Total number of students
Full-time education
Full-time education
Master's degree
School of Master-Student
Mentoring School and its practical results
The renewal of the society of Uzbekistan, associated with a new stage of reforms of the accelerated development of our country, the implementation of the "strategy of action on five priority areas of development for 2017-2021"; moving forward requires activity from all of us, especially the younger generation – the decisive force of today and tomorrow.
The success of modernizing education depends, first of all, on teachers, their qualifications and professionalism. A modern university needs a professionally educated, self-thinking teacher, as well as the practical implementation of humanistic values psychologically and technologically. It should be a teacher who is able to participate meaningfully in innovative processes. An important condition for the development, functioning and improvement of the higher education system on the basis of modern economics, science, culture, technology and technology is the readiness of the teacher to integrate into the educational process.
The Master-Student Mentoring School can provide a young teacher with the necessary support from an experienced mentor, acquire teaching skills, and provide urgent practical assistance in the workplace. The need for such a solution has formed the Mentor-Student mentoring system, which promotes the assimilation of a large amount of knowledge, the development of life competencies, professional training, and the ability to establish industrial relations. We believe that the school of mentoring "Ustoz-shogird" works in the direction of pedagogy of cooperation, it is the work of a young teacher in tandem with an experienced mentor (coach). This includes the work of a senior colleague with young people who need the school's coaching methodology, science, and professional help and support. This can be done via:
- improving the professional level and qualifications of young university teachers;
- development of a positive attitude to educational activities among young professional teachers;
- the possibility of accelerated adaptation and achievement of expected results in teaching activities;
- Assistance in improving the quality of the educational process at the university.
This system is a roadmap that helps a young teacher to get acquainted with the activities of all structures and divisions of the higher education system. This is an example of the organization of imitation and pedagogical activity and the process of motivating a young teacher.
The mentoring school "Master-Student" promotes the development of managerial skills, the elimination of shortcomings of practical experience, the formation of personal qualities of a young teacher, and the improvement of the methodological basis for the acquisition of practical skills.
Teachers and students conduct a lot of spiritual and educational work with the students of the faculty. This includes holding round tables, discussions, presentations on topical issues of our time, joint visits to cultural and art institutions, such as theaters, museums, exhibitions, cultural and leisure centers of the population.
The ustoz-shogird mentoring school can make a significant contribution to the training of young professional personnel in the field of higher education and achieve good results.
Online application system for admission to the master's degree of higher education institutions
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