Total number of students
Full-time education
Full-time education
Master's degree
Head of the department for organizing scientific
research activities of talented students: Abdunabiyev Bakhrullo Abdunabiyevich
Reception time: Monday to Friday (9:00-17:00)
Russian language
+998 902-77-17
Yorqin_niqroy @mail.ru
1.1 The regulation was developed in accordance with the requirements of the Law on Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the National Program of Personnel Training, and it defines the procedure for searching and identifying talented students, as well as the forms and methods of targeted work with them.
Talented youth is an important factor that ensures the social and economic development of the Republic of Uzbekistan and its rightful place in the global community.
1.2 Talented students are identified on the basis of special psychological and pedagogical tests. They are distinguished by their pursuit of knowledge and science, such qualities as determination and hard work, as well as having a free mind.
1.3 The main goal of the search, identification and targeted training of talented students is to train intellectual youth who develop the scientific and creative potential of the republic, and in this regard, to show and develop their natural abilities in the relevant fields of knowledge and specific directions of science, to realize their unique talent. consists of an opportunity creator.
1.4 Tasks of targeted training of talented students:
- paying special attention to the intellectual potential of gifted students, acquiring deep knowledge and developing their abilities;
- attracting qualified professors and teachers to individual work with talented students;
- wide involvement of talented students in scientific research works in the priority areas of science development;
- formation of university monitoring of talented students;
- development of special educational programs and progressive pedagogical technologies;
- training of qualified, well-rounded young personnel who meet the requirements of customers.
2. Main directions for searching and identification of talented students and their activities;
2.1. At the Gulistan State University, the search for talented students is carried out from the first days of study, they are selected from the first year, and the work of directing them to the profession is carried out.
2.2. Talented students are determined by psychological and pedagogical tests, taking into account basic knowledge, and the level of development of their desire for science.
2.3. Targeted training of the identified talented student consists of the following educational and creative issues and directions:
- to study according to the extended curriculum and acquire additional qualifications (in the chosen direction: translator from a foreign language; computer programmer; teacher of a vocational college and so on);
- individual training according to the target program;
- training according to the in-depth program (fundamental sciences; general professional sciences; management, marketing, audit; legal sciences; ecology, etc.);
2.4. Based on the requirements of the customers, GulSU can define additional directions of professional direction, creative and educational training of talented students and introduce educational services.
2.5. Targeted training programs for gifted students include the following factors:
- mastering subjects at a high level;
- computer literacy and practical programming skills;
- thorough mastery of one of the foreign languages;
- effective use of computer and foreign language in writing course and graduation papers and master's thesis;
- independent thinking, expression of new thoughts and opinions, implementation in practice in the process of performing scientific and creative work;
- orientation to independent knowledge in the field and formation of features of rapid acquisition of news in the field of science;
- forming a patriotic, well-rounded person who can understand the internal and external policy of the state and express his opinion.
3. Selection of supervisors and professors working with talented students;
3.1. To teach and guide talented students, professors and teachers of the university departments with a scientific degree and sufficient knowledge of the targeted student training program are involved.
3.2. Professors and associate professors, highly qualified teachers with creative and methodical work experience, high ratings in terms of educational-methodological and scientific activity, and highly qualified teachers are appointed as academic supervisors for talented students.
3.3. The main tasks of scientific supervisors of talented students:
- creating a targeted training program for talented students and leading its implementation;
- to study the best practices of the leading foreign countries in working with talented students and apply them in their activities;
- wide use of new pedagogical technology, computer technology and video-audio techniques in the educational process;
- making proposals to the administration on material and moral incentives for talented students who are successfully completing the target program.
4. Organization of work with talented students;
4.1. Forms and methods of working with gifted students:
- individualization of education;
- directing students' intellectual potential and ability to acquire knowledge;
- creating maximum conditions for the development of students' abilities.
