Faculty of Philology
Phone (0367) 225-40-42
Fax (0367) 225-42-75
Bizning shior: Universitet obro'si har bir professor o'qituvchi, xodim va talabaning or-nomusi, iftixori va vijdon ishidir.           Asosiy maqsadimiz: Eng yetuk universitetlar qatoridan joy olish!           Ilm bir shu'la, dilga tushgan on Shunda bilursankim, ilm bepoyon...


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Full-time education


Master's degree

Gulistan State University Scientific Index

Faculty of Philology


Dean of the Faculty of Philology: Niyazov Fakhriddin Boriboyevich

Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor

Reception daysdaily 9:00-17:00 (except Saturday)

Russian, English



1989-1994 - Student at Gulistan State University 1994-1996 - Laboratory assistant, teacher at the Department of Russian Language and Literature, Gulistan State University 1996-1999 - Postgraduate student at the Uzbekistan State University of World Languages ​​1999-2003 - Teacher at the Department of Russian Language and Literature, Gulistan State University 2003-2007 - Associate Professor at the Department of Russian Language and Literature, Gulistan State University 2007-2012 - Associate Professor at the Department of Russian Language and Literature, Gulistan State University 2012-2018 - Vice-Rector for Work with Academic Lyceums and Vocational Colleges, Gulistan State University 2018-2018 - Dean of the Faculty of Philology, Gulistan State University 2018-2021 - Youth Relations with Gulistan State University Vice-Rector for Work 2021-2022 - Vice-Rector for Youth Affairs and Spiritual and Educational Affairs of Gulistan State University 2022-2025 - First Vice-Rector for Youth Affairs and Spiritual and Educational Affairs of Gulistan State University 2025 - Dean of the Faculty of Philology of Gulistan State University
From November 4, 2024 to November 30, 2024, the Institute for Advanced Training and Advanced Training of Higher Education Personnel "Education System Management"
1. General linguistics
2. Problems of modern linguistics

Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs: Rashidov Ashurali Suyunovich

Education: Higher

Russian, English

(+99897) 777-14-28


1995 - 1999 - Student of UzDJTU
1999 - 2000 - Teacher of the Department of Foreign Languages of Gulistan State University
2000 - 2002 - Graduate student of UzDJTU
2002 - 2020 - Teacher of the Department of Foreign Languages of Gulistan State University
2020 - h.v. - Deputy dean for educational affairs of the Faculty of Philology of Gulistan State University
2013 Uzbekistan State University of World Languages 2016 Uzbekistan State University of World Languages 2019 Uzbekistan State University of World Languages 2021 Uzbekistan State University of World Languages
Theory and practice of translation

Dean of youth work at the Faculty of Philology Deputy: Shayzakov G'ulom Muxtarovich

Education: Higher

Russian, English

(+99894) 355-22-88

shayzakov_gulom@guldu.uz, gulomjonshayzakov@gmail.com

Currently, tense in English and Uzbek is functional-semantic is conducting scientific work on the field. G'. M. Shayzakov fundamental and practical experience participated in the participation and to date more than 20 scientific articles and theses, 3 methodological instruction, published 1 monograph.
2003-2004 - Worker of the 36th secondary school of Zomin district
2004-2008 - Student of the Faculty of Philology of Gulistan State University
2008-2009 - Teacher of the Department of Foreign Language (interfaculty) of Gulistan State University
2009-2013 - Head of the Department of English Language and Literature, Gulistan State University
2013-2015 - Master's student of Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages, Linguistics (English)
2015-2017 - teacher of interfaculty department of foreign languages of Gulistan State University
2017-2020 - Deputy Dean for Spiritual and Educational Affairs of the Faculty of Philology of Gulistan State University
2021-2022 - Teacher of the Interfaculty Department of Foreign Languages of Gulistan State University
2022 - Deputy dean for work with youth, Faculty of Philology, Gulistan State University
In 2019, completed professional development at the Main Scientific and Methodological Center of Tashkent city (GSMC). In 2023, completed professional development at the PKQTMOMM at Samarkand State University.
Foreign language (English language), integrated course of foreign language teaching.

Departments of the faculty:
- Department of English language and literature
- Department of Uzbek Linguistics
- Department of Uzbek literary studies
- Department of Russian language and literature
- Interfaculty Department of Foreign Languages
Prepares masters in the following fields of study:
70230101 - Linguistics (Uzbek language)
70230101 - Linguistics (Russian language)
70230101 - Linguistics (English)
70230104 - Literature (Uzbek literature)

Faculty professors active in the implementation of new pedagogical and information technologies in the educational process are participating. Professors and teachers are creating new textbooks, study guides. Cooperation with republican and foreign educational institutions has been established. Among them, Moscow named after Pushkin Pedagogical University, Balashovo University, Cambridge University (England), Shymkent University (Kazakhstan), Institute of Language and Literature of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, UzMU, Includes SamDU, TDPU, TDJTU. The professors of the faculty are the Russian National Center, Goethe Institutes established cooperation with Carrying out research work on current scientific topics in the departments of the faculty in progress: distance learning technologies in professional training of foreign language teachers methods of use, current problems of the science of Uzbek language and literature, Communicative education through information technology in teaching English ensuring continuity, Russian language and literature in the continuous education system current issues of teaching, current problems of the Kazakh language and literature and scientific problems such as teaching methodology are among them. With the "Council of Young Scientists" at the faculty Small schools and science clubs are operating under all existing departments. Young Literary scholar, Young orientalist, Young linguist, Slovestnik, Til kokjiegi, Learning English, English club, Talented students are attracted to circles and clubs such as Book Club, "Language Center", and their the results of his scientific research are regularly published as a collection. At the moment 3 doctors of science, professors, 22 candidates of sciences, associate professors, 58 teachers work in the faculty are taking. About 10 of them are professors and teachers with orders and medals of our state awarded. 83 professors working in 5 departments of the faculty speak Uzbek language and literature, English language and literature, Russian language and literature, Kazakh language and literature, literary studies and are conducting effective research in the fields of linguistics.


19345 | 2017-12-26 18:12

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