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Gulistan State University Trade Union activities


Chief of the Trade Union Committee: Yusufaliev Abdurakhman Tilovich

Reception time: 9.00-17.00

Russian language

(+998) 90 680-03-79

Ish faoliyati: 41 yil
Pedagogika faoliyati: 41 yil

Yusufaliyev Abdurahmon Tilavovich was born on May 13, 1960 in Sirdarya district of Sirdarya region.
In 1967-1977, he studied at the 16th secondary school named after S.M. Kirov, Sirdarya district.
In 1977-1982, he was a student of the Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers.
In 1983-1987, he was a teacher at the Yangier branch of the Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers.
In 1987-1993, he was a teacher, deputy director at the White-gold hydromelioration technical school, in 2002-2013, vice-rector for financial and economic affairs of Gulistan State University.
From September 1, 2003, Gulistan State University, Faculty of Production Technologies, Department of Agricultural Product Processing Technologies, "Machine details and design principles". science teacher.
Chairman of the "Trade Union" committee since 2016.
Tashkent State Agrarian University (ToshDAU 2021)
“Agricultural Mechanization and Automation” (Bachelor’s) “Machine Details and Design Fundamentals” (Bachelor’s) “Life Safety Science” (Bachelor’s))

About the activities of the trade union committee of Gulistan State University during 2023

