Proposals for the development of a strategy based on scientific research in the higher education system
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Proposals for the development of a strategy based on scientific research in the higher education system

We need to develop a research-based strategy for the higher education system. To do this, it is important to gradually establish a scientific laboratory or research center on the basis of higher education, which has a strong symbiotic relationship with the education system. The trained personnel should have a vision of finding quick solutions to the problems that may arise in the future in social life, in the production process and in all sectors in general. Our future success depends on building a strong training system. To this end, it is necessary to focus on the most important priorities for the strategic development of higher education:

Strong symbiotic collaboration between higher education and industry, that is, the emphasis on learning through practice. In other words, in the auditorium of the university it is desirable to conduct only lectures and training laboratories, practical training, internships on the basis of production. At the same time, the establishment of a department or a branch of the department on the basis of production will allow future professionals to receive guaranteed knowledge, as well as conduct research activities to address existing problems in the production base. This will be an important basis for the creation of an innovative "educational and scientific complex" in the system of integration of higher education, science and industry.

Professor H.H. Kushiev

8616 | 2021-05-17 12:07

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