The "Youth Forum" was held
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The "Youth Forum" was held

The President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Miromonovich Mirziyoyev said in a video conference on April 13, "Dedicated to further improving the effectiveness of state youth policy and creating a new system of working with young people." given.

In order to ensure the fulfillment of this task, 10 mahallas in Gulistan have been attached to Gulistan State University. In these mahallas, various clubs have been set up in the framework of the "Five Important Initiatives" to raise the morale of young people and the meaningful organization of their leisure time. In order to widely promote these clubs among temporarily unemployed youth and to acquaint young people with the University, a "Youth Forum" was organized.

Within the framework of this Forum, young people gain knowledge and skills in the field by experienced professors and teachers of the university in the circles organized in their interests.

Speaking at the Youth Forum, the rector of the university M.Khodjiev called on young people to be more active and make effective use of the created conditions. Representatives of Gulistan city administration and university professor R.Mahmudov spoke at the forum.

At the end of the forum, a concert program was presented by the artists of the Faculty of Arts.

7926 | 2021-05-26 09:46

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