Total number of students
Full-time education
Full-time education
Master's degree
Head of the department:: Mavlyanov Umid Nasriddinovich
Russian English
+998 (99) 477-13-45
1992-1997 - student at Gulistan State University
1997-1999 - lawyer-consultant at self-supporting automobile enterprise No. 3
1999-2001 - teacher at Gulistan Construction College
2001-2008 - Lecturer at the Department of National Idea and Philosophy at Gulistan State University
2008-2016 - Senior Lecturer at the Department of National Idea and Philosophy at Gulistan State University
2016-2020 – Senior Lecturer at the Department of National Idea, Fundamentals of Spirituality and Legal Education, Gulistan State University
2020-2021 – Senior Lecturer, Department of Distance Education Gulistan State University
2021–2023 –Head of the Department of “National Idea, Fundamentals of Spirituality and Legal Education” Gulistan State University
09/04/2023 – to this day – Head of the Department of History of Gulistan State University
Subjects taught: philosophy and methodology of history, foundations of geopolitics and modern history of Uzbekistan.
Advanced training: Samara State University, 2022, in the history of philosophy
Scientific activity: continued research on topic "Social-philosophical and spiritual-ethical views of Fakhruddin Ali Safi"
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