Total number of students
Full-time education
Full-time education
Master's degree
Head of the correspondence department of Gulistan State University: Latipov Muratali Mannobovich
Reception days: : Tuesday, Thursday 10.00-15.00
Russian language
Correspondence department of Gulistan State University designer: Mamaraimov Murodjon Rustam's son
Russian language
Correspondence department of Gulistan State University designer: Êorimov Kabildjon Komiljon's son
Russian, English
+998 95 888 23 97
Correspondence department of Gulistan State University designer: Bekkuziev Davud Makhmud's son
Russian English
: +998 99 989 47 47
Correspondence department of Gulistan State University engineer: Abdurazzakova Diyora Komiljon's girl
Russian English
+998 94 872 03 45
Correspondence department of Gulistan State University engineer: Usmonov Makhmudjon Abdulla's son
Russian English
“Special correspondence in the field of pedagogy in higher educational institutions” of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan decision PQ-3183 dated August 9, 2017 “On the creation of departments” at Gulistan State University A special correspondence department has been opened. Correspondence department of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated November 21, 2017 “In a higher educational institution approval of regulations on the organization of correspondence (special correspondence) and evening (shift) training No. 930 and order of the Minister of Higher and Secondary Special Education No. 868 of November 28, 2017. works.
Online application system for admission to the master's degree of higher education institutions
EntranceInformation system for accounting of services provided to students on a contractual basis
EntranceUnified electronic system of coordination of postgraduate education
EntranceGetting a contract for a second specialty
EntranceApplication for accommodation in a student dormitory (for 1st year students)
EntranceList of interactive services
EntranceIT Park-the locomotive of the IT sphere of Uzbekistan
EntranceSend an appeal
EntranceMaster the professions of the future!
EntranceList of benefits granted to higher education institutions to access undergraduate education links
EntranceA set of subjects for which a test is taken in accordance with the directions of undergraduate education