4.2. Identifying talented students based on psychological and pedagogical tests, compiling their list and appointing academic supervisors and advisers.
4.3. For the purpose of quality organization of work with talented students, it is necessary to maintain the following documents in universities, faculties and departments:
- Regulation of the department for working with gifted students;
- Work plan of the department for working with gifted students;
- annual reports;
- Rector's orders regarding gifted students;
- list of talented students by faculty, departments;
- mentors' recommendations on talented students and attached documents and photographs;
- active participation of talented students in conferences, Olympiads, contests, quizzes and its formalization;
- Decrees of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Decisions of the Cabinet of Ministers, orders and decisions of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovations related to the search for talented students and their targeted training;
- a book for recording letters and applications.
4.4. The educational-creative and educational program of targeted training is chosen by a talented student, and a personal curriculum and a plan of scientific-creative work with the control periods for its implementation are drawn up and approved by the order of the rector of the university based on the recommendation of the scientific council of the faculty.
4.5. The academic leader, in cooperation with the gifted student and the teachers of the subjects to be studied in depth, draws up an additional work program and a calendar - thematic plan.
4.6. Talented students who have achieved high standards may be given the right to freely attend classes in some subjects with the consent of the teacher, according to the recommendation of the Department of Organization of Scientific Research Activities of Talented Students.
4.7. At the end of each academic year, the rating of the ability, academic and other qualities of a talented student is determined and placed in his personal summary folder.
4.8. At the beginning of each academic year, the circle work plan is prepared by the dean of the faculty is confirmed.
4.9. At the end of each semester of the academic year, the results of the circle's activities reports at the department meeting.
4.10. Circle organizes activities with the talented students of the university and conducts on the basis of the Regulations.
4.11. The club organizes its activities as a Youth Union organization within the framework of education, science and production integration of departments together with institutions, enterprises and organizations and ISRs.
5. Duties of the department for working with gifted students:
- identifying talented students and organizing work with them;
- to regularly determine the intellectual potential of talented students;
- organize targeted training of talented students depending on their inclination;
- organization of classes to master a foreign language and computer;
- organization of involvement in fundamental scientific-research works, scientific circles, grant projects and author's teams;
- assisting talented students in publishing their scientific articles and putting their scientific works and scientific developments into practice;
- to ensure the participation of talented students in scientific conferences held at the national and international level, and to organize sending them to study and internship in foreign countries;
- special preparation of talented students for the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and state scholarships;
- organizing meetings of talented students with scientists and leaders of production enterprises and major experts;
- organization of professional orientation games for talented students;
- regularly conducting sociological research among talented students;
- on the basis of marketing research, in-depth study of customer requirements and providing support to talented students in choosing subjects that determine the market conjuncture, based on the bank of educational services organized;
- creating conditions for the use of modern information systems.
6. To encourage and reward talented students and their Supervisors;
6.1. Expenditures for the targeted training program for gifted students are made from extra-budgetary funds of the university.
6.2. Talented students who have achieved high marks and performed their duties diligently and on time can be financially and morally encouraged and rewarded by the administration based on the recommendation of the head of the department.
6.3. "Additional incentives for talented students can be expanded depending on the internal capabilities of the university.
6.4. The customer enterprise, organization and institution can assign additional scholarships to talented students.
6.5. Academic supervisors, consultants and teachers who have achieved high results in working with gifted students (winners in Olympiads, contests, students' scientific work reviews, published scientific articles, etc.) are recommended by the "Department of Working with Gifted Students" to receive the following incentives and awards:
- publishing a letter of thanks by order of the ministry and higher education institution;
- setting an additional monthly salary (if the overall rating is also high);
- reward in the amount of three months' salary at the end of the academic year;
- recommendation for honorary titles;
- sending abroad for internship and exchange of experience;
- providing a referral to resorts and sanatoriums;
- the ordering organization can assign additional monthly salary to academic supervisors, advisers and teachers of talented students.
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