Department of Civil and Labor Protection
Phone (0367) 225-40-42
Fax (0367) 225-42-75
Bizning shior: Universitet obro'si har bir professor o'qituvchi, xodim va talabaning or-nomusi, iftixori va vijdon ishidir.           Asosiy maqsadimiz: Eng yetuk universitetlar qatoridan joy olish!           Ilm bir shu'la, dilga tushgan on Shunda bilursankim, ilm bepoyon...


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Full-time education


Master's degree

Gulistan State University Scientific Index

The main tasks of the Department of Protection the labour of human and Human Rights.

Head of Civil and Labor Protection Department of Gulistan State University: Yuldashov Azamat Kuvondikovich

Reception days: : Every day (9:00-15:00)


+998 99-877-45-99

1987-1990. - Worker of Ulugbek collective farm 1987-1990. - Brigadier of Ulugbek collective farm
1991-2012. - Syrdarya region IIB employee
2012-2019. - Private businessman
2019-2019 year. - Technical hydrometer of the Sirdarya reclamation expedition
2019-2020 year. - Head of the Syrdarya reclamation expedition department
2023 AD - Head of the Department of Civil and Labor Protection of Gulistan State University

About the department

The main tasks of the Department of Labor Protection and Civil Protection:
1. Organize and improve work to ensure healthy and safe working conditions.>
2. Ensuring compliance with the requirements of normative and technical documents and legal documents on healthy and safe working conditions and the edu>cational process.
3. Observance and observance of rules and norms of labor protection, firefighting, radiation safety, control of the air in the room, as well as the stat>e of the environment.
4. Introduction of MIXX State Standard, labor and training standards in the system of labor protection management.>
5. Introduce and conduct a qualified inspection of working and learning conditions.>
6. Organize and conduct health promotion activities to prevent injuries, occupational and occupational diseases.>
7. Development and improvement of labor protection regulations in accordance with occupational safety standards.>
8. Study, generalize and implement best practices in the field of occupational safety of students and workers.>
9. Regularly improve the educational process among students, the creation of safe and healthy working conditions, the organization of prevention of acci>dents and occupational diseases in educational institutions.
10. Organization and conduct of occupational safety training for employees performing work with more stringent occupational safety requirements, trainin>g of engineers and technicians in the field of occupational safety under the guidance of the trade union of the Department (Bureau) of Occupational Safety.
11. List of industries, professions and positions entitled to additional leave, reduced working hours, increase in salaries by 12%, treatment and preven>tive nutrition, milk or other similar food products, soap compile and submit for approval.
12. Organize the ordering and delivery of special clothing, special footwear and other personal protective equipment in accordance with the instructions> on the procedure for providing workers and employees with special footwear and other personal protective equipment.
13. The information received from the sanitary-epidemiological stations, mainly the compilation of a list of names of persons who need to undergo a peri>odic medical examination.
14. Administrative-public control over the state of labor protection in cooperation with the trade union, conducting public inspections on labor protect>ion.
15. The engineer is responsible for the correct and timely inspection of industrial accidents by technical personnel, analysis of the causes of accident>s, participation in the development and implementation of measures to prevent injuries at work.
16. Instructing the school to clean the equipment, machinery, machinery, ventilation systems, electricity, heating, gas and sewage networks, facilities.>
17. Control over the issuance of instructions on labor protection in the prescribed manner in the departments and faculties.

17057 | 2017-12-29 13:54

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