The collective agreement concluded between the administration of Gulistan State University and the trade union committee for 2023-2025 protects the labor, socio-economic, moral, intellectual rights and interests of the employer and the trade union members, and regulates all professional relations. The collective agreement consists of 164 clauses and 93% of the specified activities have been implemented.
For example, in 2023, 75 professors and other employees were sent 146 million soums to sanatoriums in order to restore their health and the health of their family members.
In general, in 2023, 10 million soums will be allocated for cultural and public events, 7 million soums for sports events, 27 million five hundred thousand soums for financial assistance to 110 employees, 10 million 400 thousand soums for gifts for professional holiday events in 2023. funds have been spent. Commemorative gifts were given to 5 employees who celebrated their anniversaries by the trade union committee.
During the academic year, trips were organized for professors and employees to get to know the historical cities and ancient monuments of our country. During the year, 132 people were sent to Samarkand city, 24 people to Zangiota shrine and Tashkent city, 10 people to Khorezm region, 6 people to Bukhara region, 122 to Khojamushkent shrine of Jizzakh region, a total of 294 employees. 26 million 950 thousand soums were spent on tourism trips.
As of January 2023, 1116 employees and servants are working at the university. Of these, 455 are women, 661 are men, 115 are pensioners, and 65 are young people under 30 years old. All 1,116 active professors-teachers and other categories of employees should receive free legal assistance from the trade union, be under the protection of the trade union in matters related to labor relations, participate in the events organized by the trade union, express their opinion freely, and attend meetings where issues related to their activities are discussed. . and they were issued membership tickets of a new uniform pattern.
In particular, special attention was paid to the issue of creating new jobs and ensuring employment of the population. In 2023, the established plan for the university was fulfilled, that is, 9 new jobs were created, and the plan was fulfilled by 100%. During the first half of 2023, 28 young professionals were recruited to the university, 13 of them are bachelors.
Individual interviews were held with young people who were newly recruited to the university, they were assigned to qualified specialists in the "Master-Apprentice" system, and special attention was paid to providing them with safe working conditions. The medical center is provided in time with medicines used during first aid.
Celebrations of various holidays were organized according to the plan. In January 2023, commemorative gifts were given to 4 Afghan war veterans and those who served in the military on the occasion of Defender of the Fatherland Day. A spiritual event was held for retired labor veterans, souvenirs were given to them, and a concert program was organized. In 2023, on March 8 International Women's Day, Navruz national holiday, Remembrance and Appreciation Day and other important dates, various financial assistances were provided to single pensioners, low-income families, families with many children, and families who lost their breadwinners.
On the basis of the practical assistance provided by the university management in connection with the implementation of the clauses of the collective agreement, special attention was paid to spiritual and educational activities, to maintain the health of workers, and to strengthen the work by safety equipment specialists and representatives of labor protection. "Work conditions and equipment of workplaces" approved by Annex 1 of the Cabinet of Ministers Resolution No. 263 of September 15, 2014 "On further improvement of measures to protect employees' labor" 25 workplaces were certified and passported in order to ensure the performance of the tasks specified in the "Regulation on the procedure for certification of equipment regarding the risk of injury" and letter No. 21/00-02/11-254 dated February 21, 2019 of the main employment department of the Syrdarya region.
Approved by the order of the Minister of Employment and Labor Relations of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 4-B of January 28, 2018, registered by the Ministry of Justice on March 16, 2018 with No. 2983 "Enterprises using the labor of persons with disabilities, employment of persons with disabilities in institutions and organizations Based on the requirements of the Regulation on the procedure for passporting the sanitary and technical condition based on the results of the attestation regarding the working conditions and the risk of injury of the equipment, the jobs of professors-teachers and other categories of employees with disabilities working at the university are certified on the basis of the working conditions and the risk of injury of the equipment conducted.
Initial (when concluding an employment contract) and periodical (during employment) compulsory medical examination of employees without costs is organized. employees are insured against accidents and occupational diseases. Training of employees on issues of labor protection and safety equipment was carried out, examination of training knowledge was organized in order to improve their qualifications. An agreement on labor protection was drawn up and attached to the collective agreement in agreement with the trade union committee to the improvement of working conditions and labor protection, the plan of sanitation measures and the cost estimate (included in the business plan).
Employees employed in jobs with unfavorable working conditions are provided free of charge with milk (and other similar food products), medical and preventive food, special clothing, sanitary clothing, special shoes and other personal protection and hygiene products according to the established norms. . The list of such works, the norms of the things to be provided, the procedure and conditions of supply are defined in the collective agreements, the collective agreement. Purchasing, storing, washing, cleaning, repairing, disinfecting and decontamination of personal protective equipment for employees was carried out at the expense of the employer.
Based on the requirements established by the Labor Law, the Primary Trade Union Committee and the Department of Civil and Labor Protection have developed separate excellent guidelines for the employees working in the university on labor protection, fire and safety equipment for each direction, science and laboratory training, and use them in the service of faculties, departments and departments. presented for and systematic work on security techniques was carried out.
The implementation of the clauses of the collective agreement concluded with the university administration and the primary trade union committee for the years 2023-2025 is being monitored. When there is a danger to the life and health of employees, requests to stop work have been developed for the heads of faculties, departments, departments and laboratories. In February 2023, the State Inspectorate of the General Directorate of Employment of the Syrdarya region issued relevant instructions and suggestions to the faculties, departments and departments in order to eliminate the shortcomings identified under the Law on Labor Protection and Working Conditions, rules and norms of labor protection.
