Department of Social and Economic Sciences
Gulistan State University
Phone (0367) 225-40-42
Fax (0367) 225-42-75
Bizning shior: Universitet obro'si har bir professor o'qituvchi, xodim va talabaning or-nomusi, iftixori va vijdon ishidir.           Asosiy maqsadimiz: Eng yetuk universitetlar qatoridan joy olish!           Ilm bir shu'la, dilga tushgan on Shunda bilursankim, ilm bepoyon...


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Gulistan State University Scientific Index

Department of Social and Economic Sciences

The head of the chair - Usmanov Bakhtiyor Botirovich

Position: Head of the department

Education: Higher, General history of Uzbekistan National University (day)

Foreign Language: Russian

Phone: (0 367) 227 08 26


Reception days: Everyday

Cooperation with Syrdarya Region's Independent Institute for Monitoring the Formation of Civil Society is underway.

Professors and teachers of the department are regularly promoting socio-economic, legal and spiritual knowledge among teachers, parents and the public through the regional and national media. Problems of national and universal education, spiritual and enlightenment doctrines of great scholars are analyzed in accordance with the current period and circumstances.

The department plans to provide advanced training courses in the following areas in 2018:

1. History

2. The Principles of State and Law

3. Science in the National Idea category (Homeland, Homeland feeling)

4. Fundamentals of economic knowledge

The aim of the lecture is to increase the quality of the trainees' attention and to be interested in the profession of mentor. Therefore, the department is trying to develop pedagogical skills and apply it in practice.

The pedagogical activity of the members of the department in educational, spiritual and social spheres is highly appreciated by the head of the center and the state.  "Badges of public education" of Senior teachers B.Usmanov, R.Suvanov is awarded with many honorary titles.

Two professors and teachers have been trained in Turkey and China on the basis of the State Grant, exchanging experiences.

The department hopes to cooperate with all educational institutions, scientific community, production and academic communities to find solutions to pedagogical-psychological problems. Any of your ideas are remarkable and valuable to us.

Our address:

Spring District of Gulistan City

Tashkent str., House 212


The chair of "Methods of social and economic sciences"

The chair "Socio-economic sciences" was founded in 1996. It was ruled by Nabiev Abdurakhmon, Baratov Ibrokhim, Begiev Omon, Uroqov Boymirza, Karimova Ilmira, Garaboev Akram, Ulugbek Klichev. Now B. Usmonov directs the department of "Methods of socio-economic disciplines". Over the past 22 years, the members of the department have been doing their research work on various aspects of socio-economic disciplines.

The main scientific problem of the department is carrying out research work on the theme: "Improvement of professional skill of social and economic teachers". In particular, it is planned to conduct research on 3 doctoral dissertations. Associate Professor U.Klichev "Development of national craftsmanship in Uzbekistan", senior teacher R.Suvanov "The technology of raising legal education in system of continuous education", B.Usmanov, the head of the department, conducts scientific research on "Modern trends in teaching history." The faculty has published hundreds of scientific and methodical articles.

The main subjects of the department are:

1. Fundamentals of economic knowledge.

2. The normative legal basis of educational process in the system of public education.

3. Community development and education issues from the works and speeches of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

4. Theory and methodology of history.

5.National Idea of ​​Science (Homeland, Homeland feeling).

In the department of "Methods of social and economic disciplines" the teaching materials and lecture texts were updated. Assistant professor U.Klikhev, methodological guidelines "Problems of cadres training on home-based traditions", docent S.Ismoilov "Methodological recommendations of Islam Karimov" High Spirituality "and" Civil Society " scientific essay, essay, formation and development "by the senior teacher R.Suvanov for propagation of the 26th anniversary of independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan Senior teacher R.Suvanov "Methods of electoral legislation", "Legal basis of labor protection", "Methods of Amir Temur's role in Uzbek statehood history", senior teacher B.Usmanov "State and Religious Relations in Uzbekistan" To prepare manuals on "Theoretical and methodological foundations of world history teaching and ideological problems, moral threats and upbringing of competent person". In addition, all the above-mentioned subjects have been prepared and sent to the multimedia center. Regular use of the listener has been provided. These information resources are posted on the university portal.

Nowadays, the department is headed by Associate Professor Ph.D. S.Ismoilov, docent, Ph.D. S. Kudratov, docent, Ph.D. U.Klikhev, senior teachers B.Usmanov, R.Suvanov. The scientific potential is 60%.

11478 | 2018-02-13 11:20



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