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Asistent of the University Council: Abdurasulov Shermukhammad Izatullayevich
Days of reception: Tuesday, Thursday (10-00 - 16-00)
Russian, English
(+998) 97-277-24-37
On the basis of the Regulation on the council of the Higher educational institution approved by the relevant order of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Council of Gulistan State University was established and is currently operating.
Since November 2017, the University Council has been headed by M. T. Khodzhiyev, Ph.D., professor. The Council consists of 68 members, who are approved by the University Council.
The composition of the council is reviewed at the beginning of each academic year, and new members are elected according to their duties.
Currently, the university council consists of the university rector, vice-rectors, faculty deans, heads of departments, professors of departments, heads of relevant departments, directors of academic lyceums and technical schools under the authority of the university, the chairman of the university trade union committee, the chairman of the Women's Advisory Council, Jurisconsult, The youth union works as a member of the university primary organization leader.
The main task of the University Council is to unite the efforts of the university team, and the annual work plan and composition of the Council were approved at the first meeting. The University Council is considered a permanent collegial body, and the Council complies with the Constitution and laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan, decisions, decrees and orders of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, decisions and orders of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation. It operates on the basis of its decisions and orders, the Regulation on Higher Education, the Charter of Gulistan State University. The council performs its activities based on the principles of legality, transparency, independence, freedom of thought, collegiality and unity of individual leadership, taking into account the opinion of the community.
At council meetings:
- organizational work related to coordination of council activities;
- issues on the agenda of the University Council;
- various issues are considered.
In this:
- effective organization of educational, methodical, scientific and other activities for the training of qualified pedagogic personnel for all areas of the educational system;
- to satisfy the intellectual, cultural and spiritual-ethical needs of a person through pedagogical education, to satisfy the state and society's need for highly educated, qualified specialists and highly qualified scientific and pedagogical personnel;
- training of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel, conducting fundamental and scientific researches;
- implementation of regulatory legal documents, state programs, annual plans and decisions and orders of the board of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation at the university;
to strengthen executive discipline, to increase the personal responsibility of university leaders and employees in ensuring the timely and quality performance of position (service) duties;
- retraining of pedagogues and improving their qualifications;
- development and implementation of necessary measures on the basis of relevant normative legal documents related to spiritual-educational, teaching-methodical, training and scientific research works;
- hearing the reports of the rector, vice-rectors, faculty deans, heads of departments, heads of departments on the implementation of the tasks assigned to the university;
- reviewing the powers of the vice-rectors, university departments, faculties and departments;
- Solves issues such as recommendation to the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan for the academic title of professor, associate professor.
The council has the right to consider other issues related to the authority of the university that require collegial discussion.
The documents of more than 40 applicants who applied to the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan for the academic titles of professor and associate professor during the last 2 years were reviewed and recommended by the University Council. Today, they have been approved for the academic titles of docent and professor by the National Academy of Sciences.
At the meetings of the University Council, the doctoral theses (PhD), (DSc) topics and scientific leaders of 179 independent researchers and independent researchers were discussed and approved.
¹ | FISh | Lavozimi |
1 | Xodjiyev Muksin Tadjiyevich | Rektor, Kengash raisi |
