The Deputy Minister got acquainted with the progress of construction and repair works in the universities of the Syrdarya region
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The Deputy Minister got acquainted with the progress of construction and repair works in the universities of the Syrdarya region

Today, on January 21, Deputy Minister of Higher and Secondary Special Education for Economic Affairs Sarvarkhan Buzrukhonov got acquainted with the progress of construction and repair work in higher educational institutions located in the Syrdarya region.

 First, the Deputy Minister got acquainted with the construction and repair works carried out at Gulistan State University. Work has begun on the repair of educational buildings of the Faculties of Physical Culture and Agricultural Engineering, the construction of locker rooms for students in the sports complex and the improvement of the university territory. Responsible persons are given appropriate recommendations for the high-quality and timely completion of construction work.

 Together with the responsible persons of the university, the project of building a training center on the basis of public-private partnership on the territory of the Faculty of Education of the University in Yangyere was discussed.

 After that, Sarvarkhon Buzrukov also inspected works on reconstruction of the academic building Angarskogo branch of the Tashkent chemical-technological Institute. By Government Decree No. 573 of July 9, 2019, this branch was allocated the building of the former college, which is currently under reconstruction.

 The Deputy Minister noted the need for timely and high-quality completion of construction and repair works at the facilities, the use of local construction materials in construction and restoration work and the establishment of public control over the construction processes, and also noted that the Ministry is always ready to assist in resolving issues that may arise in this direction.

10085 | 2021-01-21 17:23

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