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Gulistan State University In cooperation with the Faculty of Technology and secondary schools 31, 9, 25, 28 of Gulistan district organized a seminar on "Intellectually mature youth - a guarantee of a great future" in the field of mathematics, physics and information technology.
The event was opened by the director of the 31st school of Gulistan district RK Kadyrov.
Dean of the Faculty of Information Technology of GulSU, Ph.D., Associate Professor AA Kalandarov congratulated the organizers and participants of the seminar.
After that, the seminar was divided into three groups: the organization and implementation of virtual laboratories in physics (Sh. Ashirov and R. Daminov), intellectual games "Zakovat" in interesting and logical mathematics (D. Turdiboyev and S. Kholboyev), Cybersport (S.Kulmamatov and O.Yuldashev).
At the end of the seminar, activists were awarded with souvenirs.
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