Editorial and publishing department
Phone (0367) 225-40-42
Fax (0367) 225-42-75
Bizning shior: Universitet obro'si har bir professor o'qituvchi, xodim va talabaning or-nomusi, iftixori va vijdon ishidir.           Asosiy maqsadimiz: Eng yetuk universitetlar qatoridan joy olish!           Ilm bir shu'la, dilga tushgan on Shunda bilursankim, ilm bepoyon...


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Gulistan State University Scientific Index

Editorial and publishing department

Head of department : Pardayev Munavvar Mukarramovich

Teacher of Uzbek language and literature, journalist

Russian and Persian-Tajik languages

(8-367-2) 25-05-54


Reception days: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday

1. 1968.06 1969.09 Okhunboboyev collective farmer, youth leader. Syrdaryo district 2. 1969.09 1973.07 Student of SDPI, Syrdaryo city
3 1973.08 1981.06 Chief secretary, editor of "New Life" newspaper, Syrdaryo vil., Voroshilov district
4. 1981.07 1982.09 "Syrdarya Haqikat" newspaper. own reporter, head of department Gulistan sh.
6. 1982.09 1984.08 student of the Tashkent High Party School, Tashkent city.
7. 1984.08 1984.10, special correspondent of "Syrdarya Haqikat" newspaper, Gulistan sh.
8. 1984.10 1985.07 Director of the regional branch of the Institute of History of the People's Republic of Gulistan sh.
9. 1985.07 1987.07 Guliston Sh.
10. 1987.07 1991.02 1st deputy chairman of the executive committee of Gulistan district, Krestyansk town
11. 1991.02 1993.01 Head of the department for keeping state secrets in the press of Syrdarya region. Gulistan sh.
12. 1992.11 2007.05 Director of "Ziya" publishing house, Gulistan sh.
13. 2007.05 2007.11 Responsible Secretary of Sird.vil.journal association, Gulistan sh.
14. 2007.11 2010.01 "Uzb. voice", correspondent of "Golos Uz.na" newspapers, Tashkent city.
15 2010.01 2017.01 Editor-in-Chief of "Saykhun Ziyasi" newspaper. Gulistan sh.
15 2017.02 until now "Univers. voice" chief editor. Gulistan city

About the editorial-publishing department

The department carries out its activities in accordance with the university charter and department regulations. Editing of textbooks, training manuals, educational methodical collections, monographs and brochures, texts prepared by professors and teachers, senior scientific staff and researchers working in university departments, branches, faculties and departments, independent researchers. is engaged in studying political-social, scientific-practical aspects and recommending for publication. Also, "GulDU Newsletter". He is responsible for the publication of the "Voice of the University" newspaper. GulDU organizes printing, photocopying network and manages and controls the disbursement of funds. He carries out editorial and publishing work for the university as a whole. The department is directly subordinated to the vice-rector for academic affairs.

The main tasks of the editorial-publishing department:

• editing of textbooks, teaching manuals, educational methodical collections, monographs and brochures prepared by professors, senior academic staff and researchers, independent researchers, studying the political-social, scientific-practical aspects of the texts and recommendation for publication, "GulDU newsletter" on the implementation of the laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan on higher education, the Board's decision, orders and other documents of the ministry, as well as internal orders and decisions of the university. to ensure coverage in "Voice of the University" newspaper;
• to present to the university management concrete proposals for solving shortcomings and problems.
• participation in all types of meetings held at the university and related educational institutions;
• to request the necessary documents, materials and to attract relevant specialists for the performance of their services and functions from branches, faculties, departments and other structural divisions of the educational institution;

The main tasks of the editorial-publishing department:

• editing of textbooks, teaching manuals, educational methodical collections, monographs and brochures prepared by professors, senior academic staff and researchers, independent researchers, studying the political-social, scientific-practical aspects of the texts and recommendation for publication, "GulDU newsletter" on the implementation of the laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan on higher education, the Board's decision, orders and other documents of the ministry, as well as internal orders and decisions of the university. to ensure coverage in "Voice of the University" newspaper;
• to present to the university management concrete proposals for solving shortcomings and problems.
• participation in all types of meetings held at the university and related educational institutions;
• to request the necessary documents, materials and to attract relevant specialists for the performance of their services and functions from branches, faculties, departments and other structural divisions of the educational institution;

Deputy editor-in-chief of "Voice of the University" newspaper : Utanov Bakhtiyar Yursunovich

Soil scientist

Russian language



Reception days: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday

1972 - 1974 - farm technician named after U. Yusupov, Oqoltin district, Syrdarya region
1974 - 1979 - student of Tashkent State University
1979 - 1980 - senior soil scientist of IICHB "Agrokhimlaboratoriya" Syrdarya region
1980 - 1981 - Komsomol district "Leningrad 1984 - 1986 - senior agronomist
at the "Agricultural Chemistry" ICHB of Syrdarya region - chief agronomist of the Plant Protection Center
1986 - 1988 - head of the department, responsible for the newspaper "Toward Communism" Secretary
1988 - 1990 - Yangiyer City newspaper "Yangiyer Tongi" department head
1990 - 1994 - Guliston news newspaper chief secretary
1994 - 1996 - Chief specialist of the "Spirituality and Enlightenment" center of Syrdarya region
1996 - 1996 - Assistant press secretary of Syrdarya regional governor
1996 - 1998 - Assistant press secretary of the head of the finance department of Syrdarya region
1998 - 2003 - Deputy editor-in-chief of "Mirror of Justice" newspaper
2004 - 2009. - Chief specialist of the Sirdarya regional branch of the Republican Center for Spirituality
2019- hv - Head of the Sirdarya regional branch of the OKSMM vb - Editor of the "Editorial-publishing" department of Gulistan State University.

"Voice of the University" newspaper

Type: newspaper.
Name: "Voice of the University" newspaper.
Specialization: Educational, cultural and educational newspaper.
Language: The newspaper is published in Uzbek, Russian and English.
Size: 8 pages.
Quantity: 1000 copies.
Frequency: Once a month.

Distribution area: Gulistan faculties located in the city of Gulistan, Yangiyer city, Boyovut district. Intended audience: The newspaper is intended for university professors and teachers, senior researchers, independent researchers, masters and bachelors, and specialists working at the university. The newspaper was re-registered by the press and information department of Sirdarya region on 20.02.2009 with certificate No. 10-031.

Editorial board:

Hajiyev Muhsin Tajiyevich - technics.fdprof. (GulSU) Mahmudov Ravshanbek Jalilovich - philosophy.fn, prof. (GulDU) Niyazov Fakhriddin Boriboyevich - philology.fn, associate professor (GulDU) Zakir Zikriyayev Habib Koshiyev Utanov Bakhtiyor (Bakhtiyor Watan) - deputy editor-in-chief Yoldosh Karim Editorial address: 120100, Gulistan city, 4- district, Gulistan State University, Main building, 1st floor, room 110. Tel.: (67) 2250554, 97-245-22-44 Fax: (67) 2250554 Web site: www.GulDU.uz e-mail: sayhunziyo@mail.ru Newspaper PKF "Poligrafiya" AiK enterprise (address: Gulistan sh , Navoi shah kocha, 28.) is printed in A-3 format in offset method in 1000 copies per month (as of January 1, 2021).

1217 | 2021-02-03 09:31

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