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Alisher Navoi Tashkent State University of Uzbek Language and Literature at the meeting of the Scientific Council numbered PhD.03/27.02.2020.Phil.91.02 at Gulistan State University, which will be held on June 12, 2024 at 1000 10.00.02 - the defense of the dissertation written by Egamberdiyeva Kamola Ibrokhimovna, a doctoral student, on the topic of "Imagination and interpretation in contemporary Uzbek stories (as an example of the works of Zulfia Kurolboy's daughter)" in the specialty of Uzbek literature, to receive the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in philological sciences. will take place.
Scientific leader - doctor of pedagogic sciences, professor Yoldoshev Kazaqboy Boybekovich.
Official opponents: doctor of philological sciences, professor Nosirov Azimidin Normamatovich, doctor of philological sciences, associate professor Khamrokulova Khurshida Kuvvatovna.
Address: 120100, Gulistan city, Syrdarya region, district 4, Spirituality and Enlightenment Center building, Gulistan State University, room 105
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ID: 824 8348 8641
Code: 318
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