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Full-time education
Full-time education
Master's degree
Head of the department: Kasimov Shodibek Islamovich
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor
Russian language
+998(99) 470-53-83
shodibekqosimov83@gmail.ru, KASIMOV_SHODIBEK@guldu.uz
During 1990-2000, he studied at secondary school 36 in Boyovut district of Syrdarya region. In 2000-2004 he was a student of Jizzakh State Pedagogical University, in 2006-2008 he studied at the master's level of Jizzakh State Pedagogical University. In 2011-2013, he was a doctoral student of Gulistan State University. In 2005-2007, he started working as a chemistry teacher at the boarding school for blind children in Jizzakh city, and in 2008-2010, he was the deputy director of the boarding school for spiritual and educational affairs. 2010-2016, teacher of the "General Chemistry" department of Gulistan State University, 2016-2022, senior teacher of the "Chemistry" department of Gulistan State University, from 2022, Dean of the Faculty of Natural Sciences of Gulistan State University. has been working in the position of director. Author of more than 50 scientific articles and theses. Among them, he published 5 methodological books, 1 textbook and 1 monograph. He also worked in a practical project during 2018-2020. During his scientific-pedagogical activity, lectures and practicals on the subjects "Organic chemistry", "Bioorganic chemistry", "Inorganic chemistry", "Methodology of teaching chemistry" and "Modern problems of chemistry", "Chemistry of heterocyclic compounds" as a master's specialist has been teaching classes. He guided more than 20 students of the field of chemistry in their graduation work and 4 master's theses.
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