Total number of students
Full-time education
Full-time education
Master's degree
Head of the Registrar's Office : Kudratov Davletbek Turdibekovich
Russian, English languages
+99(899) 476-03-06
davlat1984@gmail.com, qudratovdavlatbek@gmail.com
2001-2003 - Worker at the Turdibek ota farm in the Yangiabad district of the Jizzakh region
2003-2007 - Student at the Faculty of History of the Gulistan State University
2007-2010 - History teacher at the Gulistan Academic Lyceum at the Gulistan State University
2010-2011 - Head of the Department of the Syrdarya Regional Council of UzLiDeP
2011-2017 - Head of the Department of Social Sciences and Humanities, Gulistan Academic Lyceum at Gulistan State University
2017-2022 - Head of the Department of Social Sciences and Humanities, Academic Lyceum of Gulistan State University
2022-2023 - Deputy Director for Youth Affairs, Academic Lyceum of Gulistan State University
2023 2024 - Lecturer in the Department of History, Faculty of Psychology and Social Sciences, Gulistan State University
2024y-2025y - Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs, Faculty of Psychology and Social Sciences, Gulistan State University
Head of the Registrar's Office since January 3, 2025.
Institute for Retraining and Advanced Training of Personnel in the Higher Education System From November 4, 2024 to November 30, 2024
History of Uzbekistan, Coverage of the history of the khanate period in written sources, Special sciences, Source studies and historiography.
Head of Database Department : Khasanov Bakhrom Boktiboevich
Turkish, Russian
: xbahrom@gmail.com
2005-2009 - Student of Gulistan State University
2008-2011 - Youth initiatives "Voice of the Future" assistant coordinator of the branch of the Center of the Syrdarya region
2011-2013 - Youth initiatives "Voice of the Future" coordinator of the branch of the Center of the Syrdarya region
2014-2014 - Information Technology Center of Gulistan State University, local network and bank administrator
2014-2016 - Master's student of Gulistan State University
2016-2017 - Information Technology Center of Gulistan State University, local network and bank administrator
2017-2021 - Information Technology Center of Gulistan State University, Head of the Department "implementation of information systems"
2021-2022 - Center for Digital Educational Technologies of Gulistan State University, Head of the Department “Implementation of Digital Educational Technologies”
2022-2025 - Educational and Methodological Department of Gulistan State University, Educational Credit Chief Specialist of the System Administration Sector
2025. – Hv - Head of the Database Department of the Registrar's Office of Gulistan State University
Network center for retraining and advanced training of teaching staff at the Tashkent University of Information Technologies, Information Systems and Technologies (by industry and sector) 03/01 - Until 03/30/2025
Information and communication technologies in agriculture, medicine information technologies
Head of the Student Services Department : Shapulatov Utkirzhon Mukhammadievich
Russian, English languages
+99(899) 537-15-87
2008-2012. - Student of Gulistan State University
2013-2014. - Chemistry teacher at Pakhtakor Professional College of Consumer Services.
2014 -2016. - Master's student of Gulistan State University
2017-2018. - Head of the Chemistry Department of Gulistan State University
2018-2020. - Postgraduate student of the Chemistry Faculty of Gulistan State University, specializing in 02.00.10-bioorganic chemistry.
2020-2024. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Biological Sciences, Chemistry Department, Gulistan State University
2024 A.D. Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Gulistan State University
Head of the Student Affairs Department, Registry, since January 3, 2025
Institute for Retraining and Advanced Training of Higher Education Personnel From October 2, 2023 to October 30, 2023
Computer modeling in chemistry, Bioorganic chemistry, Physical research methods, Analytical, physical and bioorganic chemistry
The functions of the Registrar's Office:
- The "Registrar's Office" of a higher education organization is a structural unit of the higher education institution that performs tasks such as forming a student in the system, providing educational and student services, organizing academic activities and ensuring openness and transparency of the educational process, preventing bureaucratic barriers in the system and generating analytical information, as well as optimizing the decision-making process.