2 | Turdiboyev Dilshod | O‘quv ishlari bo‘yicha prorektor |
3 | Zikriyayev Zokir | Ilmiy ishlar va innovatsiyalar bo‘yicha prorektor |
4 | Niyazov Faxriddin | Yoshlar masalalari va ma’naviy-ma’rifiy ishlar bo‘yicha prorektor |
5 | Bairbekov Mamatqul | Moliya va iqtisodiy ishlar bo‘yicha prorektor |
6 | Turdimetov Shaxobiddin | Axborot texnologiyalari va fizika-matematika fakulteti dekani |
7 | Sharipov Fazliddin | Filologiya fakulteti dekani |
8 | Ergashev Ma’ruf | Tabiiy fanlar fakulteti dekani |
9 | Bobojonov Ahmadjon | San’atshunoslik fakulteti dekani |
10 | Maxmudov Sherali | Raqamli iqtisodiyot va innovatsiyalar fakulteti dekani |
11 | Sattorov Karim | Ishlab chiqarish texnologiyalari fakulteti dekani |
12 | Taniberdiyev Akmal | Jismoniy madaniyat fakulteti dekani |
13 | Komilov Jamoliddin | Pedagogika fakulteti dekani |
14 | Shernazarov Farxod | Tibbiyot fakulteti dekani |
15 | Pozilov Abduvoit | Biologiya kafedrasi professori |
16 | Qarshiboyev Hazratqul | Botanika va dorivor o‘simliklar kafedrasi professori |
17 | Samadov G‘ulom | Fizika kafedrasi dotsenti |
18 | Mahmudov Ravshan | Milliy g‘oya, ma’naviyat asoslari va huquq ta’limi kafedrasi professori |
19 | Yunusov Oybek | Biologiya kafedrasi mudiri |
20 | Abduraxmonova O‘g‘iloy | Kimyo kafedrasi mudiri |
21 | Musurmonov Alisher | Agrotuproqshunoslik va melioratsiya kafedrasi mudiri |
22 | Botirova Laziza | Botanika va dorivor o‘simliklar kafedrasi mudiri |
23 | Qarshiboyeva Lola | Ekologiya va geografiya kafedrasi mudiri |
24 | To‘raqulov Mamaraym | Qishloq xo‘jalik mahsulotlarini qayta ishlash texnologiyalari kafedrasi mudiri |
25 | Uzaydullayev Akmaljon | Oziq-ovqat texnologiyalari kafedrasi mudiri |
26 | Maksudov Ravshan | To‘qimachilik va yengil sanoat kafedrasi mudiri |
27 | Kenjayev Shavkat | Ijtimoiy fanlar kafedrasi |
28 | Mavlyanov Umid | Tarix kafedrasi mudiri |
29 | Sattorqulov Obidqul | Iqtisodiyot kafedrasi mudiri |
30 | Tursunmaxatov Kaxramon | Fizika kafedrasi mudiri |
31 | Gaibnazarov Olimjon | Matematika kafedrasi mudiri |
32 | Tishlikov Sulton | Amaliy matematika va axborot texnologiyalari kafedrasi mudiri |
33 | Õo‘jakulov Boxodir | An'anaviy xonandalik va cholg'u ijrochiligi kafedrasi mudiri |
34 | Berikboyev Alisher | Amaliy san'at va dizayn kafedrasi mudiri |
35 | Raximov Baxtiyor | Boshlang‘ich ta’lim metodikasi kafedrasi mudiri |
36 | Toshtemirov Doniyor | Pedagogika va psixologia kafedrasi mudiri |
37 | Muxliboyev Maxmud | Texnologik va maktabgacha ta’lim kafedrasi mudiri |
38 | Uzoqov Akram | Rus tili va adabiyoti kafedrasi mudiri |
39 | Pozilov Abdushohid | Ingliz tili va adabiyoti kafedrasi mudiri |
40 | Mamatqulov Muzaffar | O‘zbek adabiyotshunosligi kafedrasi mudiri |
41 | Axrorov Alisher | O‘zbek tilshunosligi kafedrasi mudiri |
42 | Abdurazzoqova Shohida | Fakultetlararo chet tili kafedrasi mudiri |
43 | Omonboyev Berdiyor | Jismoniy madaniyat nazariyasi va metodikasi kafedrasi mudiri |
44 | Sultonov Shuxrat | Sport turlarini o‘qitish metodikasi kafedrasi mudiri |
45 | Abduraxmonov Qarshixon | Umumiy tibbiyot kafedrasi mudiri |
46 | Latipov Murodali | Sirtqi bo‘lim boshlig‘i |
47 | Islikov Sayid | Masofaviy ta’lim kafedrasi mudiri |
48 | Sulaymonov Amaliddin | Jismoniy va yuridik shaxslarning murojaati bilan ishlash, nazorat va monitoring bo‘limi boshlig‘i |
49 | Japaqov Norboy | Marketing bo‘limi boshlig‘i |
50 | Xudoyberdiyev Ikrom | O‘quv-uslubiy boshqarma boshlig‘i |
51 | Matrasulov Bahodir | Ta’lim sifatini nazorat qilish bo‘limi boshlig‘i |
52 | Djurayev Mansur | Ilmiy bo‘lim boshlig‘i |
53 | Yusufaliyev Abdurahmon | Kasaba uyushma qo‘mitasi raisi |
54 | Sultonova Nigora | Xotin-qizlar kengashi raisi |
55 | Pardayev Munavvar | “Universitet ovozi” gazetasi bosh muharriri |
56 | Xakimjonov Baxodir | Akademik litsey direktori |
57 | Qudratov Baxtiyor | Guliston Agrotexnologiyalari texnikumi direktori |
58 | Muydinov Sirojiddin | Oqoltin sanoat texnikumi direktori |
59 | Abduraxmonov Îbidjon | Xodimlar bo‘limi boshlig‘i |
60 | Xamzayev Baxodir | Korruptsiyaga qarshi kurashish, “Kompleans nazorat” bo‘limi boshlig‘i |
61 | Samadov Bobur | Matbuot kotibi |
62 | Burxiyev Olim | RTTM boshlig‘i |
63 | Norimova Guljahon | Xalqaro aloqalar bo‘limi boshlig‘i |
64 | Zikriyayev Faxriddin | Yoshlar ittifoqi universitet yetakchisi |
65 | Abdurasulov Shermuxammad | Bo‘lim boshlig‘i, Kengash kotibi |
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EntranceUnified electronic system of coordination of postgraduate education
EntranceGetting a contract for a second specialty
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EntranceA set of subjects for which a test is taken in accordance with the directions of undergraduate education