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No. 890-K, dated 03.12.2018
Gulistan City
Admission to base doctoral studies (PhD) for 2019, doctorate courses -
about transferring to doctoral degree and course
The Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan from May 22, 2017 "On Measures for Further Improvement of Postgraduate Education System" and the Resolution of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan ¹ 87-03-3424 of September 28, 2018 to ensure that
B u yu m a n n:
1. All prorectors, heads of divisions, deans of faculties and heads of departments:
- The resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan from May 22, 2017 "About measures on further enhancement of the postgraduate education system" and the resolution of the Ministry of the higher and secondary vocational education of the Republic of Uzbekistan from September 28, 2018 N 87-03-3424 to ensure that the applicants from the 15 th of September till 15 th October of this year are enrolled in the base doctorate (PhD) in 2019 and the entrance examinations by the leading scientists from November 1 to November 25, 2018.
2. According to the Resolution of the University Council No.4 dated November 26, 201 applicants who have successfully passed entrance examinations should be admitted to the 1st course of the base doctoral PhD and directed by the following leading scientists:
1. Uzaydullayev Akmal Olimovich. 02.00.17- Doctorate (PhD) dissertation on the topic: "Technology of juice concentrate production in local varieties of pomegranate varieties" on specialty "Agricultural and food processing". Scientific supervisor, t. f. n, dos Sattorov Karim Karshiyevich.
Abdurasulova Surayyo Shavkat's daughter. Doctorate (PhD) dissertation on the theme "Ecology and economic importance of the fauna of terrestria Nuda fauna in the territory of Uzbekistan" on the specialty 03.00.06-Zoology. Scientific supervisor, Ph.D., professor Pozilov Abduvayet.
3. Yusufaliev Olim Abdurahmonovich. PhD thesis on the theme: "The ways of improving the quality and effectiveness of human capital in the conditions of innovative economy formation" on the specialty 08.00.01-Economics. Scientific supervisor, Prof. Gafurov Ubaydullo Vakhobovich.
4. Boriboyev Erkinjon Norboy uulu. PhD dissertation on the theme: "Perspectives of development of the pension system in Uzbekistan" on the specialty 08.00.01-Economics. Scientific adviser, Professor, Professor Omonov Akrom Abdunazarovich.
5. Obilov Mirkomil Rashidovich. PhD dissertation on the theme: "The direction of increasing the level of financial literacy of the population in ensuring the socio-economic development of the country" on the specialty 08.00.01 - Economic theory. Scientific supervisor, Prof. Gafurov Ubaydullo Vakhobovich.
6. Tuychiyev Abdunabi Hudoyberdiyevich. Doctorate (PhD) dissertation on the theme "The subject of the image and the character in the works of Nurali Kabul" on the specialty 10.00.02 - Uzbek literature. Scientific supervisor, Ph.D., prof Rakhimjonov Nuaman.
Mamatkulov Davron Abdugapporovich. Doctorate (PhD) dissertation on the topic "Theory of development of anaerobic resistance in practice of volleyball" on the specialty 13.00.04 - Theory and methodology of physical training and sports. Scientific supervisor, Ph.D., dos Bairbekov Mamatkul Gaimnazarovich.
8. Dustnazarov Sardor Bakhtiyor oglu. Doctorate (PhD) dissertation on the theme: "Differential Dynamics System Processes in the Process of Rationalization and Tactics" on the specialty 01.01.02 - Differential Equations. The academic supervisor, PhD, academician Abdulla Agzamov will be appointed.
9. Komilov Mirziyo Mirkomilovich. PhD dissertation on the theme "Investigation of degeneration characteristics of solar cells in the conditions of Uzbekistan" on the specialty 01.04.10-Semiconductor Physics. Scientific adviser, dos Odamov Umarboy Omanovich appointed.
10. Djurayev Mansur Egamberdiyevich. 11.00.01 - "Meliorativ appraisal of dynamic processes in landscape morphological structures" (Ph.D.) in the specialty "Geography and Geography of Landscape Geography" on the theme "Mirzachul natural geographical county". Scientific Advisor, Ph.D., Dos Khalikov Rakhimjon.
3. The following doctoral candidates (PhD) trainees are required to take the course and provide them with a grant equal to the base salary of the trainee-researcher from January 1, 2019:
From the 1st year to the 2nd course:
Shapullatov Utkirjon Mukhammadiyevich. 02.00.10 - Bioorganic chemistry specialization direction. Scientific supervisor, doctor of philosophical sciences, Professor Habibjon Hojiboboevich Kushev.
2. Almamatov Bakhrom Uktamovich. 03.00.12 - Biotechnology specialization direction. Scientific supervisor, doctor of philosophical sciences, Professor Habibjon Hojiboboevich Kushev.
3. Ergasheva Farogat Sheraliyevna. 03.00.07-Direction of specialization of physiology and biochemistry of plants. Scientific supervisor, doctor of philosophical sciences, Professor Habibjon Hojiboboevich Kushev.
4. Toshboyev Bekzod Baxtiyorovich. 08.00.01 - Economics of the theory of specialization. Scientific supervisor, candidate of economic sciences, docent Obidkul Sattorkulov.
5. Obidova Zuhra Nasriddinovna. 01.04.00 - The direction of Physics. Ph.D., Professor Maxammadrasul Djurayev, Ph.D.
6. Samatova Dilrabo Yusufovna. 13.00.01- The direction of the theory and history of pedagogy. Scientific supervisor, Ph.D., docent Khabibulla Abdukarimov.
