law enforcement agencies of the gas production department in the Syrdarya region 2018-2019. - Accountant of the IIB for the Bayovutsky district 2019-2019. - Chief Accountant of the Gulistan City Medical Association 2019-2020. - Clerk of the farm "Mehr" of the Boyovutsky district 2020-2022. - Inspector for work with appeals from individuals and legal entities of the Department of State Financial Control of the Syrdarya region 2022-2023 - Lead Controller-Inspector of the Department for monitoring the payment of salaries to budgetary organizations of the Department of State Financial Control of the Syrdarya region of the State Inspectorate of Financial Control under the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan 2023. - H.v.- Head of the department coordinating the work on providing student housing at Gulistan State University

Auditor General of Gulistan State University: Usarov Alisher Toshmatovich

Russian, English


2001-2001 - Deputy Chief Accountant of the Financial Department of Gulistan district 2001-2002 - Economist of the Financial Department of Gulistan district 2002-2003 - Specialist of the Social Security Department of Gulistan municipal district 2003-2005 - Head of the farm "Oyarbobo" of Gulistan district 2005-2006 - Deputy Chief Accountant of the Financial Department of Gulistan district 2006-2007 - Chief Economist of the Contract Registration and Control sector payment of expenses of recipients of budgetary funds of the Gulistan regional Financial department in 2007-2007. - Head of the sector for registration of contracts and control of payment of expenses of recipients of budgetary funds of the Gulistan regional Financial Department 2007-2010. - Head of the Treasury Department for the Gulistan region 2010-2010. - Controller-Inspector of the Department of organizational and methodological work of the Control and audit Department of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the Syrdarya region 2010-2013. - Chief Controller - Inspector of the Department for control over the targeted use of funds of the off-budget Pension Fund of the Control and Audit Department of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the Syrdarya region 2013-2014. -Chief Controller-Inspector of the Department of organizational and methodological work of the control and Audit Department of the Syrdarya region 2014-2016. - Head of the Financial Department of Gulistan district 2016-2018. - Chief Controller - Inspector of the Department for control over the targeted use of funds of the off-budget Pension Fund of the Control and Audit Department of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the Syrdarya region 2018-2018. - Chief Economist of the Syrdarya regional Multidisciplinary Medical Center 2018-2022. -Chief Specialist, Chief Controller-Inspector of the Department of State Financial Control of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the Syrdarya region 2022. H.V. - Auditor General of Gulistan State University

Accountant of Gulistan State University: Xudayarov Adxamdjon Axmatkulovich

Russian, English


2004 - 2007 - Chief Accountant of the Center for State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of the Novoabad district of the Jizzakh region 2007 - 2013 - Chief Specialist in Financial Resources Regulation, Accounting and Reporting of the Treasury Department for the Yangiabad district of the Jizzakh region 2013 - 2015 - Chief Specialist of the Treasury Operations Supervision Department of the Treasury Department for the Jizzakh region 2015 - 2016. - Chief Specialist in Financial Resources Regulation, Accounting and Reporting of the Treasury Department for the Yangiabad district of the Jizzakh region 2016-2017. - Chief Specialist of the Treasury Operations Control Department of the Treasury Department for the Jizzakh region 2017-2018. - Head of the Financial Obligations and Payments Registration Group of the Treasury Department for the Yangiabad district of the Jizzakh region 2018-2019 -Head of the Financial Obligations Registration Group of the Treasury Department for the Yangiabad district of the Jizzakh region 2019-2021 -Head of the Financial Obligations Fulfillment and Financial Resources Management Group of the Treasury Department for the Yangiabad district of the Jizzakh region 2021-2021 - Chief Accountant of the Yangiabad District Medical Association Jizzakh region 2021-2021 - Chief Accountant of the Department of Landscaping of the Novoabad district of the Jizzakh region 2021 - Senior Accountant of the Gulistan State University

Deputy Chief Accountant Suyunov Shoxzodbek Murod ogli

Russian, English

+998 99 473 52 42

2015-2016 - Caretaker of the Gulistan city Maternity Hospital 2016-2017 - Military service 2017-2018 - Student of Gulistan State University 2018. - S.D. - Deputy Chief Accountant of the Accounting Department of Gulistan State University

Accountant of the accounting department:  Uktamov Dilmurod Shuxrat ogli

Russian, English


2013-2013 - Accountant of the Syrdarya regional Sweet City Medical Association 2015-2017 - Syrdarya region sweet city of Nurabad QVP manager 2017-2018 - Specialist of the general department of the Syrdarya Regional Veterinary Department of the city of Shirin 2018 - n.s.d. - Accountant of the Accounting Department of Gulistan State University

13787 | 2018-09-25 14:47

Foydali havolalar

Ijtimoiy tarmoqlar



ADMISSION-2024 study transfer


Admission of foreign citizens 2024

Applicant's creative (professional) exam information sheet
Information sheet on transfer of studies for students studying abroad

Geolocation of creative (professional) exam locations to be held in the 2024-2025 academic year

Useful resources

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Useful links for students

Admission for Master's degree

Online application system for admission to the master's degree of higher education institutions


"Billing system for accounting of services rendered to students on a contractual basis"

Information system for accounting of services provided to students on a contractual basis



Unified electronic system of coordination of postgraduate education


Getting a contract

Getting a contract for a second specialty


Submission of an application for accommodation in a student dormitory

Application for accommodation in a student dormitory (for 1st year students)


Interactive public services for students

List of interactive services


Useful links for the Applicant

IT park

IT Park-the locomotive of the IT sphere of Uzbekistan


Address to the rector of Gulistan State University

Send an appeal


IT Professions

Master the professions of the future!



List of benefits granted to higher education institutions to access undergraduate education links


Science complex

A set of subjects for which a test is taken in accordance with the directions of undergraduate education