-The Office carries out its functions in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Education", Decrees, resolutions and orders of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, resolutions and orders of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Regulations and resolutions of the Council of the Higher Education Institution, orders of the Rector of the Higher Education Institution, and the Regulations of the Registrar's Office of the Higher Education Institution.
-The main structural components of the "Registrar's Office" are as follows:
1. Service department (front office);
2. Database department (back office).
Types of services provided by the registrar.
1. Formation of a QR code diploma;
2. Issuance of an academic reference and transcript;
3. Formalization of documents of students who have transferred to another higher education institution on the basis of academic mobility;
4. Creation bypass sheet for graduating students;
5. Assistance in submitting an application for a duplicate diploma;
6. Organize the reception of appeals based on examination results;
7. Formation of a list of exams and submit it to the student;
8. Assistance in submitting applications for transfer and resumption of studies to students of Higher Education Institutions;
9. Assistance to the Higher Education Institutions in enabling applicants to apply online for admission to the second education;
10. Assistance in submitting online applications for applicants to enter a master's degree program at Higher Education Institutions;
11. Assisting applicants in submitting applications to add or editing information about their Higher Education Diploma;
12. Accepting applications for scholarships and various grant competitions;
13. Providing students with a reference of their GPA;
14. Transferring students' attendance to a reasoned and unreasoned status in accordance with the current regulations;
15. Creating a students’personal schedule in relevant subjects for students who did not take the intermediate and (or) final control for valid reasons (illness, illness or death of a close relative, maternity leave, etc.);
16. Accepting and archiving student documents;
17. Providing students with exam results;
18. Assisting students in applying for re-studies;
19. Providing students with various references (from the place of education, military service, etc.);
20. Provide students with a study sheet;
21. Providing students with information on subject resources;
22. Transferring students to the next course on the HEMIS platform;
23. Providing information on student achievement indicators;
24. Allowing students to participate in final examinations based on current, interim and attendance results;
25. Restoring students' passwords;
26. Editing students' personal and academic information correctly filled in by tutors;
27. Preparing and presenting student ID cards to students;
28. Transferring a student from one to another group;
29. External services: Synchronizing the list from the Register of Social Protection and the Unified Register of Students in the Women's Book;
30. Identification of differences in subjects in the curricula of students recommended for transfer, reinstatement or retention in the course;
31. Providing information about educational programs.
32. Assisting students in applying for dormitory.
33. Assisting in writing an application for a rental subsidy
34. Providing a reference in English from the place of study;
35. Providing information on various international grants and academic mobility programs (with local and foreign Higher Education Institutions);
36. Registering foreign students admitted to study in the electronic system and assigning them to subjects;
37. Providing consultation on studying at foreign universities;
38. Providing visa services for foreign students;
39. Providing payment agreements for foreign students;
40. Providing services for temporary registration of foreign students in the Republic of Uzbekistan;
41. Providing consultation on the admission of foreign students, accepting applications and required documents for consideration;
42. Issuing a contract for re-study;
43. Issuing a contract and a referral letter for a dormitory
44. Issuing a reference of scholarship
45. Issuing an account reference
46. Assisting students in applying for a payment agreement;
47. Providing information about the student's debt and entitlement under the dormitory agreement;
48. Providing information about the student's debt and entitlement under the re-study agreement;
49. Providing information about the student's debt and entitlement under the payment agreement;
50. Providing information about the amount of the payment agreement;
51. Providing additional information about future jobs to graduates, assistance in conducting job fairs.
52. Provide information about grants and competitions
Online application system for admission to the master's degree of higher education institutions
EntranceInformation system for accounting of services provided to students on a contractual basis
EntranceUnified electronic system of coordination of postgraduate education
EntranceGetting a contract for a second specialty
EntranceApplication for accommodation in a student dormitory (for 1st year students)
EntranceList of interactive services
EntranceIT Park-the locomotive of the IT sphere of Uzbekistan
EntranceSend an appeal
EntranceMaster the professions of the future!
EntranceList of benefits granted to higher education institutions to access undergraduate education links
EntranceA set of subjects for which a test is taken in accordance with the directions of undergraduate education