7. Mamatova Khilola Mukhitdinovna. Direction of specialization 13.00.02 - Theory and method of education and training (on branches). Scientific supervisor, candidate of pedagogical sciences, docent Bahtiyor Hudayberdiyevich Rakhimov.
8. Yusupova Nargiza Shakirovna. Specialty 13.00.04 - Physical training and sport. Ph.D., docent Mamatkul Gaibnazarovich Bairbekov, Ph.D.
9. Ismoilova Nozima Anvar's daughter. 03.00.07-Direction of specialization of physiology and biochemistry of plants. Scientific supervisor, doctor of philosophical sciences, Professor Habibjon Hojiboboevich Kushev.
10. Djurayev Tulkin Arzikulovich. 02.00.10 - Bioorganic chemistry specialization direction. Scientific supervisor, doctor of philosophical sciences, Professor Habibjon Hojiboboevich Kushev.
11. Mahmudjonov Zafarjon Murodjon ugli 03.00.06-Zoology specialization direction. Scientific supervisor, Ph.D., professor Abduvayet Pazilovich Pazilov.
12. Turayeva Dilnoza Nematullayevna. 10.00.01-Turkish language. Specialization in Uzbek Literature. Scientific supervisor, candidate of philological sciences, professor No'monjon Karimkulovich Rakhimjonov.
13. Abduraimov Azizbek Sultankulovich. 03.00.05-Botany specialization direction. Scientific supervisor, candidate of technical sciences, Professor Kamiljon Sharobitdinovich Tojibayev.
14. Nafasov Ganisher Abdurashidovich. Direction of specialization 13.00.02 - Theory and method of education and training (on branches). Scientific leader, Ph.D., Professor Barno Sayfutdinovna Abdullayeva.
Umarov Khabibullo Rakhmatullayevich. 01.01.01 - The direction of specialization in mathematical analysis. Scientific supervisor, docent Botir Sabitovich Zakirov, Ph.D.
Eshankulova Maudda Khabibovna. 13.00.01- The direction of the theory and history of pedagogy. Scientific supervisor, Ph.D., Professor Mamanazar Ergashevich Djumayev.
2nd to 3rd year
1. Berdiyev Gayrat Ibragimovich - 08.00.01 - The direction of the economic theory. Doctor of economical sciences, professor Axmedjan Atajanovich Mamatov.
2. Turdiboyev Dilshod Hamidovich - 13.00.02 - Theory and methodology of education and upbringing (on branches). Scientific adviser, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor Mamarejab Tojiyev.
4. Graduate from the 3rd year of the PhD, the following specialization will be withdrawn from January 1, 2019 and the scholarship will be stopped.
Dushaboev Olim Nazarovich - 13.00.02 - Theory and methodology of education and upbringing (on branches). Scientific Advisor, PhD, Professor
Mamarejab Tojiyev.
5. The graduate of the 3 nd course of the doctoral dissertation (DSc) is to be expelled from the doctoral dissertation on January 1, 2019 and the scholarship should be stopped.
1. Normamatov Sultonbek Ermamatovich - 10.00.01 - Uzbek. Direction of the Uzbek literature. Scientific supervisor, Ph.D., Professor Yormat Tojiyev.
Vice-rector on scientific work and innovations A. Sulaymanov and heads of relevant departments:
- ensuring the publication of doctoral (PhD) dissertations topics approved by the University Council in the timeframe established by the magazine "OAK Blutenie";
- Supervision of scientific supervisor's work with a doctorate at the university, for each doctorate in their total time of 100 hours a year;
- Development of the individual plan of preparation of dissertation work together with the doctoral candidate and approval of the Council within one month;
- Provide the theoretical and methodological programs for the chosen specialty by scientific directors and ensure that the Council approves within one month of their admission to the doctorate;
- Theoretical-methodological program, general concept and problems of methodology, theoretical bases and scientific research methods on this specialty, control over the use of the scientific supervisor for the first year of study by the basic doctoral thesis;
- The Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Measures for Further Improvement of Postgraduate Education System" of May 22, 2017 shall be charged with the organization of training of postgraduate students to Postgraduate Education Institute in strict accordance with the requirements of the Charter.
6. To the head of the personnel department Sh.
- to carry out the task of registration of new (PhD) doctoral studies in the prescribed manner from January 1, 2019 in accordance with labor contracts concluded with them.
7. Chief accountant A.Arazbokov, the chief of the planning and finance department D.Kodirova:
- Providing scholarships for PhD students to the Postgraduate Education Institute, starting from January 1, 2019, in accordance with which they will be paid in equal amounts to the basic amount of intern-researcher salaries;
- To provide the doctoral candidates, who are enrolled in the course, from January 1, 2019 in the prescribed manner to pay scholarships for base (PhD) doctoral students in equal installments in the amount equal to the basic amount of wages;
- Ensure that scholars and consultants pay their salaries with doctoral students, monthly paid hourly wages, and a monthly stipend for each doctorate at the University's budget for 100 hours per year.
8. I reserve the executive control of this order.
Principle: Modification of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan ¹ 87-03-3424 as of September 28, 2018 and the 4th meeting of the Council of the University on November 26, 2018.
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