Compulsory life insurance of employees was carried out, the number of referrals to sanatoriums was increased in order to further improve the health of employees. The amount of allocated financial aid has been increased, and the benefits set for youth and women have been fully implemented.
During the 9th month, the university's economic activity, labor contract, employment guarantees, working time and rest time, payment for labor, guaranteed payments and compensation payments, conditions created for employees, sports-health and spiritual-educational activities, women's work the monitoring of the work carried out in the areas of regulation, additional benefits and guarantees for women and persons engaged in family tasks, additional benefits and guarantees for young people, and the resolution of labor disputes. During this period, 16 million soums of additional wages were paid to employees working in difficult and harmful jobs.
In university recruitment, vacancies are announced through the Unified National Recruitment System, and an interview process is organized together with the rector, vice-rectors, head of the personnel department, the chairman of the trade union committee and the members of the university who meet the requirements for the vacant positions. During the interview, the knowledge and skills of the citizen will be tested for the vacant position, as well as the knowledge and skills of the President in the field of higher education. In order to ensure the full employment of employees at the University, absence without fault of the employee is not allowed. This process was supervised by the rector of the university and the personnel department.
In case the employer violates the deadline for payment of wages, vacation payments, payments upon termination of the employment contract and (or) other payments due to the employee, from the day after the payment deadline to the day of actual settlement. for each day of delay up to the period included, interest (monetary compensation) will be paid based on the refinancing rate of the Central Bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan in force at that time.
The financial responsibility of the employer for the delay in the payment of wages and other payments due to employees is established. As a result of the above, there were no overdue debts from wages.
The measures regarding the state program have been determined, the tasks for the work to be carried out have been assigned to all faculties and departments, and regular work is being carried out in connection with their implementation. As a result of the significant strengthening of the social component of the collective agreement, the number of employees receiving additional benefits and the amount of funds spent on providing additional benefits are increasing. Support is provided for the implementation of activities included in the annual program and for the protection of the socio-economic interests of employees through social partnership with other institutions of civil society.
The procedure and regulations for consideration of oral or written applications, proposals and complaints of employees have been developed. Working with oral or written applications, suggestions and complaints of employees and accepting citizens in the trade union committee is approved by the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Appeals of Individuals and Legal Entities" and the decision of the Trade Union Committee "Considering and accepting citizens' appeals at Gulistan State University is being implemented on the basis of "procedure". The Chairman of the Trade Union Committee is responsible for dealing with verbal or written appeals of employees. Recruitment of employees is carried out on the basis of the schedule approved by the decision. The admission schedule is brought to the attention of the employees through the announcement corner. After the admission of each employee, admission forms are issued. It contains the last name, first name, patronymic, place of work, and a summary of the application. The admission form is registered in the association. Adequate measures will be taken to resolve the problem raised at the reception and it will be submitted to the relevant departments of the university administration for its resolution. A working group consisting of relevant specialists was formed to study the appeals of employees. Citizens' proposals will be reviewed within one month from the date of their receipt, and the person who made the proposal will be informed about it within ten days. Applications and complaints are considered within a period of up to one month from the date of their receipt by the trade union, and applications and complaints that do not require additional study and verification are considered no later than fifteen days. In cases where it is necessary to conduct an inspection, request additional materials or take other measures to consider an application or complaint, the deadline for considering an application or complaint may be extended by the trade union by one month as an exception, and the person who submitted the application or complaint is informed about this. will be done.
The employees admitted to the Ksaba union will be given an explanation on their appeal at that time, depending on the nature of the issue, the authors of the appeal may be notified in writing about the results of its consideration. Written applications that do not include the employee's last name (first name, patronymic), place of work or provide false information about him, as well as unsigned, are considered anonymous and will not be considered. The working group for investigating employee appeals registers employee appeals and analyzes the work done with them, takes measures to prevent violations of the law. At the end of the month, appeals from employees to the trade union are summarized and analyzed according to their content. Analytical data will be included in the discussion of trade union meetings.
During the 9th month of 2023, 43 appeals were registered in the department, and their number has decreased significantly compared to the same period of the previous years. 23 of the appeals were submitted by individuals, 20 by legal entities, of which 20 were submitted electronically, 12 orally and 11 in written form. 28 percent of the considered and resolved appeals were satisfied on time, and explanations were given for 71 percent. When analyzing by types of appeals, 38 of them are notices and 5 are proposals. There are no complaints. The main part of the petitions concerns the issues of setting salary increases for employees and organizing internal tourism for employees. 96 percent of appeals were considered and resolved within 10 days.
The trade union committee of the employer and primary organization has been providing practical assistance to employees in order to increase legal literacy and prevent violations of the law. In addition to their socio-economic protection, extensive work is being carried out within the framework of their legal protection. propaganda work is being carried out on not engaging employees in work that is not related to their service obligations. Roundtable discussions and educational seminars were held on the topic of "Important issues in the field of labor". In the protection of the labor of employees, the main attention is paid to the prevention of accidents in the work process, occupational diseases and the creation of safe working conditions for the work of employees.
