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As we previously reported, on May 25, an international scientific-practical conference on the topic "Quality education and interdisciplinary approach: problems, solutions and cooperation" was organized at Gulistan State University in cooperation with Turkey's Istanbul Commercial University and Balikesir University, as well as Kazan Federal University. z started working. The plenary meeting dedicated to the opening ceremony of this international conference, which is planned to be held on May 25-26, was held in the Palace of Culture of Gulistan State University. The governor of Sirdarya region A. Makhmudaliyev took part in it.
In his speech, the governor of the region said that the Syrdarya region is becoming a scientific and innovative space in the conditions of the new Uzbekistan, and he always made suggestions for bringing the activity to a new level in the scientific and innovative field with Turkish and Russian partners, exchanging information and developing qualifications. expressed his support.
Also speaking at the opening ceremony of the conference were Gulistan State University Rector M. KHODJIYEV, Istanbul Ticaret University Rector Ö. TORLAK, Balakesir University Rector Yü. OĞURLU, Elabuga Institute Faculty Dean A. N. PANFILOV, Istanbul Ticaret University Vice Rector Ö. ÇAHA, Kazan Federal University vice-rector T. ALISHEV, professor of GulSU History Department M. ISHAQOV in their speeches emphasized the importance of this international conference, the fact that science and innovation are complementary factors, the issues of involving the experiences of foreign partners in the educational processes of Gulistan State University expressed an opinion about.
The conference will continue its work in the branch section until May 26.
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