Organizing and holding sports competitions in all strata of the population, that is, in the community, is one of the urgent issues facing physical education and sports specialists. At the current stage of society's development, educating a well-rounded person is one of the most important and important tasks that cannot be delayed. Raising a healthy generation means building the foundation of a great state, the foundation of a prosperous life. Therefore, the widespread development of the "Healthy Generation Program" movement in our university, and the fundamental reform of the educational system based on the "National Personnel Training Program" is an important factor in the implementation of this noble task. A number of sports events were held in order to strengthen people's health.
Increasing the role of healthy lifestyle and physical education in university life is one of the most pressing issues today. Systematic organization of frequent sports competitions is one of the important issues. Involving employees in physical and sports activities, organizing their free time meaningfully, and increasing the role of healthy lifestyle and physical education in their lives. serves to work as a person who can fight against, brave, strong, proud, aspiring, searching and initiative.
On September 24, 2023, on the occasion of "October 1 Teacher and Mentor's Day", "Navroz" holiday of the university rector, in cooperation with the trade union committee and the department of sports training of the faculty of physical culture, mini football, volleyball and table football among professors and teachers and employees tennis competitions were held. The winners of the competition were duly awarded with souvenirs and certificates of honor at the expense of the trade union committee.
In the 2023 Universiade competitions held between higher education institutions, the university football team won all stages and qualified for the finals to be held in Khorezm region on April 4-8. 4 active professors and teachers (Shukurov Akmal, Sariboev Shuhrat, Iskandarov Islam, Zakhriddinov Alimardon) who were active in training the football team at the Universiade competitions were financially encouraged from the funds of the trade union budget.
In order to increase the popularity of sports among female professors, teachers and employees working in higher educational institutions of Syrdarya region, to attract them to sports and to strengthen their health. On April 29-30, 2023, a sports competition was organized between Gulistan State University, Gulistan State Pedagogical Institute and Yangier Branch of TKTI in the fields of "Volleyball", "Table Tennis", and "Jumping in Arghinchok". . Volleyball competitions were held according to the rules of the International Volleyball Federation (FIVB). Table tennis competitions were held according to the rules approved by the International Table Tennis Federation (ITTF). The winners of the competition were awarded diplomas and valuable souvenirs by the trade union and sponsors. The basis of the organized cultural-educational and sports work is to support categories of employees in need of social protection, to raise their morale by organizing cultural-educational events, competitions, to ensure the popularization of sports, and to organize internal tourism. In particular, tourist trips of employees were organized to Khorezm, Tashkent, Samarkand Jizzakh regions.
In order to organize summer health activities for children of professor-teachers and other categories of employees, 57 children of employees were given tickets to the "Zomin" resort. 71 million soums were allocated from the budget of the trade union for the health care of university employees and their family members in sanatoriums, and 93 million 500 thousand soums were actually spent on sanatorium referrals.
In the first half of 2023, at the expense of the budget of the union, 49 professors and teachers and other categories of employees from the union members will be given 6 units to the Chimyon sanatorium, 4 units to the Yangier sanatorium, 2 units to the Kosonsoy sanatorium, 8 units to the Zomin sanatorium, and 8 units to the Chinabad sanatorium to restore the health of themselves and their family members. 4 tickets, 4 tickets to Turon sanatorium, 4 tickets to Botany sanatorium, 4 tickets to Aktosh sanatorium, 7 tickets to Chortoq sanatorium, 1 ticket to Hovotog sanatorium, 2 tickets to Boston sanatorium, 2 tickets to Kohinur sanatorium, 1 ticket to Zarkent sanatorium.
In 2022, this figure will be 48.
It was planned to send 25 sanatorium tickets from the budget of social insurance for the health of university employees in sanatoriums, and in practice 25 sanatorium tickets were taken. In the first half of 2023, from the social insurance budget, 25 professors-teachers and other categories of employees from the trade union members will be given 2 pieces to the Chimyon sanatorium, 1 piece to the Yangier sanatorium, 2 pieces to the Kosonsoy sanatorium, 3 pieces to the Zomin sanatorium, 2 pieces to the Chinabad sanatorium, Turon 3 preferential passes to the sanatorium, 2 to the Botanic sanatorium, 2 to the Aktosh sanatorium, 3 to the Chortoq sanatorium, 1 to the Hovotog sanatorium, 2 to the Boston sanatorium, 1 to the Kohinur sanatorium, 1 to the Zarkent sanatorium. In 2022, this figure will be 16.
By the end of 2022, Gulistan State University trade union members numbered 1,110. 2022 The total amount spent during the year for the implementation of collective agreement measures was 4525432.5 soums. On average, the amount spent per employee during the year for the implementation of collective agreement measures was 4055.05 soums. 2023 Gulistan State University trade union members numbered 1116 by the end of half year. 2023 The total amount spent for half a year for the implementation of collective agreement activities was 2,248,679.1 soums. On average, the amount spent per employee in the 1st half of the year for the implementation of collective agreement measures was 2015.00 soums. Compared to 2022, the increase in the amount spent per employee in 2023 was 0.9 percent.
Provide each faculty and department with printed publications, which are important for conveying to trade union members truthful information about the socio-economic, spiritual and educational reforms implemented for the sake of human interests, the construction of a democratic state and civil society, and the efforts to strengthen the independence of our Motherland. subscription to "Trust" and "Ishanch Doveriya" newspapers was organized for this purpose.
The work aimed at ensuring the implementation of laws, presidential decrees, government decisions and other regulatory documents adopted by the trade union on comprehensive protection of women and support of women's activities is being continued.
The university administration continues to cooperate with the trade union committee on social, economic and legal protection of employees based on the collective agreement.

16829 | 2017-12-29 13:51

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